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Does the 3.19.3-3 kernel fix this?
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for me, it doesn't
Here's is the log from the time of sending the shutdown signal. maybe this helps: … 9dcac8fe68
Have you installed and configured tlp pkg? I don't know if it is included in ubuntu's default image but a laptop I had could not suspend without it.
Or use halt instead of poweroff and manually turn it off.
Last edited by ubone (2015-04-09 23:30:27)
Nothing so far has fixed this. Not kernal, and I installed tlp and looked through the wiki on it and saw nothing.
Hi Treyarch,
which Notebook do you use?
Could you post the result auf lspci?
I'm having a similar issue. Sometimes my laptop poweroff completely, but mostly it halt, and the screen stays on. There's no difference on using systemctl poweroff or using the ui of GNOME 3 which is my DE.
The laptop is an HP 15 f162dx.
The output from my last boot, it's this one. This time the screen was left on, with no errors presented.
The output from my lspci is this
The other relevant data I think is that I have dual boot, using EFI and grub, and I have Windows 8.1 installed.
Any help would be appreciated.
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero
I have no idea whether this is safe, or even useful, but you could try adding
to the kernel line. I found this in the following thread: … st11489205
Try this:
Modify the method for Arch, obviously -- I'm sure you can figure that out for yourself...
EDIT: Sorry, ignore this; the problem is different
Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2015-05-20 21:20:33)
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
I have no idea whether this is safe, or even useful, but you could try adding
to the kernel line. I found this in the following thread: … st11489205
Tried this one. Didn't work. I'll try the second suggestion next.
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero
I had the same issue.
I solved it by adding "shutdown" to the hooks in the mkinitcpio.conf and then remaking the initramfs.
Perhaps this may help you.
tfx_12 thank you, adding the shutdown hook solved it for me.
I have the same problem with my fathers Acer E 15
However, when booting with acpi=off, I can shutdown and the power goes off, although it reboots instead.
Following this thread with interest, will post logs and such after the weekend.
So after going back to Windows up until all that came with Windows 10, here I am back on Arch, and all these "solutions" don't fix my issue. is the lspci
Sorry for not providing logs, I never wanted my dad to run arch linux, but elementary os, so I focused on getting that problem working first. It also had the poweroff issue but I was going to come back to that after I got elementary working. My problem was that elementary os would only boot on random tries, it worked with acpi=off thought. A thread suggested that the BIOS should be updated. So I installed windows, updated the BIOS (acer only has a windows executable for updating BIOS). Installed Elementary again. This time the poweroff issue had been solved and booting worked flawlessly.
Just wondering, could this be caused by having Slim as my Login manager? Just stabbing in the dark here no idea or not.
So I added shutdown to the hooks, rebuild and nada, it doesn't bother me as much, it's just annoying that I have to hold a power button till it shuts down
I'm using GDM on a desktop computer and I have the same problem. It started approximately half a year (very roughly) ago. Before that for years powering off with archlinux was no problem for my computer. So every time I shutdown I have to press the power button for 10+ seconds to switch the computer off finally.
Same problem...
power off normally if powered on was less than 4 hours (approx.)
Last edited by tarasian666 (2015-08-27 05:56:51)
Still working for fixes on this, I narrowed it down to know it's not Slim doing it due to the fact it still does it even off the live boot media, so now I'm defintly thinking it's ACPI, but I don't know what would do it.
options root=/dev/sda1 rw i915.invert_brightness=1 quiet splash
Is what I currently have for my parameters, I'm using Gummiboot. So, anything else anyone has to help?
interesting, reboot works as shutdown in my case (only after long uptime, else it works as reboot)
Just posting to say this is still a recuring issue and I am yet to see ANY fix for it.
I had the same issue with my hp 15-r250tu. Disabling "pre-os usb3.0 configuration" ,or something like that, solved the issue for me.
Same issue here, in a laptop Packard Bell ENTF718M. Using kernel 4.2 in Xubuntu 15.10
Last edited by Zeioth (2016-01-04 22:12:22)
Year later still not fixxed, back on Arch again.
So does anyone have anything more to try? Or am I just going to ditch back to windows permantly.