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( 37/105) installing fakeroot [########################] 100%
/var/lib/pacman/local/fakeroot-1.7.1-1/install: line 3: grep: command not found
updating /etc/ done.
( 38/105) installing zlib [########################] 100%
( 39/105) installing file [########################] 100%
warning: extracting /home/larchbuild/ArchImage/etc/ as /home/larchbuild/ArchImage/etc/
( 40/105) installing filesystem [########################] 100%
I've posted a bug report.
How do you create an appendable dvd?
How do you create an appendable dvd?
Something like this:
growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -J -R /path/to/data
growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=imagefile.iso
Just don't use the -dvd-compat option.
For subsequent writes use -M instead of -Z.
See the growisofs manual for further details.
If anyone's got a little time (and interest!) please test the version of aufs I've just uploaded to the larch repo. With a bit of luck it should fix some weird time-lag problems we were having.
If anyone's got a little time (and interest!) please test the version of aufs I've just uploaded to the larch repo. With a bit of luck it should fix some weird time-lag problems we were having.
Looks good so far:
- pacman -Syu is now working.
- pacman -Sl is producing the complete list of packages right after a pacman -Sy.
- I don't experience a "cannot commit" failure when upgrading or installing packages anymore.
- Save session is working well.
I will keep an eye on it the next few days. If everything keeps working I will use it in the next release of FaunOS.
FaunOS: Live USB/DVD Linux Distro:
New versions of larch (3.10) and pacin (2.7):
larch now allows (optionally) a customized mkinitcpio.conf to be placed in the profile, it will then be used to build the initramfs for the live cd. Please do not put any old thing in there - without the larch hooks it won't work! Take the version in the 'initcpio_larch' package as a starting point. This makes the ide versions of initcpio_larch redundant, and they will be removed sometime. The new example profile 'mini2' shows how to do this: aufs, ide.
I have reworked gen_repo to use repo-add from pacman, so packages with the new naming scheme should now work.
I'm trying out larch 3.9.1 from dev3a using on a Kubuntu gutsy system. I added [testing] so I probably got a later kernel so maybe that is the problem but when I get to the start init stage I get...
INIT: version 2.68 booting
Mounting system from boot device
and it just hangs. FWIW I also had to manually overlay pacman3 from current over larch/bin/* contents otherwise the included pacman would segfault with some kind of "floating point" error. It's pretty impressive to be able to build an AL liveCD on another system. Any suggestions to find the boot device for init ?
Update: Just checked on a coreduo intel Dell laptop, AMD 2800+ and Virtualbox, all give the same result. A Sabayon 3.3 liveCD using kernel 2.6.20 and initramfs works okay on all systems. Adding ide-legacy to the grub kernel options does not help, neither does noapic and friends... in fact nosmp fails even earlier on my AMD 2800+ uniprocessor.
Last edited by markc (2007-07-28 04:38:23)
It seems to be the 2.6.22-Kernel that does not work with the current larch-scripts. Got the same problem. I'm using kernel26suspend2 as long as larch will work with the new kernel again. suspend2 still uses the old 2.6.21 and works with larch!
now with 80% more sax-appeal!
"I hacked the Phrak, and all I got was this lousy signature"
It's working with the 2.6.22 kernel here. The only thing I had to do was to compile the aufs module from cvs.
FaunOS: Live USB/DVD Linux Distro:
It's working with the 2.6.22 kernel here. The only thing I had to do was to compile the aufs module from cvs.
That sounds like a better idea than reverting to kernel 2.6.21. Could you spare a few tips on exactly how to do this please ? Is it just a matter of pacman -S aufs for instance (which builds a new kernel, but how to apply to larch) ?
Update: I reread the above posting about mini2 and aufs so I just tried the mini2 profile and it seems to get past the the "Mounting system from boot device" stage but the next message is a bunch of "mount: unknown filesystem type 'aufs'" and then "INIT: cannot execute 'sbin/agetty'" etc, so it seems it's now just a problem with aufs and the etc.sqf overlay.
On my AMD system the boot stage does not get past the point where the kernel is trying to detect an SMP kernel (can't detect smp kernel) so it's not even getting to the INIT stage. FWIW I am also seeing this...
You seem to have installed a package containing modules
which aren't compatible with your kernel.
Please check that this won't cause problems.
Maybe you need the corresponding package
for your kernel?
/lib/modules/2.6.21-ARCH/kernel/fs/aufs/aufs.ko is owned by aufs 2.6.21cvs-3
Package: aufs
Continue? [y/N]: y
// Kernel version: 2.6.22-ARCH
// -> regenerating kernel dependencies
// copying cd-root to /home/admin/Desktop/Backup/Devel/larchbuild/cd
// copying kernel from /home/admin/Desktop/Backup/Devel/larchbuild/ArchImage/boot to /home/admin/Desktop/Backup/Devel/larchbuild/cd/boot/vmlinuz
// ... using vmlinuz26
// copying kernel config to /home/admin/Desktop/Backup/Devel/larchbuild/cd/boot/kconfig
// ... using kconfig26
// copying LiveCD profile information to /home/admin/Desktop/Backup/Devel/larchbuild/cd/profile.tar.gz
// copying additional packages/data to /home/admin/Desktop/Backup/Devel/larchbuild/cd/packages
// calling gen_larch_init to generate the initramfs
:: Begin build
:: Parsing hook [base]
:: Parsing hook [udev]
:: Parsing hook [ide]
:: Parsing hook [scsi]
:: Parsing hook [sata]
:: Parsing hook [usb]
:: Parsing hook [larch1]
:: Parsing hook [larch2]
:: Parsing hook [larch3]
ERROR: module 'aufs' not found
Last edited by markc (2007-07-28 05:12:50)
Sure, mate. Here are the steps to create the aufs module for the 2.6.22 kernel. You have to do this running in a 2.6.22 kernel environment:
cvs login (hit enter when asked for password)
cvs co aufs
make -f
This will create aufs.ko for the 2.6.22 kernel.
Now do the following in your larch environment:
mkdir /lib/modules/2.6.22-ARCH/kernel/fs/aufs
cp aufs.ko /lib/modules/2.6.22-ARCH/kernel/fs/aufs
That's it.
FaunOS: Live USB/DVD Linux Distro:
Thanks very much, this pretty well scripts your suggestion...
cvs login
cvs co aufs
cd aufs
make -f
mkdir /lib/modules/2.6.22-ARCH/kernel/fs/aufs
cp aufs.ko /lib/modules/2.6.22-ARCH/kernel/fs/aufs
modprobe aufs
However I suspect there is a bit more to it to get this updated aufs module into the larch build. If you look above at my previous updated posting you can see the error I am getting when doing a mklarch -p mini2 ... the aufs module seems to be missing altogether. Perhaps yourself, or anyone, could put up a simple working profile for a 2.6.22 kernel build somewhere public ?
Hmm, could be interesting to have a repository of larch profiles ! Even better would be under Subversion or Git somewhere.
Well, when gradgrind gets back, I am sure he will add an aufs package for 2.6.22 in his repo. Meanwhile you can create a package with a PKGBUILD that just makes the /lib/modules/2.6.22-ARCH/kernel/fs/aufs and copies the aufs.ko module that you have previously created into it.
The way I do it is a little different since I build FaunOS from a separate partition on my hard drive (no pacin). All I have to do is to make sure aufs.ko is where it is supposed to be in my FaunOS partition.
I also like your idea for creating a repo specifically for larch profiles. How 'bout good old CVS?
Last edited by raymano (2007-07-28 05:49:37)
FaunOS: Live USB/DVD Linux Distro:
Meanwhile you can create a package with a PKGBUILD that just makes the /lib/modules/2.6.22-ARCH/kernel/fs/aufs and copies the aufs.ko module that you have previously created into it.
I'm a bit lost with this suggestion. Say I created a PKGBUILD that emulated the steps listed above to build aufs.ko, quite feasible I think, then how would I make sure the package content (aufs.ko) is included into the kernel modules area that is installed within the pacin (larchbuild/ArchImage) area ?
The way I do it is a little different since I build FaunOS from a separate partition on my hard drive (no pacin). All I have to do is to make sure aufs.ko is where it is supposed to be in my FaunOS partition.
Is the separate partition so you can boot into the system and make sure it works, and tweak it further before it becomes the liveCD system ? Or, why do you do it this way ?
I also like your idea for creating a repo specifically for larch profiles. How 'bout good old CVS?
3 things, subversion doesn't require the login step so it's easier to script, there is a better GUI tool (ksvn for me), and it's possible to include other external subversion repositories from within a single invocation (not possible with CVS) so pulling in this mythical profile repo could also update a dependent larch repo, if one existed. Git is altogether better again becuase it does not rely on any central repo at all, every instance is also a potential master repo, also much lighter in usage than either SVN or CVS and there is also a simple GUI app called qgit.
FWIW my aim with larch is to produce a liveCD that includes larch and is setup to make it as easy as possible to create a new custom larch based liveCD, with some simple GUI options to do so... start with bash/kdialog, maybe Kommander scripts and eventually maybe a simple KDE4 C++ frontend, or use PHP-QT.
Update: Thanks for the hints about aufs, I managed to boot all the way after copying the system aufs.ko module created from the above steps into .../larchbuild/ArchImage/lib/modules/2.6.22-ARCH/kernel/fs/ then did a chroot .../larchbuild/ArchImage/ and a depmod, then rebuilt the iso image with mklarch -b -p my_profile. VirtualBox doesn't get past the SMP kernel check on my AMD uniprocessor box but it works on my Intel coreduo laptop.
FWIW I have noticed an error at the "Configuring System Clock" stage since using kernel 2.6.22 in general, /sbin/hwclock is segfaulting at line 236 of /etc/rc.sysinit.
Last edited by markc (2007-07-28 07:34:40)
Glad you got it working.
Yes. The separate partition I have is for booting into and customization. This is how FaunOS ( gets built.
I do agree that both subversion and GIT are superior to CVS. The reason I mentioned CVS was for remaining consistent with Arch.
Last edited by raymano (2007-07-28 12:52:42)
FaunOS: Live USB/DVD Linux Distro:
Here is a PKGBUILD for aufs from CVS at Sourceforge that works with a 2.6.22 kernel. Make a directory at /var/abs/local/aufs2622 and copy and paste the contents below to a file called PKGBUILD, cd into /var/abs/local/aufs2622 and run makepkg and copy the resulting pkg.tar.gz somewhere that you keep your custom binary packages where it can be included into the larch build using the custom repo facility (read larch docs). This is basically a copy of the PKGBUILD from community/aufs-utils with some additions from raymanos previous post about compiling aufs from the Sourceforge cvs repository.
# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.4 2007/07/17 08:38:04 dtw Exp $
# Packager: Mark Constable
pkgdesc="aufs cvs"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
build() {
export MAKEFLAGS="-j1"
cd $startdir/src/
msg "Connecting to $ CVS server...."
cvs -d$_cvsroot checkout $_cvsmod > /dev/null 2>&1
msg "CVS checkout done or server timeout"
msg "Compiling aufs module"
cd $startdir/src/aufs
make -s -f || return 1
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/fs/aufs
install $startdir/src/aufs/aufs.ko $startdir/pkg/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/fs/aufs
Hi, I'm back. I've uploaded an aufs package for 2.6.22, so please try it and let me know if there are any problems.
There is something wrong with the repo:
Fehler: failed retrieving file 'larch.db.tar.gz' from : Protocol error
Fehler: Konnte larch nicht synchronisieren: Protocol error
Cheers Sigi
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
There is something wrong with the repo:
Fehler: failed retrieving file 'larch.db.tar.gz' from : Protocol error
Fehler: Konnte larch nicht synchronisieren: Protocol errorCheers Sigi
That's probably having trouble with their servers. See
Server breakdown
Saturday September 8th 2007
Unfortunately one of our servers broke down last night. This means that mail-services is currently unavailable. We are working on a solution but is seems that we won't get everything back to normal before monday.
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
Thanks to raymono (the faunos developer), the larch repository is now available on his site:
He has also set up a forum for larch, see:
Thanks, i also managed to build a live usb larch while archie was down by adding the larch packages from /var/cache/pacman to my custom packs folder
I'am stock with "INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/agetty", I think it has something to do with aufs?
In my addedpacks I have put aufs and initcpio_larch_aufs in top.
Server =
in my pacman.conf
anything I'am missing?
I'am stock with "INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/agetty", I think it has something to do with aufs?
In my addedpacks I have put aufs and initcpio_larch_aufs in top.
Added[larch] Server =
in my pacman.conf
anything I'am missing?
Which kernel? Any other error messages?
Kenzu wrote:hey
I'am stock with "INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/agetty", I think it has something to do with aufs?
In my addedpacks I have put aufs and initcpio_larch_aufs in top.
Added[larch] Server =
in my pacman.conf
anything I'am missing?
Which kernel? Any other error messages?
Kernel 2.6.22-ARCH (standard kernel)
other error messages... hmm no.... don't think so
EDIT: Tell's me that it cannot read base.sqf
Last edited by Kenzu (2007-09-21 11:22:36)