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#76 2006-07-03 16:01:35

Gullible Jones
Registered: 2004-12-29
Posts: 4,863

Re: Is it worth the hustle to move to Gentoo ?

iBertus wrote:

Typically, I avoid reiser-anything becasue I think Hans Reiser is a bit of an ass. That's another topic, tho...

Well so was Isaac Newton... wink

(I'm guessing that Reiser didn't go from middle school straight to UC Berkely for nothing, but apparently that has no bearing whatsoever on whether he can design a filesystem that works well in practice.)


#77 2006-07-04 01:22:06

Registered: 2005-10-12
Posts: 294

Re: Is it worth the hustle to move to Gentoo ?

Simplicity for me is the amount of patches applied by the devs...... It makes bug reporting far easier for example.

fck art, lets dance.


#78 2006-07-18 19:03:49

From: SoCal
Registered: 2006-06-18
Posts: 185

Re: Is it worth the hustle to move to Gentoo ?

To the OP:

Gentoo has the best documentation out there and their forums are filled with intelligent and helpful ppl (providing you ask your question in the right place). Users of other distros come to the gentoo forums for help since their forums are filled with unanswered posts and n00bs.

However, the configurability is extremely high but very very time consuming.  And if you dont have a crazy cpu its not worth compiling everything when for maybe a 1-2% hit in "performance" when you use a binary distro like arch.

I switched a week or so back and feel that arch is as fast as my gentoo conrad installation. Also now I can update my system without fear of it not finishing the update and without the fear of having a program updated which kills a dependant program. Many times I left my laptop compiling over night (emerge -avuD world) to find that the process had been halted at a package since teh ebuild submitted to the portage tree was screwed up.

I say stay with arch. Gentoo is amzing for learning linux and how to be an extreme ricer but for daily work and play, arch is better. I almost pissed myself when I installed gnome 2.14 in arch in about 20min instead of a day or more compiling.

In the end it all depends on what yu feel more comfortable with. For about 4 years I felt gentoo was the best out there for me but that changed last week when I got feedup trying to install a custom gentoo installation on my laptop.

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