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Hey everyone,i'm sorry for commenting in 2017 but for anyone that wants a detailed step by step guide here's what i did to make it work:
Note: This tutorial assumes that the terminal you opened was root if not just type "sudo su" without the quotes.
1.Go to "" without the quotes and click on clone/download then click on download zip.
2.Go to the place where the zip was downloaded and unzip it.
3.Open a terminal and go to the folder where you unzipped the zip folder.
4.Now type "chmod u+x compiler" without the quotes.
5.And now you can use the compiler by typing "./compiler" without the quotes.
5.Now type "cp oroot /usr/lib/initcpio/hooks/oroot" without the quotes.
6.And also type "cp oroot_install /usr/lib/initcpio/install/oroot" without the quotes.
7.Now open the file /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and edit the line where it says MODULES="" to say MODULES="zram ext2 btrfs overlay" (Note: yes do include the quotes they are needed).
8.Also edit the line where the first word is HOOKS(Note: it should say HOOKS not #HOOKS) and find where it says encrypt or if you can't fin encrypt find udev after the word you found type "oroot" without the quotes.
9.Now save the changes and exit the editor also go back to the terminal and type "mkinitcpio -p linux" without the quotes(Note: this should be the last command you type in the terminal).
10.After this here's what you can do:
--To temporarily add a boot parameter to a kernel(use this option if you want to temporally boot with liveroot:
Restart your system and wait for the GRUB menu to show.
Now press the e key.
Go down to the line starting with linux and add the parameter oroot=<your option>(Note replace <your option> with you'r desired oroot booting process(live,compressed,raw,etc.)) to its end.
Now press F10(Note: you can also press CTRL + X) to boot.
--To make this change permanent(use this option if you always want to use liveroot):
Open the file /etc/default/grub with you'r preffered editor(Note: make sure the editor has root capabilities).
Find the line starting with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and append oroot=<your option>(Note replace <your option> with you'r desired oroot booting process(live,compressed,raw,etc.)) to its end. For example:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash oroot=live"
Save the file and close the editor.
Finally, start a normal non-root terminal and run:
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
to update GRUB's configuration file (you probably need to enter your password).
On the next reboot, you'r archlinux installation should be loaded into ram without having to press e and do all the other stuff.
To verify your changes, you can see exactly what parameters your kernel booted with by executing "sudo cat /proc/cmdline" without the quotes.
Also you can make changes to the device you loaded arch from by opening a normal non-root terminal and typing "sudo overlay_flush" without the quotes (Note: if you are using a usb,make sure it is connected,also don't worry if it gives mkdir/end of file errors it still will work).
This should make it work if you have questions please ask.
Last edited by Error1000 (2017-08-09 13:32:59)
Thank you for your contribution. The OP has not been around for some time, and this thread is a bit old now.
I am glad you have it working, so now I am going to use this opportunity to close this old thread.
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Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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