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All problems have been solved very well.
Sorry for my bad expression.
Thanks again for your efforts. You are a master!
let me paste your code for udev run in X:
pid=$(pgrep -t tty$(fgconsole) xinit)
pid=$(pgrep -P $pid -n)
import_environment() {
(( pid )) && for var; do
IFS='=' read key val < <(egrep -z "$var" /proc/$pid/environ)
printf -v "$key" %s "$val"
[[ ${!key} ]] && export "$key"
import_environment XAUTHORITY USER DISPLAY
Glad to hear, please mark the thread as resolved by editing the title in your first post and prepending [SOLVED] or so.
I solved this problem by starting X with the +accessx 0 option.
Documentation here: Xorg • help
As I use LightDM, I edited the following lines of /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf:
xserver-command=X +accessx 0
There is no need to install xkbset.
Thanks for the contribution, but this thread is more than a year old and marked solved. Closing.