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Something that has been working reliably for me in the last few weeks (GTX 970 / 6.6.67 kernel / NVIDIA 550.142) is to suspend from a TTY while connected with another user (works with root user as well)
Interesting- does this have to be a physical tty, have you tried over ssh too? Unrelated to suspend I've had issues in the past in which switching to a console tty and back to graphical has 'un-stuck' problems (by triggering a reload of the framebuffer or similar perhaps); I could see the tty switching being an integral part of the procedure due to some interaction with PVMA.
obap74 wrote:Something that has been working reliably for me in the last few weeks (GTX 970 / 6.6.67 kernel / NVIDIA 550.142) is to suspend from a TTY while connected with another user (works with root user as well)
Interesting- does this have to be a physical tty, have you tried over ssh too? Unrelated to suspend I've had issues in the past in which switching to a console tty and back to graphical has 'un-stuck' problems (by triggering a reload of the framebuffer or similar perhaps); I could see the tty switching being an integral part of the procedure due to some interaction with PVMA.
I meant regular TTYs, e.g. from TTY2 with Ctrl+Alt+F2. I haven't tried over SSH but I don't think this would work since the machine would resume on the X session (TTY1 in my case).
My system is now suspending and resuming fine with kernel 6.12.9 and drivers 565.77-11 (GTX950). I've had a 100% success rate during the last few days. I'm on a clean install of the system and everything drivers related is on default.
I should only mention that I'm not directly using Arch, but I'm using Artix, so I had to manually enable both the suspend and resume services in /lib64/elogind/system-sleep/nvidia, otherwise the system wouldn't even go to sleep now that the PreserveVideoMemoryAllocation is activated by default.
This seems like a dream considering that this problem had been going on for about a year now. Now I'm afraid to update kernel and drivers again...
Last edited by lorenzol36 (2025-01-22 01:35:15)
Currently using nvidia 560.35.03-19 and kernel 6.11.9.
The problem is with the nvidia driver. But since kernel 6.12 can't be built against nvidia 560.35.03-19 I had to freeze kernel updates too.
@lorenzol36 Current kernel version is 6.13 and nvidia is 670. Can you verify with these versions too?