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i don't see a point to newlisp because most of those things can already be done with lisp. sure you'll need to get some libraries, but with asdf-install thats not an issue. also some lisp implementations support things like foreign function call. why did they have such a burning need to break the standard? if you are really that new to programming in lisp and are having a hard time you should look at scheme.
It doesn't look like a bad language, but I don't really see a big advantage to choosing it over a more well-established Lisp.
that was exactly what i was trying to say ;-p
Newlisp has merits all its own. I think I like it
because it is small, has a small footprint, and code
written in it tends to be compact and clear. Newlisp
is lisp-like, but it's not lisp, and it's not scheme. I
just think that if you look at it though scheme-colored
glasses, you may mistake differences for shortcomings,
and deprive yourself of a useful and enjoyable tool.
Oh, it's got a great community, too, which is a big
plus in my book.
Thanks again guys! This has been amazingly helpful, I'm really taking a liking to Ruby and I think in a bit I'm gonna start looking more into Python as well, before moving onto Java/C and the real hard stuff. I appreciate all the input, and I'm agreeing with the fellas who said that it's important to learn the language before jumping into GUI's
Tux has helped me close the gates!
Apart from the fact that I agree with most if not all posts before I would like to give a third cent to the two you already have.
The time back when I started to get into programming, I started out with huge goals and never thought of splitting them up into small pieces or to plan how to get the job done. Now when I look back I think that it's not always really necessary that you try implementing trivial things like calculators. For example you could set a big goal for you, then think about what you need and split that up into components. Then comes one of the most important things that makes a great a programmer: research! Try reading yourself into things that might be related to one of your problems. Choose whatever fits you best and then learn along the way while you implement a solution. Don't be afreaid, always be prepared to throw something away and start from scratch with a different approach. These failures will make you even stronger because you probably won't do exactly the same mistakes twice.
I recognize that while theory and practice are, in theory, the same, they are, in practice, different. -Mark Mitchell
The reason I think building small projects is good is because there's things you learn from completing a project, no matter how small it is. For one thing it builds up your confidence in your own abilities. For another, you learn how to structure your programs. Why jump into a large project right away when you don't even know how to stucture your code properly? I see way too much horrible, sloppy, horribly designed programs in the Linux world to tell anybody to just jump into a large project right away, even if you do just split it up into components. I've never programmed a calculator, like you use for an example, but I have done a lot of simple things like text editors, pong, chat, etc. I use what I learned about structuring programs and COMPLETING projects from those experiences to do large projects like some of the games I've been working on lately. It is very important to know how to finish projects.
It's just like in music. I wouldn't pick up a saxophone today and start writing whole scores for it tomorrow. I've been playing guitar for years and I'm just now getting to where I can write whole songs for it (that actually sound good). Get lots of experience. As a newcomer in the programming world you should explore the concepts that programmers use. My coding style is more influenced by all those little projects I did than any large project I've ever worked on.
We both have different views on how to start programming, and while I know you said goal and not project, you were suggesting to find a large goal and build components for it, which is not far off. It's up to the OP who to listen to here, but I really think one should take baby steps and build up confidence. Try out a bunch of different types of programs like networking ones, games, math, etc. Before I started making network apps I thought it'd be boring, but I now find it fascinating. If when I started programming I had a big goal of making a web browser and I focused my efforts on doing that it'd turn out very ugly and I would pick up so many bad habits. Bad habits are the results of people not taking their time learning their language and general programming theory.
Definately! This might be too hard though if you start with this. HtDP is probably easier for a new programmer:
I'm currently reading SICP, and it's *great*!
This course uses Scheme, which is a great language, but if you want quick results I'd recommend Ruby. It's not as elegant as Scheme, but it's great for scripting.