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KDE. Partly for the apps (Amarok, Kaffeine, Akregator to name but a few) and partly for the eye-candy.
pauldonnelly wrote:I'm trying out dwm now. I'm liking the way it has both floating and tiled modes as well as multiple workspaces. My only gripe is that windows are only resizeable by their lower right corner. What is this, OS X? I'd like to make it resize like Windowlab, but I don't suppose that would play nice with its point-to-focus model. More thought is needed.
That's cause the author made it to suit his exact needs. Just take a peek at the code and see what you can do ;-)
But of course. I'm just not sure I want to dump focus-follows-mouse to fix resizing.
okey dokey... i'm gonna try sawfish
wmii mostly but I have a configured WindowMaker just for the times when I don't feel like tiled windowmanaging. Which isn't often.
Todays mistakes are tomorrows catastrophes.
Gnome + OB3 combo
Been using fluxbox and E17 for a while, but are open to giving ratpoison a try.
Linux user #403491
"Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence– whether much that is glorious– whether all that is profound– does not spring from disease of thought– from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect." - E. A. Poe from Eleonora
sawfish may be lisp, but it's not very clean lisp!!
back to ob3
Last edited by stjepan (2022-09-20 21:49:05)
I keep switching between KDE and Openbox, right now I'm using KDE.
was known as 'Chestah' profile
I use GNOME. Used to hate it but now I like it alot (it just works). KDE no fan off, too bussy and I can't be bothered to slim it down. Also like XFCE and Fluxbox, but seem to always end up back with GNOME