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when i use the old conkyrc
i got a errorconky: std::bad_alloc
when i transport the old version conkyrc to new version,i work well for a while.
There's already a relevant issue on the GitHub concerning this kind of problem.
Does anyone have cpugraphs or net up/down graphs functioning? I've tried the new format and the old format and can't get them to draw correctly either way. I get the box where the graph should be, but no contents. Numerical output from, say, the cpu call still works so it's not a generic sensors issue.
If everyone else's graphs are working, I'll spend more time troubleshooting, but if they're just broken, I'd like to file a bug.
seven@NucNuc ~]$ conky
conky: Syntax error (/home/seven/.conkyrc:2: unexpected symbol near '#') while reading config file.
conky: Assuming it's in old syntax and attempting conversion.
conky: [string "..."]:150: [string "converted config"]:34: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 1) near 'x230'
[seven@NucNuc ~]$ . convert.lua .conkyrc
bash: local: can only be used in a function
bash: Usage:: command not found
bash: Tries: command not found
bash: Keep: command not found
bash: with: command not found
bash: should: command not found
bash: Altough: command not found
bash: convert.lua: line 22: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
bash: convert.lua: line 152: syntax error: unexpected end of file
not sure what the problem is.
I managed to convert my conky config and got it working. EXCEPT it now doesn't like any of the wireless variables. What I mean is that it works fine until I add the following line and with this line the whole conky window goes blank - no error message - it just doesn't display anything.
Upload speed:${alignr}${upspeed wlp0s26u1u4}kb/s
wlp0s26u1u4 is my wireless interface. And I can test using the following to show whether it's up or down.
${color white}Network :$color ${if_up wlp0s26u1u4}Up${else}Down$endif
That works - BUT as soon as I try to use any of the variables like "wireless_essid", or "upspeed", it just goes blank.
I looked at "conky -v" and it appeared to me that it has been compiled with wireless enabled.
Any ideas?
Which GUI are use?
I managed to convert my conky config and got it working. EXCEPT it now doesn't like any of the wireless variables. What I mean is that it works fine until I add the following line and with this line the whole conky window goes blank - no error message - it just doesn't display anything.
Upload speed:${alignr}${upspeed wlp0s26u1u4}kb/s
wlp0s26u1u4 is my wireless interface. And I can test using the following to show whether it's up or down.
${color white}Network :$color ${if_up wlp0s26u1u4}Up${else}Down$endif
That works - BUT as soon as I try to use any of the variables like "wireless_essid", or "upspeed", it just goes blank.
I looked at "conky -v" and it appeared to me that it has been compiled with wireless enabled.
Any ideas?
Hi infoslaw, I use xfce.
Thanks thought that KDE as mine, just fixed minute ago mine conkyrc and everything working fine now including wlan
Hi infoslaw, I use xfce.
Solved mine conkyrc issue. Just followed guide to convert conkyrc.
here is quick solution how to do it:
1. make executable /usr/share/doc/conky-1.10.0/convert.lua
2. convert your conky file ./convert.lua ~/.conkyrc
my after conversion start works smoothly
Turns out it's because I have ipv6 disabled. I believe this is a known bug and will wait to see if/when it's resolved.
Turns out it's because I have ipv6 disabled. I believe this is a known bug and will wait to see if/when it's resolved.
Looks like that's it. I've been trying alternatives, but I guess I'll just wait until conky 2 is updated to work correctly.
There is a very simple fix to this ipv6 problem that's been submitted upstream for review. Until it gets merged, I've made a package with the necessary patch. Please feel free to try it out and see if it works for you guys. As this is an "unofficial" package, please read through the PKGBUILD and ipv6.patch to see exactly what has changed.
Here is the package (on Dropbox).
$ tar xvf conky.tar.xz
$ cd conky
$ makepkg
$ sudo pacman -U <package name>
Hope this helps, and if I've made some mistake in my packaging or instructions, please let me know!
Edit: Of course, this won't compile if you have ipv6 disabled... I'll just report a bug in the Arch tracker and see if I can get the patch pushed through.
Last edited by infiniteh (2015-07-04 10:09:50)
Solved mine conkyrc issue. Just followed guide to convert conkyrc.
here is quick solution how to do it:
1. make executable /usr/share/doc/conky-1.10.0/convert.lua
2. convert your conky file ./convert.lua ~/.conkyrcmy after conversion start works smoothly
Thanks, this worked for me.
One thing though... I was still starting with "conky -b" as I always had and couldn't work out why I was getting flicker on "update_interval". Simply starting without any command line options fixed this! User error strikes again
Ryzen 9 5950X, X570S Aorus Pro AX, RX 6600, Arch x86_64
Solved mine conkyrc issue. Just followed guide to convert conkyrc.
here is quick solution how to do it:
1. make executable /usr/share/doc/conky-1.10.0/convert.lua
2. convert your conky file ./convert.lua ~/.conkyrcmy after conversion start works smoothly
Thanks this worked for me. Only change after conversion that I had to change was:
minimum_width = 365x500 to minimum_width = 365,
And then it ran back as normal.
No offense to archlinux packagers, but this is pure bullshit.
Learn kids, this is how you DON'T do things, or you'll be instantly fired.
yes , Im getting old.
Last edited by mangus (2015-07-04 23:05:51)
No offense to archlinux packagers, but this is pure bullshit.
Learn kids, this is how you DON'T do things, or you'll be instantly fired.yes , Im getting old.
Too old to adapt to upstream changes, obviously... … cs.2Frants
mangus wrote:No offense to archlinux packagers, but this is pure bullshit.
Learn kids, this is how you DON'T do things, or you'll be instantly fired.yes , Im getting old.
Too old to adapt to upstream changes, obviously... … cs.2Frants
Cmon jason let me vent a bit
No harm intended to archlinux sure, just not so good breaking things completely like that for me
Venting a bit is fine; suggesting that somehow the Arch devs are responsible is totally not fine.
Venting a bit is fine; suggesting that somehow the Arch devs are responsible is totally not fine.
Sorry Jason , I never meant bashing Arch devs
Im running arch since 2006 and I'm well aware of Arch policies, my mini rant was about the massive upstream changes
Arch devs following upgrade arch policy are totally fine to me
Did anyone get the RSS reader working? My configuration segfaults after a few minutes.
conky.config = {
-- work in background (disabled for testing)
background = false,
-- better fonts
use_xft = true,
--xftalpha = 1,
-- update interval
update_interval = 60.0,
total_run_times = 0,
-- window settings
own_window = true,
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_type = 'normal',
own_window_hints = 'undecorated, below, sticky, skip_taskbar, skip_pager',
own_window_argb_visual = true,
--own_window_argb_value = 0,
-- anti-flickering
double_buffer = true,
-- size
minimum_width = 200,
minimum_height = 1000,
maximum_width = 200,
-- shadows
draw_shades = true,
default_shade_color = 'black',
-- borders
draw_outline = false,
default_outline_color = 'red',
draw_graph_borders = true,
-- frame
draw_borders = false,
-- color
default_color = 'white',
-- position
alignment = 'top_left',
gap_x = 1920,
gap_y = 0,
-- misc
no_buffers = true,
uppercase = false,
cpu_avg_samples = 2,
if_up_strictness = 'address',
show_graph_range = false,
show_graph_scale = false,
--default_bar_height = 6,
--default_bar_width = 200,
text_buffer_size = 1000,
override_utf8_locale = true,
font = 'Liberation Sans:bold:size=9', --important for shades
template0 = 'Liberation Sans:bold:size=9',
template1 = 'Liberation Mono:bold:size=7',
conky.text = [[
${font $template0}ARCH-News ${hr 2}
${font $template1}#
${rss 15 item_title 0}
${rss 15 item_title 1}
${rss 15 item_title 2}
${rss 15 item_title 3}
${rss 15 item_title 4}
Did anyone get the RSS reader working? My configuration segfaults after a few minutes.
I also get a segfault with your config after a few minutes. Seems we have yet another bug to report upstream! I suppose this can be expected from such a massive rewrite. It's frustrating, but I'm still happy to see some activity from conky after such a long time.
coruun wrote:Did anyone get the RSS reader working? My configuration segfaults after a few minutes.
I also get a segfault with your config after a few minutes. Seems we have yet another bug to report upstream! I suppose this can be expected from such a massive rewrite. It's frustrating, but I'm still happy to see some activity from conky after such a long time.
Yeah, same for me. I'll post on github.
Just wanna pipe in, i too had problems on 3 arch machines w/ conky none of the pacman/aur update code worked ie:
${image ~/.icons/pacman2.png -p 14,0} Pacman Updates ${color1} ${execi 7200 checkupdates | wc -l} ${color} AUR Updates${color1} ${execi 7200 cower -u | wc -l} ${color #CCFF99}${image ~/.icons/arch6.png -p 164,-5} ★
i rolled back in the meantime.
Ancestoral Clan
Does anyone have cpugraphs or net up/down graphs functioning? I've tried the new format and the old format and can't get them to draw correctly either way. I get the box where the graph should be, but no contents. Numerical output from, say, the cpu call still works so it's not a generic sensors issue.
If everyone else's graphs are working, I'll spend more time troubleshooting, but if they're just broken, I'd like to file a bug.
The cpugraphs work fine for me.
My issue with conky 1.10.0 is that it quietly fails to run with network up/down speed lines (probably the ipv6 thing: I have it disabled, too).
Interestingly, except for the network issue, my old config works fine. I just get a message about it being converted when I start conky.
Since I like seeing my network up/down speeds, I'm downgrading to 1.9.0 until this is fixed.
infiniteh wrote:I also get a segfault with your config after a few minutes. Seems we have yet another bug to report upstream! I suppose this can be expected from such a massive rewrite. It's frustrating, but I'm still happy to see some activity from conky after such a long time.
Yeah, same for me. I'll post on github.
Thanks for feedback and reporting upstream!
What do I do if my .conkyrc has ']]' in it and new lua format looks at it like the text section ended?
conky just tells me "unexpected symbol when reading config file"
conky.text = [[${if_existing /sys/class/power_supply/ADP1/online 0}${if_match ${battery_percent BAT1}<15}${if_match ${battery_percent BAT1}<4}${if_match ${battery_percent BAT1}!=0}${exec shutdown now}${endif}${else}${execi 120 notify-send -u critical "$(acpi -b)" -t 5000}${endif}${endif}${endif}${if_mpd_playing}${mpd_file}${endif}${alignr}${fs_used /}/${fs_size /} | ${exec amixer get Master -c 1 -M| grep -oE "[[:digit:]]*%"} | ${battery_short BAT1},${battery_time BAT1} | ${time %d.%m.%y %H:%M:%S}]]