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hello everyone, i successfully installed Arch last night and have ascended to the grand status of "vanilla arch user". I have an infinite amount of things to keep learning and hope to eventually be a respected member of the community. If there are any others in similar situations as me - im always looking for programmer friends as i dont really know many people who like this kind of stuff. Feel free to message me.
Hello im new here and have been in the computer world for a couple years now teaching myself everything i can because i want to do something in the computer science field for the rest of my life. I recently decided it would be good for me to learn vanilla arch so I installed it ( the old school way ) and obtained my badge of Arch honor lol
Howdy everyone!
Another NEWBIE here.
Hi everyone. So i've been using Arch for about a month now. I havent used unix systems since 2010, prior to that I was a FreeBSD enjoyer for a long time . So many things have changed and progressed since then so it's been a month filled with learning and lots of fun too im happy to say. I have a spare pc so I decided to get going on Linux.
Currently exploring pipewire things and setting up the awesome window manager, although im working in xfce4 whilst im making the switch to awesome. My main aim though, is to get some gaming going on my Arch system. Hoping to play lots of WoW and also LoL. Seems there are a number of interesting options for gaming on linux now since 2010.
I installed Manjaro and started on about 2 weeks ago.
It has been a long time goal of mine and now here I am, RIP windows 7.
Answering the entry question took me about 9 minutes because I was missing a character when I copied and pasted.
My first goal was to try and install and play Final Fantasy XIV on linux as a challenge. (I've never played before)
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Learning Russian
I installed Manjaro and started on about 2 weeks ago.
It has been a long time goal of mine and now here I am, RIP windows 7.
Answering the entry question took me about 9 minutes because I was missing a character when I copied and pasted.
My first goal was to try and install and play Final Fantasy XIV on linux as a challenge. (I've never played before)
Find me on
Learning Russian
Welcome to Arch but what makes you think Manjaro is Arch?
Hello and welcome.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
"I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person." -- Bill Murray
Hi glad to be here mates
From childhood’s hour I have not been
As others were—I have not seen
As others saw—I could not bring
My passions from a common spring— -"Alone" by Edgar Allan Poe
Just recently switched to Arch from Windows, I have had some experience with Ubuntu but Arch has been a bit Jarring. Still a fun ride so far though.
Hope I don't get too frustrated. So far so good.
Hi! I'm nphuracm, a Chinese Grade 9 graduate by the time I am writing this.
I recently took some time to get Arch configured on my PC and found it to be really snappy, and the AUR being SO great that almost all of the GNU/Linux apps ever existed would be accessible there.
I could have replaced Windows and switched completely to Arch if my bro wasn't in my way
EDIT: Oh, and some legacy hardware (7300 GT) I own. Nouveau sucks on this card when it comes to KDE and I can't find nvidia 304 drivers anywhere, neither in the AUR nor the official repos. Some really useful bits of software - mainly made by people from Chinese software communities - also works only on Windows. Yet, wine still ain't a reliable option for me to run these apps.
Last edited by nphuracm (2022-07-18 11:35:28)
Hi! I'm nphuracm, a Chinese Grade 9 graduate by the time I am writing this.
I recently took some time to get Arch configured on my PC and found it to be really snappy, and the AUR being SO great that almost all of the GNU/Linux apps ever existed would be accessible there.
I could have replaced Windows and switched completely to Arch if my bro wasn't in my way
Hello and welcome to Arch Linux !
It is never too late to move away from the dark side.
Last edited by lenhuppe (2022-07-16 15:44:34)
"I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person." -- Bill Murray
Hello Everyone!
I'm a 26 years old Spanish boy who just love Linux. I have finish my studies in biology and physics and I work as a IA junior developer. I have been using Ubuntu for more than 1 year. I want to create a minimalist and personal desktop environment and I think ArchLinux is just the ideal option. I love to learn by doing and I'm not afraid to make errors. I hope to learn a lot for this community and I will try to put my grain of sand in this big project,
Hello, I'm probably the 15000th user to migrate to Arch from Ubuntu.
I like this distro, it's a lot lighter and comes with a lot less preinstalled junk than Ubuntu. I can configure things as much as I want to the point of breaking my system, it doesn't treat me like an idiot.
I still had major performance issues with GNOME that I'd hoped would be fixed by migrating to this distro, but installing gnome-shell-performance and mutter-performance made astonishing improvements to the overall smoothness of GNOME; it felt like my computer was actually utilizing the full extent of its hardware rather than feeling like it'd been run in a virtual machine. That being said, I still experience the infamous memory leak that's expected of gnome-shell, but I'm glad that this distro gave me the opportunity to even install a performance version of the shell in the first place.
It's been 3 years and I'm just now learning how linux really works.
Last edited by Iron Squid (2022-07-18 03:59:02)
"An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity."
-Terry A. Davis
I installed Manjaro and started on about 2 weeks ago.
It has been a long time goal of mine and now here I am, RIP windows 7.
Answering the entry question took me about 9 minutes because I was missing a character when I copied and pasted.
My first goal was to try and install and play Final Fantasy XIV on linux as a challenge. (I've never played before)
Find me on
Learning Russian
I think it's perfectly fine that you're using a distro like Manjaro if it suits your needs, but the guidelines of this forum suggest that it's dedicated to those who use Arch itself, rather than its derivatives.
That being said, welcome to linux! Hope you like it and continue using it.
"An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity."
-Terry A. Davis
Hello Everyone!
Over the weekend I finally decided to get completely off of Windows 10 and install Arch with GNOME desktop. I've used different Linux distributions over the years, but always ended up going back to Windows for one reason or another. I've previously had success installing Arch on VMs through watching some of DistroTube's and a few others' videos on YouTube. Anyway, the short story is that I've been really impressed with the Arch Linux community, and have decided to go all in and install Arch as my primary system... so far so good. Everything is working great so far to include XPlane 11 working on Steam.
My next area of research is going to be around security. I know Linux is safer than Windows but I still want to learn more about what others have done.
I'm very glad to be here and can't wait to dive deep into Arch.
Hello Everyone!
My next area of research is going to be around security. I know Linux is safer than Windows but I still want to learn more about what others have done.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
Hiya, fellas
In our household, ms winblows (sadly) still rules, however, about 4.5 years ago, me and my older brother decided to make a change (at the time, he was like 19 and I was 12 xD)
My brother started with linux mint and when he heard that KDE Plasma exists, he switched to Manjaro - and because I started with GNU/Linux a bit later than my brother, Manjaro was the first distro I tried and that I then used for about four years.
However, unlike me, he got very comfortable with Manjaro and decided not to try any distro-hopping which resulted in me learning much more stuff than him and overcoming his abilities (and as a younger sibling, that's something I really value)
Half a year ago, I decided to learn more stuff and installed Arch for the first time (and forgot to install GRUB, lol), then for the second and third time. I wasn't comfortable using it so I went back to Manjaro
But then I decided to actually USE Arch (btw), so I installed it and instead of going back to Manjaro, I DuckDuckGoed everything I needed for my OS to work - and I finally became a real Arch user
A couple days ago, I even installed Arch without any guides or anything - I just tried it, it worked and it felt REALLY special
I also tried some distro-hopping and after trying many distros and GUIs, I settled on Arch/GNU/Linux with KDE Plasma and I feel like nothing can stop me using it
Oh, maybe Parabola/GNU/linux-libre... XD
Btw, really looking forward to Plasma Mobile getting more stable in the next years because I'm sick of having to daily drive a GTK-based GUI on my PinePhone
“Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.”
― Edward Snowden
Hiya, fellas
In our household, ms winblows (sadly) still rules, however, about 4.5 years ago, me and my older brother decided to make a change (at the time, he was like 19 and I was 12 xD)
My brother started with linux mint and when he heard that KDE Plasma exists, he switched to Manjaro - and because I started with GNU/Linux a bit later than my brother, Manjaro was the first distro I tried and that I then used for about four years.
However, unlike me, he got very comfortable with Manjaro and decided not to try any distro-hopping which resulted in me learning much more stuff than him and overcoming his abilities (and as a younger sibling, that's something I really value)Half a year ago, I decided to learn more stuff and installed Arch for the first time (and forgot to install GRUB, lol), then for the second and third time. I wasn't comfortable using it so I went back to Manjaro
But then I decided to actually USE Arch (btw), so I installed it and instead of going back to Manjaro, I DuckDuckGoed everything I needed for my OS to work - and I finally became a real Arch user
A couple days ago, I even installed Arch without any guides or anything - I just tried it, it worked and it felt REALLY specialI also tried some distro-hopping and after trying many distros and GUIs, I settled on Arch/GNU/Linux with KDE Plasma and I feel like nothing can stop me using it
Oh, maybe Parabola/GNU/linux-libre... XDBtw, really looking forward to Plasma Mobile getting more stable in the next years because I'm sick of having to daily drive a GTK-based GUI on my PinePhone
Hello and Welcome!
I enjoyed reading your post today. If you can install Arch then you are on your way to earning the title of Linux Guru. There is plenty to learn so have fun and enjoy the journey.
"I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person." -- Bill Murray
Hello Arch friends! I've been using Arch for a couple months now, and I'm really enjoying the experience. I made an account on the forums so I can learn from and teach others some fun Linux things.
Hi guys, I am a newbie, I would like to post a question. Where can I create a new post? Thanks.
Hi guys, I am a newbie, I would like to post a question. Where can I create a new post? Thanks.
Go to the appropriate subforum and click 'Post new topic" in the upper right corner of the page.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
Hello World
Jello World!
Hi! I am Guilherme, but you can call me Gui (true story). I am a Brazilian enthusiast of Linux. My journey on Arch started a few days ago and so far it has been a great experience. Looking forward to learn a lot and to help wherever I can.
See ya!
Good evening ladies and gentleman, a new arch users joins your ranks. Hello, hello, how good to meet you. I switched to linux about a year ago, I successfully got vanilla arch running 8 months ago. I am hear to give back to the community that made it possible, through fantastic documentation, for me to get into this whole linux thing to begin with. Thank you very much. I hope to be of service to you all.