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#126 2014-04-19 13:48:41

From: London, UK
Registered: 2013-06-28
Posts: 2,164

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

fluancefg wrote:

Ok, thank you. It seems to be an old issue, strange that I did not see those error messages before today. But the issue has been closed, is there then a bug report for that ?

I haven't seen one. Since this has been going on for a long time, I should probably create one on the Arch Bugtracker.

I'll do this later. I need to actually do some study for today.

If someone beats me to the punch, report it against PAM, not cinnamon-screensaver, quoting the Cinnamon Screensaver github link.

Last edited by clfarron4 (2014-04-19 14:29:55)

Claire is fine.
Problems? I have dysgraphia, so clear and concise please.
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#127 2014-04-19 15:28:48

Registered: 2013-03-11
Posts: 49

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

keyboard applet shows, you just need to re-add layouts


#128 2014-04-20 07:34:09

Registered: 2014-01-27
Posts: 10

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

Looks like the Xorg using 50% CPU under lock screen issues is kinda fixed, although the pull request to the upstream is still open.

However, comparing to gnome 3.12, cinnamon is till using more CPU resources in idle, but I am not sure if it is possible to fix.


#129 2014-04-21 11:08:35

Registered: 2014-03-23
Posts: 32

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

@gadelat You're right, the keyboard layouts disappeared, that's why I did not see the applet anymore.


#130 2014-04-21 13:16:29

Registered: 2009-02-18
Posts: 63

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

clfarron4 wrote:
cris9288 wrote:
Azrael85 wrote:

Cinnamon-settings-daemon, cinnamon-control-center and cinnamon-screensaver have just been updated, but the problems with the power applet are still there.

I thought that this was a problem with upower?

The upower bug was just closed as "not a bug". So could somebody who has a bit more technical knowledge than me (hi clfarron4! wink ) please file an Arch bug against the proper Cinnamon package? Apparently somebody will have to dive into the Cinnamon power manager code to make it work with the new upower. With the latest updates, not only the Cinnamon power manager applet doesn't work, but now the entire Power section of the Cinnamon Settings Manager fails to open, so no configuring screensaver or DPMS times anymore.

Last edited by sb56637 (2014-04-21 13:18:16)


#131 2014-04-21 13:56:19

From: London, UK
Registered: 2013-06-28
Posts: 2,164

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

OK, so I've put in a bug report against the cinnamon package, specifying which files I think are causing the problem:

Claire is fine.
Problems? I have dysgraphia, so clear and concise please.
My public GPG key for package signing
My x86_64 package repository


#132 2014-04-21 14:00:06

Registered: 2009-02-18
Posts: 63

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

Very nice clfarron4! Perfect bug report. Thanks very much.


#133 2014-04-21 20:18:56

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 18,291

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

If you really need the power applet you could try this hack that disables use of the functions in that were removed from upower ( checks are now done by logind alone )
In cinnamon-control-center/src/cinnamon-control-center-2.2.3/panels/power/cc-power-panel.c
fine the line   /* disable any actions we cannot do */ in the block below add ;// before || in the two lines in the block after that
so the block of code should end up as below

  /* disable any actions we cannot do */
      gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter,
                          ACTION_MODEL_VALUE, &value_tmp,
      switch (value_tmp) {
        enabled = cc_login1("CanSuspend");// || up_client_get_can_suspend (self->priv->up_client);
        enabled = cc_login1("CanHibernate");// || up_client_get_can_hibernate (self->priv->up_client);
        enabled = TRUE;
      gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter,
                          ACTION_MODEL_SENSITIVE, enabled,
    } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter));

then makepkg -e to have makepkg build the changed sources otherwise it will unpack the downloaded sources overwriting the change

edit for cleaner change

Last edited by loqs (2014-04-21 20:50:56)


#134 2014-04-23 19:01:33

Registered: 2012-10-26
Posts: 14

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

Actually the keyboard stuff is still bug-ridden. I’m using the Neo keyboard layout[1] which remaps Caps lock to Mod3 — and that’s not working any more. I did not yet have any time to pay a close look to this but wanted to drop it here just get it noted (if any other Neo user is looking for this).



#135 2014-04-26 21:26:46

Registered: 2014-04-01
Posts: 4

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

Is this why cinnamon wasn't working when I tried installing it? Or has it been fixed already? When I tried it earlier it just crashed.


#136 2014-04-26 21:49:57

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 18,291

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

Lukus wrote:

Is this why cinnamon wasn't working when I tried installing it? Or has it been fixed already? When I tried it earlier it just crashed.

Could you be more specific about what exactly is crashing?  Do not know if the issues with mdm and cinnamon mentioned previosily in this thread remain.  That is only major crash I can think of with the current packages.  Remaining issues for me would power panel of control panel causes control centre crash see previous patch.  Graphical issues: missing icons for keyboard and power applets.  Very minor issue: date time settings incorrectly shows ntp is not in use compared with timedatectrl / ntp.service.


#137 2014-04-26 22:32:21

Registered: 2014-04-01
Posts: 4

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

loqs wrote:
Lukus wrote:

Is this why cinnamon wasn't working when I tried installing it? Or has it been fixed already? When I tried it earlier it just crashed.

Could you be more specific about what exactly is crashing?  Do not know if the issues with mdm and cinnamon mentioned previosily in this thread remain.  That is only major crash I can think of with the current packages.  Remaining issues for me would power panel of control panel causes control centre crash see previous patch.  Graphical issues: missing icons for keyboard and power applets.  Very minor issue: date time settings incorrectly shows ntp is not in use compared with timedatectrl / ntp.service.

I would be more specific but I do not have the exact crash text. I moved on to gnome, although I would have preferred to use cinnamon.


#138 2014-04-29 12:53:27

Registered: 2009-02-18
Posts: 63

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

clfarron4 wrote:

OK, so I've put in a bug report against the cinnamon package, specifying which files I think are causing the problem:

Unfortunately this bug was closed and labeled as an "upstream" bug. I personally don't agree that it's upstream, because Linux Mint doesn't necessarily use upower 0.99 and therefore are not going to care too much about supporting Arch's upower version. I think if the power applet for the Cinnamon tray is ever going to get fixed it would have to be done by Arch devs.

Last edited by sb56637 (2014-04-29 12:54:54)


#139 2014-04-29 15:07:48

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 18,291

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

sb56637 wrote:
clfarron4 wrote:

OK, so I've put in a bug report against the cinnamon package, specifying which files I think are causing the problem:

Unfortunately this bug was closed and labeled as an "upstream" bug. I personally don't agree that it's upstream, because Linux Mint doesn't necessarily use upower 0.99 and therefore are not going to care too much about supporting Arch's upower version. I think if the power applet for the Cinnamon tray is ever going to get fixed it would have to be done by Arch devs.

This fixes the power panel of cinnamon-settings for me (was crashing without patch ) but I get no icon for power with or without the patch.  Patch should work upstream but not tested.

diff --git a/panels/power/cc-power-panel.c b/panels/power/cc-power-panel.c
index fb8e1b4..43bd2f4 100644
--- a/panels/power/cc-power-panel.c
+++ b/panels/power/cc-power-panel.c
@@ -934,10 +934,18 @@ disable_unavailable_combo_items (CcPowerPanel *self,
       switch (value_tmp) {
+#if ! UP_CHECK_VERSION(0,99,0)
         enabled = cc_login1("CanSuspend") || up_client_get_can_suspend (self->priv->up_client);
+        enabled = cc_login1("CanSuspend");
+#if ! UP_CHECK_VERSION(0,99,0)
         enabled = cc_login1("CanHibernate") || up_client_get_can_hibernate (self->priv->up_client);
+        enabled = cc_login1("CanSuspend");
         enabled = TRUE;

Issues with date & time panel and it not using timedated as upstream is not systemd yet are more troublesome have patch for that that works for arch though.
Still missing applet icons for me are keyboard and power.

Last edited by loqs (2014-04-29 15:30:51)


#140 2014-04-29 15:47:56

Registered: 2009-02-18
Posts: 63

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

loqs wrote:

This fixes the power panel of cinnamon-settings for me (was crashing without patch ) but I get no icon for power with or without the patch.  Patch should work upstream but not tested.
Issues with date & time panel and it not using timedated as upstream is not systemd yet are more troublesome have patch for that that works for arch though.
Still missing applet icons for me are keyboard and power.

I can also confirm that the patch fixes the Power settings in the Cinnamon control center but not the power applet in the panel.

I don't understand the comment in the Github page that says the power applet.js was "Moved power applet to settings API" about 19 days ago. Does this have anything to do with the applet still not working with the new power backend?


#141 2014-04-29 15:56:50

From: London, UK
Registered: 2013-06-28
Posts: 2,164

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

sb56637 wrote:
clfarron4 wrote:

OK, so I've put in a bug report against the cinnamon package, specifying which files I think are causing the problem:

Unfortunately this bug was closed and labeled as an "upstream" bug. I personally don't agree that it's upstream, because Linux Mint doesn't necessarily use upower 0.99 and therefore are not going to care too much about supporting Arch's upower version. I think if the power applet for the Cinnamon tray is ever going to get fixed it would have to be done by Arch devs.

Yeah, I requested it to be closed because the users at Fedora are having this problem as well, so it's an upstream bug.

Claire is fine.
Problems? I have dysgraphia, so clear and concise please.
My public GPG key for package signing
My x86_64 package repository


#142 2014-04-29 16:20:17

Registered: 2009-02-18
Posts: 63

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

clfarron4 wrote:
sb56637 wrote:
clfarron4 wrote:

OK, so I've put in a bug report against the cinnamon package, specifying which files I think are causing the problem:

Unfortunately this bug was closed and labeled as an "upstream" bug. I personally don't agree that it's upstream, because Linux Mint doesn't necessarily use upower 0.99 and therefore are not going to care too much about supporting Arch's upower version. I think if the power applet for the Cinnamon tray is ever going to get fixed it would have to be done by Arch devs.

Yeah, I requested it to be closed because the users at Fedora are having this problem as well, so it's an upstream bug.

But wouldn't the patching for upower 0.99 depend on each specific distro? Or is Mint planning on doing it?


#143 2014-04-29 16:58:21

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 18,291

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

in /usr/share/cinnamon/applets/ it takes the else path in _devicesChanged which might explain the missing icon but js is not my language

    _devicesChanged: function() {        
        this._proxy.GetRemote('Icon', Lang.bind(this, function(icon, error) {
            if (icon) {    
                let gicon = Gio.icon_new_for_string(icon);
                this._applet_icon.gicon = gicon;
            } else {

in /usr/share/cinnamon/applets/ seems to hide if only one language again js not my language

    _syncConfig: function() {
        let groups = this._config.get_group_names();
        if (groups.length > 1) {
        } else {

clfarron4 could you upstream the previous patch as it is still needed as I really do not want to create a github account just for that.  As for the timedate panel patches if its only an issue for me I will just keep patching it locally.
edit to add links to other patches in case anyone wants them.
Cinnamon control centre timedate patch Cinnamon settings daemon timedate dead code removal patch

Last edited by loqs (2014-04-29 17:19:59)


#144 2014-04-29 19:56:13

From: London, UK
Registered: 2013-06-28
Posts: 2,164

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

loqs wrote:

This fixes the power panel of cinnamon-settings for me (was crashing without patch ) but I get no icon for power with or without the patch.  Patch should work upstream but not tested.

diff --git a/panels/power/cc-power-panel.c b/panels/power/cc-power-panel.c
index fb8e1b4..43bd2f4 100644
--- a/panels/power/cc-power-panel.c
+++ b/panels/power/cc-power-panel.c
@@ -934,10 +934,18 @@ disable_unavailable_combo_items (CcPowerPanel *self,
       switch (value_tmp) {
+#if ! UP_CHECK_VERSION(0,99,0)
         enabled = cc_login1("CanSuspend") || up_client_get_can_suspend (self->priv->up_client);
+        enabled = cc_login1("CanSuspend");
+#if ! UP_CHECK_VERSION(0,99,0)
         enabled = cc_login1("CanHibernate") || up_client_get_can_hibernate (self->priv->up_client);
+        enabled = cc_login1("CanSuspend");
         enabled = TRUE;

Issues with date & time panel and it not using timedated as upstream is not systemd yet are more troublesome have patch for that that works for arch though.
Still missing applet icons for me are keyboard and power.

Could you remind me in about 24 hours time please? I'm a little busy now (just checking for dead urgent stuff right now).

Last edited by clfarron4 (2014-04-29 19:57:05)

Claire is fine.
Problems? I have dysgraphia, so clear and concise please.
My public GPG key for package signing
My x86_64 package repository


#145 2014-05-01 14:34:06

From: Wroclaw, Poland
Registered: 2013-10-20
Posts: 24

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

Hello everyone,

I managed to reimplement Cinnamon Power Applet to work with upower-0.99. It's available on my GitHub: Hope it will work :-)



#146 2014-05-02 15:25:35

Registered: 2009-02-18
Posts: 63

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

robin92 wrote:

Hello everyone,

I managed to reimplement Cinnamon Power Applet to work with upower-0.99. It's available on my GitHub: Hope it will work :-)

Thanks very much for your hard work on this! Works great for me.

Now, what can be done about the Cinnamon control center "Power" settings, which currently will not open?


#147 2014-05-02 15:35:47

From: Wroclaw, Poland
Registered: 2013-10-20
Posts: 24

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

sb56637 wrote:

Now, what can be done about the Cinnamon control center "Power" settings, which currently will not open?

It generally doesn't open or only from applet? If you can't open it at all maybe try running


from terminal and look for some information about what's going on.


#148 2014-05-02 15:52:13

Registered: 2009-02-18
Posts: 63

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

Loading Power module
/usr/bin/python2: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/cinnamon-control-center-1/panels/ undefined symbol: up_client_get_can_hibernate

So the Control Center 2.2.3-3 is still using the old up_client_get_can_hibernate. This can be fixed by using the 0.99 version check IF/ELSE.


#149 2014-05-02 15:58:10

From: Wroclaw, Poland
Registered: 2013-10-20
Posts: 24

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

sb56637 wrote:
Loading Power module
/usr/bin/python2: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/cinnamon-control-center-1/panels/ undefined symbol: up_client_get_can_hibernate

So the Control Center 2.2.3-3 is still using the old up_client_get_can_hibernate. This can be fixed by using the 0.99 version check IF/ELSE.

Frankly speaking, no such an issue here on

cinnamon 2.2.3-3
cinnamon-control-center 2.2.3-3
cinnamon-desktop 2.2.0-1
cinnamon-menus 2.2.0-1
cinnamon-screensaver 2.2.0-2
cinnamon-session 2.2.0-2
cinnamon-settings-daemon 2.2.1-3
cinnamon-translations 2.2.0-1
upower 0.99.0-2


#150 2014-05-02 15:58:11

Registered: 2012-01-13
Posts: 44

Re: [Cinnamon] Issues after update to Cinnamon 2.2 and GTK 3.12

It's not that I'm bashing someone, but it's not the first time things are pushed without being even a bit tested. This version is seriously messed up, themes are not displayed properly, same with applets (when they work), the settings window is sometimes not displayed. And I don't see any updates coming.


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