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For those of you who like Greasemonkey:
The Stylish extension does for CSS what Greasemonkey does for javascript. One of the reasons I use Stylish quite a bit, is that Stylish can affect the firefox chrome as well. For instance, here's one I made:
I use:
Adblock Plus
Web Developer
Most of them are quite well-know extensions but anyway, here's my choice :
All-in-one gesture (mouse gestures, using it less and less on the lappy - kb shortcuts rule)
Fasterfox (some tweaks to increase browsing speed)
Foxyproxy with Tor (lets you use Tor or any other proxy for some websites only according to patterns )
Down-them-all (lets you download all the files on one page according to patterns)
GMail Notifer (can handle several accounts - however, not at the same time- , shows no. of mails with associated labels - direct access to "compose email" or to your inbox)
Menu editor (tweak your menus up to your needs... very handy to save space on laptops screens)
Tab Mix Plus (full control over tabs)
Reload Every (reloads pages every x minutes - supposed not to work w/ tab mix plus but it does actually)
For those of you who like Greasemonkey:
The Stylish extension does for CSS what Greasemonkey does for javascript. One of the reasons I use Stylish quite a bit, is that Stylish can affect the firefox chrome as well. For instance, here's one I made:
Seconded. I almost consider Stylish more necessary than Greasemonkey. I actually use it, to get some padding on the wiki site's left side. For some reason, it just looks odd with it flush against the side of my browser.
div#quickbar { margin: 0 0 0 20px !important; }
I also use it to make the code on The Daily WTF stand out.
Open Toes; Open Mind; Open Source.
Webdeveloper, Adblock+, and Firebug. I have a lot more, but those get used at least once a day...
Adblock Plus (No Filterset.G, EasyBlock and EasyElement subscriptions)
ImageBot (Easy Imageshack uploader, saved me a lot of time in the past Still gotta see if works on Linux )
Stylish (Simple way to fix bad looking / coloured pages i'd say)
"Bypass compulsory web registration via Firefox's right-click context menu."
Still seems to work. Companies do try to keep up with it and kill off the rogue ID's.
One i find useful, but haven't seen yet...
User Agent Switcher
hot from the oven. just came in with snownews
gpg on gmail ? yes way!
Gmail may be an excellent Web-based email application, but there is no easy way to use it with privacy tools like GnuPG. The FireGPG extension for Firefox is designed to solve this problem. It integrates nicely into Gmail's interface and allows you to sign and encrypt not only email messages but also text snippets from any Web page.
Last edited by dolby (2007-06-04 16:28:18)
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)