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#26 2024-10-21 20:31:56

Registered: 2024-04-30
Posts: 40

Re: Hibernation not working

Regular-ass 6.11.1-arch1-1 worked, but I only downgraded the kernel, I didn't downgrade the nvidia modules (external monitors are not turning on). Also, the behaviour is different. In this kernel, there never was a blinking underscore. In lts there was, but it worked regardless of that.


#27 2024-10-22 21:52:55

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 58,413

Re: Hibernation not working

Regular-ass 6.11.1-arch1-1 worked, but I only downgraded the kernel, I didn't downgrade the nvidia modules

Don't you have nvidia-dkms installed (b/c of zen)? You'd need the linux-headers package and then you could also directly try 6.11.4 (or whatever the most recent vanilla kernel is at the time)


#28 2024-10-22 22:03:46

Registered: 2024-04-30
Posts: 40

Re: Hibernation not working

Don't you have nvidia-dkms installed (b/c of zen)? You'd need the linux-headers package and then you could also directly try 6.11.4 (or whatever the most recent vanilla kernel is at the time)

Yes, I do have nvidia-dkms and the linux-headers package, afair hibernation did not work in the latest linux kernel (6.11.4).


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