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#6051 2017-08-21 12:07:37

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2009-08-15
Posts: 4,587

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

saurabhlambe wrote:

Hello fellow Arch users!
I'm Saurabh from India who spent a whole night installing and playing around Arch Linux. I'm thrilled to be on-board the vast community of this amazing Linux flavour! smile

I just have one question though: How do I change a user home directory to a different partition (/dev/sda4) from my root one (/dev/sda2) ? So that whenever I log into my terminal, the "present working directory" should be somewhere on the /sda/sda2.

Thanks in advance! smile

Hi Saurabh, welcome to the forums. Please note that this is not a support thread. You should open a separate thread for your issue.

That said, your problem has been asked several times on these forums and elsewhere, so we expect you to do a thorough search before you go ahead and open a thread.


#6052 2017-08-21 14:41:32

Registered: 2017-08-21
Posts: 12

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Thanks x33a!
My bad, I'd go through the forums to look for solutions to any problems in future.


#6053 2017-08-21 17:53:42

Registered: 2017-08-21
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello! I am the DiamondLinuxMan!

I started using Arch for fun in a VM for a month or so, had Manjaro on main PC but switched to Ubuntu MATE!

I don't know what to say next so


- DiamondLinuxMan


#6054 2017-08-21 23:06:57

Registered: 2017-08-21
Posts: 2

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello Errybody,

Been lurking the shadows of these forums for a while now, loving arch.

Thought I would get on board and join the discussions!



#6055 2017-08-24 14:40:42

From: South West England
Registered: 2017-08-22
Posts: 38

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi to all of the arch linux community.
My name is Olly and I like arch because it is a computer operating system. It is alot easier to use than George 2. I hope to interact with other arch users on the forum. Thanks arch community.

Bullies are only weak people trying to compensate for their own inadequacy. If they can't compete intellectually, they bully.


#6056 2017-08-24 16:19:20

From: The Lone Star State
Registered: 2016-02-09
Posts: 580

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Welcome aboard, Y'all.

olly wrote:

George 2

Now that's an obscure one, at least to me. I found a wikipedia article , and after a very brief read, it makes me wonder if you are joking.

Have fun with Arch Linux.



#6057 2017-08-24 17:15:31

From: South West England
Registered: 2017-08-22
Posts: 38

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Actually, no joke. I worked on George 2 which was running on an ICL 1903A in the 1970s, which also ran Maximop 32 so you could access on line via a teletype. The whole machine had 32k bit core store for both on line and batch processing. The batch processing was done with punch cards with your programs on, which you would hand in at reception and pick up the results next day. Of course, if there was a single bug, it failed and you started again. False floors, air conditioned sealed computer laboratories. One of my lecturers, Dr Stockel, was one of the original developers of George 2. Thanks for your interest.

Bullies are only weak people trying to compensate for their own inadequacy. If they can't compete intellectually, they bully.


#6058 2017-08-24 17:18:18

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,283

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Texbrew wrote:

...but my Texas eyes and brain are struggling ...

Stay safe with Harvey bearing down, pal.  Are you near the gulf?

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#6059 2017-08-24 18:24:03

From: Sweden
Registered: 2015-06-06
Posts: 861

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

olly wrote:

Actually, no joke. I worked on George 2 which was running on an ICL 1903A in the 1970s, which also ran Maximop 32 so you could access on line via a teletype. The whole machine had 32k bit core store for both on line and batch processing. The batch processing was done with punch cards with your programs on, which you would hand in at reception and pick up the results next day. Of course, if there was a single bug, it failed and you started again. False floors, air conditioned sealed computer laboratories. One of my lecturers, Dr Stockel, was one of the original developers of George 2. Thanks for your interest.

This is amazing. Love theese retro systems. Actually i work a lot in a different but not that ancient system iSeries AS/400 from IBM.
But thats modern in comparison.
A warm welcome from me.

I possess a device, in my pocket, that is capable of accessing the entirety of information known to man.
I use it to look at funny pictures of cats and to argue with strangers.


#6060 2017-08-24 18:46:12

From: South West England
Registered: 2017-08-22
Posts: 38

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Many thanks. I fear in my case, not so much retro as museum! Changes in technology, but fundamental principles remain the same.

Bullies are only weak people trying to compensate for their own inadequacy. If they can't compete intellectually, they bully.


#6061 2017-08-25 02:16:05

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,330

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

But the difference is a couple few decades ago just about anyone using technology knew more or less how it worked and they had read the manual.   Now a vast majority of people haven't the foggiest idea how their technology works, and they are perfectly content with that state ... and manuals don't exist for most systems.

Linux: where manuals still exist.

EDIT: Damnit, I suppose it really wasn't even just a couple decades ago anymore.

Last edited by Trilby (2017-08-25 02:17:21)

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#6062 2017-08-25 02:25:31

Registered: 2012-05-26
Posts: 639

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Trilby wrote:

Linux: where manuals still exist.

And of course, Arch has the best manuals, which people still don't read. wink


#6063 2017-08-25 10:00:13

From: South West England
Registered: 2017-08-22
Posts: 38

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Two very good points. Which is why I say i like arch because it is an operating system. Other distros are not, they are more turnkey application suites . It is a facet of human computer interface, in that they don't want to know about computers anymore than the average driver wants know about how the car engine works. They just want to know to use the controls to achieve their goals, send emails and play games.
Regarding reading manuals, back then computers were very few and far between. Only academic institutions, government departments and oil companies had them, and to get access to one was a privileged position. You had to be a "scientist". One of things I have noticed on the forum is that a number of the moderators are computer students, I suspect drawn to arch for the same reason as I.
I don't mean to go on about the past and bore, but the point I want to make is that fundamental principles are the same today. Axiomatic logic, the contruct of logic gates, twos complimentry binary, asynchronous communications, virtual memory management, object orientation, ssadm and so on. After all, 1 plus 1 still equals 10 (ha ha)
Arch is a fantastic derivative of its heritage, and has democratized access to computer systems for everyone. What is called The Arch Way is also a derivative of the heritage of the computer sciences.

Last edited by olly (2017-08-25 10:01:57)

Bullies are only weak people trying to compensate for their own inadequacy. If they can't compete intellectually, they bully.


#6064 2017-08-25 10:24:54

From: Halifax, NS, Canada
Registered: 2012-05-09
Posts: 1,072

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Trilby wrote:

Now a vast majority of people haven't the foggiest idea how their technology works, and they are perfectly content with that state
EDIT: Damnit, I suppose it really wasn't even just a couple decades ago anymore.

a couple of years ago, I had heard on the radio that they were implimenting "programming" in schools here, and had high hopes that it would mean that kids would have a better understanding for the technology that they are surrounded by these days, but sadly it's come to fruition, and it's just some drag and drop programming that might as well be Garry's Mod


#6065 2017-08-25 11:38:02

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,330

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

We used to train people to make machinery do useful things for us.  Now we train people to do useful things for the machinery.  Skynet will have a wealth of well trained servants.

Actually this captures why - despite knowing technology quite well - I am a complete ludite in it's modern use.  I now own a smart phone, but I often go 4-5 days at a time without even turning it on (it's cheaper than a land line that I'd use to call family on the weekend).  People I work with who love their smart-{phone,watch,tv,jockstrap} go on and on about how these devices tell them things: "It tells me when I am running late, it tells me where to go, etc".  I don't want devices telling me what to do; I tell them what to do.

But anyhow ... this is veering quite off topic.  I just realized this isn't the Grr thread.

Last edited by Trilby (2017-08-25 11:42:27)

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#6066 2017-09-01 20:02:06

From: Romania
Registered: 2017-09-01
Posts: 2

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi, I'm PsyhoLynxLynx and ... I... install Arch Linux after 2 days of work (dual boot EFI, still can't put Win 10 in bootloade)...
Guys... that OS made me to say ... WOW! NICE! I REALLY CAN DO IT THAT?

Have a nice day guys... I want to see more from Arch big_smile.


#6067 2017-09-02 20:28:13

From: Burnaby, BC
Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello, roughly 2 year Ubuntu user here. I am trying out Arch finally now for the first time. The strongest appeal of Arch to me is the community, so hello everyone.

Through such experiences in the tank he began to realize that the cerebral cortex of the human brain is so large that it can suppress, or repress, and hold in abeyance, expression of both the positive, sexual, loving energies and of the negative punishing energies present in the lower circuits.


#6068 2017-09-08 00:26:46

From: Indonesia
Registered: 2017-09-07
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello world.
My nickname is spsi. I am from Indonesia and I use Arch Linux since 2 years ago. Before I use it, I used to installed so many Linux OS.
Then, 2 years ago I prefer to use Arch Linux till now for my server.
But, on my system I use 2 operating system, they are Arch Linux and DracOs Linux.
Well, I speak too much here. I hope you we can be friend in this group and help each others.
#SalamOpensource #HelloFromIndonesia

"When you feel confused, it shows that your brain is still working."


#6069 2017-09-11 23:31:34

From: Rome, Italy
Registered: 2017-09-05
Posts: 9

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everybody.  I was trying to resurrect an old cheap laptop bloated by Win Vista, so I took my chance to install Arch Linux once again after years. Now I'm back and I'm regretting all the time not spent using it. So clean, so simple, so fast: I decided to use that laptop for studying and it goes so fast I actually forgot about how many years and how many hands it passed through.
Pacman is one of the best package manager out there. Repository is large and up to date (what should I expect after all from a bleeding edge/rolling release system?), while AUR provides a solution for any more software I might ever need (and, being a Medicine Student I do not need other programs outside the few I've installed already: just a WM, some document readers, an email client, a browser, a news reader, a terminal emulator, some CLI-utilities, a file manager)
I've been a main BSD (Free/Dragonfly) user for quite some time now (please don't criticize me for that wink, I know  many would not agree, but it in the end it's matter of personal choice and point of view), though meanwhile I never dropped using Slack.
Arch still has something few other OSes can give: the possibility of being able to tell your PC exactly what you want it to do, and nothing more; but, nonetheless, arch distinguishes itself for being at the same time extremely powerful, versatile, 'modern' yet enough stable system.
Perfect for any desktop user who likes building his own GUI environment, and doesn't mind loosing some time learning how to do it on reference pages; speaking of that, that handbook has really kept improving throughout years, to the point of defying any of my expectancy. A really serious, complete and professional job   
I believe Arch Linux really deserves to be  at least in the top ten of the best Operating Systems.
Goo job guys and thank you all for your effort

'My roaming house will have two legs once again and my dreams will have no frontier' [E.Guevara]


#6070 2017-09-12 13:32:38

From: South Africa
Registered: 2017-07-26
Posts: 74

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi and Welcome to all who introduced yourselves! I hope you all have a great time and will find some time every now and then to pop in here and say hi to newcomers as well smile

Nice discussion going on here for a little while - I for one would like to understand more and more what is going on in my computer and the net, and am fully aware of my barely existing knowledge on that point. One of the main reasons for me to install Arch!

I hope that we hear from tex soon and that he and his are okay!


#6071 2017-09-12 21:59:48

From: The Lone Star State
Registered: 2016-02-09
Posts: 580

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Howdy y'all, apologies for not checking in sooner. I have been unusually busy for the past few weeks, and it seems like ages since I last visited the forums.

We live in North Texas, many miles away from the areas that were seriously damaged by Hurricane Harvey. Our prayers are now for the people of Florida, as well as those suffering in the aftermath of Harvey in coastal Texas.

Hey olly, I meant no disrespect with my response to your mention of Geoerge 2. On the contrary, I hold all early computists in high regard. Your analogy regarding computers and cars is sadly very true. Most people don't care how they work, they just want them to work. Maybe the word "sadly" isn't a good fit. A lot of the technology which surrounds us doesn't get much of our attention until it stops working. Uhhh, now I'm starting to ramble...

It's nice to see that a number of people from around the world have joined the forum. Welcome aboard, y'all!


#6072 2017-09-13 02:27:32

Registered: 2017-07-09
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello! Arch installed very well.


#6073 2017-09-17 10:55:15

Registered: 2017-08-24
Posts: 54

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

greetings sempais

i have been using arch linux for about 6 months now, long enough to know more about what i dont know.

besides all the good info available in th wikis i know im going to need advice, correction and answers from anyone who has more knowledge than me so i thought i would introduce myself here.

i initially came to arch linux to get the most out of a r9 380x and im sticking around for the community and all the great packages in the aur :D


#6074 2017-09-17 19:26:03

From: The Lone Star State
Registered: 2016-02-09
Posts: 580

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Welcome aboard, pr0dukter. I like your attitude. There are some very knowledgable people here, and you will surely benefit from their knowledge.

My rule of thumb is to do all I can to search answers on my own before asking a question here. It's actually expected that we do so. Patience is a virtue, and in my view, it's an important key to installing, using, and maintaining Arch Linux. Since you have used Arch for a while, you already know these things, so I will end my comments with...

Have fun with it!



#6075 2017-09-18 15:12:11

Registered: 2017-09-18
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello world!
After quite a few years of finding good excuses not to arch i finally found a good excuse to try out arch, now that sdcc for is getting really on par with the big name commercial compilers for stm microprocessors.

Albeit it is not my first linux machine, i usually keep rather close to debian, so the arch experience is still very refreshing.
Especially considering that i don't mind making errors and encountering problems to challenge.

It's great to be on the forum though, because some of the challenges, especially in matters far from my knowledge are hard to work out without a hint from people with much more experience and or vast knowledge.

See ya somwhere on the road,


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