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I use Eclipse-CDT and CMake. I like the capability to e.g. select a variable and ask the IDE to find its definition. Also the GUI frontend for GDB is a must for me (I never learned the GDB command line, even if it's on my TODO list since years...). Occasionally I use vim for quick edits especially on remote machines.
Also the GUI frontend for GDB is a must for me
Try gdb -tui
Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby
Also the GUI frontend for GDB is a must for me
Try gdb -tui
That seems interesting, but in my opinion a GDB GUI frontend integrated in the IDE has some advantages (like placing breakpoints with a click or getting the value of a variable by simply placing the mouse cursor over it). I can imagine that a GUI frontend might be limited in functionalities, but for my daily needs it does its job very effectively.
I was using Code::Blocks for the longest of times until I became frustrated with it. So I switched to Gedit and make. Once I figure out how to place *.o files into obj/ without using mv *.o obj/ in my makefile I'll be good to go.
I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder. As it turns out, what I thought was my greatest weakness is now my greatest strength.
Everyday, I make a conscious choice to overcome my challenges and my problems. It's not easy, but its better than the alternative...
Err, I assume that would be done with:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.c
Somewhat more elegant, depending on what you mean by elegant, is … use-vpath/ and the link to multi-arch builds, just without arch.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
As an emacs user, I can poke fun at it with the old cliché that emacs is a great operating system in search of a good editor ....
*ahem* Spacemacs to the rescue?
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
I usually use Qt Creator, even for projects which don't use Qt. I like that has CMake/qmake integration but still allows to control the build process quite well (you see what's actually going on). The auto-completion and the shortcuts to find navigate to a specific class or method or following header includes and method calls (to definition) make finding this very fast. The idea of not wasting time with organizing tabs by not having tabs works for me. Besides, it integrates gdb well enough. For Qt projects the designer, QML debugger and shortcuts to documentation are very useful, too.
For anything else (not C++) I'm using either Kate or vim.
And my personal build system ranking from best to worst (only including the build systems I have actually already dealt with):
1. CMake: Syntax looks horrible, but when you get used to it, you have a powerful, fast and well documented build system.
2. qmake: Only suitable for projects which depend on Qt anyways. Simple and intuitive to use but not suitable for doing complex things IMO. Will be superseded by qbs.
3. autotools: I don't use it in own projects, but other projects using it are usually built without problems (even when cross compiling). Seems to be good at feature detection.
4. simple Makefile: Works as well (but even for very simple projects I prefer CMake).
1000. gyp: Used by ANGLE and just horrible.
Last edited by The Infinity (2017-09-29 16:12:13)
As an emacs user, I can poke fun at it with the old cliché that emacs is a great operating system in search of a good editor ....
After some good ten years using emacs keychords, I'm now learning evil mode and I think that I have found a new editor to my EmacsOS.
I'm using vim as well, specifically neovim. For writing C++, a couple of plugins really help a lot: YouCompleteMe for auto-completion, RTags for jumping to definition etc. (ctags just doesn't work properly with C++), and Neomake to trigger the build and get the compiler errors into the quickfix list.
Pretty much agree with The Infinity. I find QtCreator to be quite great. I use it with cmake for non-Qt projects and with qmake for Qt projects. KDevelop also seems pretty good but I just got used to QtCreator so use it for everything.
That said I don't do C++ anywhere near as much as I'd like. I'm jealous of those who have jobs coding in it. Maybe some day!
I haven't done much C programming, but when I was learning for fun - used CLion. Mainly because it's familiar - keybinds and functionality is the same as in Visual Studio + ReSharper or WebStorm or Rider or AppCode.
(Neo)vim without any fancy stuff (no completion etc.) and plain makefiles for me. I hardly use a debugger and always have to look up the commands, but when I do, I use gdb.
Interesting to see people program without syntax highlighting, I never thought about it like that.
Since we're already on the vi vs emacs track, I thought I'd mention I use tabs for indenting and spaces for alignment.
At the moment I write pretty much all my code in Geany, for C++ and everything else, with a terminal or two opened to compile and run.
The article about syntax highlighting is really interesting, I never even thought of coding without it before. But it reminded me of that guy I help that's coding C++ with Visual Studio, every time some word doesn't show up the color he expects it to be, he's like "there must be an error", when most of the time it's just VS that hasn't updated the colors...
Last edited by the_krock (2018-01-11 18:32:36)
The article about syntax highlighting is really interesting, I never even thought of coding without it before.
That's an old article born out of people's natural resistance to change. I really don't think any serious developer would try to argue anymore that we are better off without syntax highlighting?!
I started using vi on Unix around 1978 and for the first 20 years(!) or so I didn't have syntax highlighting. I used to laugh at the young programmers on windows with their fancy color IDE's and think they were kidding themselves. Then we finally got syntax highlighting in vim around 1998 and I realized how much more pleasant coding was with it.
I remember once many years ago I was spending heaps of time looking for a bug in someone else's C code via a small black and white screen on an ancient legacy system. I eventually got tired of the small screen and awkward keyboard so I copied the files back to my linux laptop (via kermit serial transfer) and fired up vim on the same file I had been looking at only to see that the many pages of C code I had been looking through were all blue! I.e. all that code was actually ifdef'd out!
Last edited by bulletmark (2018-01-11 23:25:14)
That's an old article...
Does the age of a logical argument impact it's validity? In that case we should throw out geometry, Euclid is ancient! And forget calculus, that's old news, so clearly no longer valid. Newton is so dated.
... born out of people's natural resistance to change.
Maybe, maybe not. But that too has no relevance on the validity of the argument. Even if the author of it was not only resistant to change but also a child molestor and homicidal maniac, their points would still stand. I don't agree with their conclusion as I don't weigh out the pros and cons the same as they do, but to disgregard all their points this way is nothing more than an ad hominem.
I really don't think any serious developer...
And you top it off with a No True Scotsman. The nice thing about this fallacy is that your point is so readily falsifiable. Linus Torvalds has been reported to not prefer syntax highlighting, though I can't source this claim at the moment. Rob Pike, however, is down right hostile about it and has claimed to have the goal of getting rid of syntax highlighting entirely. I guess he's not a serious developer.
... would try to argue anymore that we are better off without syntax highlighting?!
So are you suggesting that there has been a substantial evolutionary change in human perception and cognition from the state it was in from 1978 to 1998 and now? Such that what used to be a useless and laughable add-on to editors is now of great value? I find it far more parsimonious to rely on demonstrated psychological tendencies of one to justify their own behavior. You used to laugh at syntax highlight, now you rely on it: you couldn't possibly admit to having been wrong, no the objective facts of human perception and cognition must have changed.
Last edited by Trilby (2018-01-11 23:50:38)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
...And forget calculus, that's old news, so clearly no longer valid. NewtonLeibniz is so dated.
As long as I am here, I'll state I do like syntax highlighting in editors. And I like DRC (Design Rules Checks) in CAD schematic capture and board layout systems. And I read compiler warnings to figure out if I am digging myself a hole. Believe me, I a human and make my share of stupid mistakes. Sometimes it is nice to get a little hint that I am not expressing myself well; either to other humans or to compilers.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
That's an old article born out of people's natural resistance to change. I really don't think any serious developer would try to argue anymore that we are better off without syntax highlighting?!
Let me introduce you to /r/ProgrammingCirclejerk, the idiocy that is Go language, the gophers and their idiot chief in command - Rob "Monochromatic is not problematic" Pike
Well, I mean Go is made by Google, and Google has only one good product so far - their DNS servers, so....
Last edited by Mardukas (2018-01-18 16:08:02)
bulletmark wrote:That's an old article born out of people's natural resistance to change. I really don't think any serious developer would try to argue anymore that we are better off without syntax highlighting?! … 0712064821
Let me introduce you to /r/ProgrammingCirclejerk, the idiocy that is Go language, the gophers and their idiot chief in command - Rob "Monochromatic is not problematic" Pike
Rob Pike is clearly a serious and brilliant developer who dislikes syntax highlighting. So shoot me, I should have said "hardly any" rather than "any". Note however that he is 62 years old so that kinda reinforces my first sentence.
when he was working on Plan 9
then google happened
And my winning argument - Go. Just look at Go. Look at it. Brilliant? In a way, like paintings of a crazie are brilliant.
Last edited by Mardukas (2018-01-19 07:42:14)
I don't use go. I have no interest in go. But it is a thriving successful project.
What have you made lately? (other than logically vacuous and inflammatory/derogatory arguments)
Last edited by Trilby (2018-01-19 11:42:56)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
In different years used gedit and codeblocks, looked at emacs and vim and find it confusing.
I don't use go. I have no interest in go. But it is a thriving successful project.
What have you made lately? (other than logically vacuous and inflammatory/derogatory arguments)
I once tried to use it to contribute to a project written in go, but I couldn't figure out how.
Turns out go considers unused functions to be a fatal error, and the only way to do platform-dependent logic is to use separate source files which are automatically linked via some logic I don't entirely understand. I found this out at least a year after I gave up, due to a conversation on #archlinux.
I concluded that either go is insane or I am, but then again, I still *use* go projects that other people write, and happily too as they provide functionality I like, so... I dunno?
I guess being successful is its own sweet reward for inflicting insane programming languages on the world, therefore I cannot bring myself to hate him. I wouldn't be entirely unhappy to be in his shoes either way.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
I use Vim as editor with YouCompletMe (installing YCM is a hell for me everytime I do it, but still... it's completely worth it). I compile with Make (I guess I could learn CMake but didn't find the need or want to do that yet). I use git and that's about it. Kind of basic, common setup I think, if you exclude the IDEs (I don't dislike them... but I sadly like Visual Studio the most, except for the space it takes, anyways it's unavaible on linux)
Vim, of course.