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#7426 2022-10-26 11:42:52

Patrcia Lopes
Registered: 2022-10-26
Posts: 2

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Avaliando interface Web


#7427 2022-10-31 06:07:07

Registered: 2022-10-31
Posts: 2

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and new to Linux Arch, best regards


#7428 2022-10-31 17:04:50

Registered: 2022-10-31
Posts: 2

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi, everyone smile

I used arch and the Wiki before, but never the forums
I hope can help people and learn more about Arch Linux.

i use arch btw

ArchLinux Chad smile


#7429 2022-10-31 23:08:54

Registered: 2022-10-31
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

hello everyone,

Was on debian since 2 years and now archlab. Still newbee on Linux


#7430 2022-11-02 06:56:10

Registered: 2022-11-02
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello smile I'm new to Arch as well as the forum. Looking forward to reading and eventually posting


#7431 2022-11-05 13:24:08

Registered: 2022-11-05
Posts: 4

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi all,
I'm new to Arc (I'm coming from Nobara, then Manjaro)

Right know, ALMOST everything is working/in place
I'm here to ask some guidance to fix the last things smile

I'm using my Notebook for Gaming and Work


#7432 2022-11-09 17:54:46

Registered: 2022-11-09
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello world!
not new on Arch, but first time on the forums.

Bye World!


#7433 2022-11-10 06:24:05

From: The void
Registered: 2022-11-10
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello I am here to learn about the computer that runs arch linux. Running faster then a caster from an orc master dasher, Ali kazooooooooom and im gone.

The harder you squint the more you notice semis are coming out of your colon.


#7434 2022-11-10 06:31:29

Registered: 2010-05-06
Posts: 6,688

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Xod403 wrote:

Hello I am here to learn about the computer that runs arch linux. Running faster then a caster from an orc master dasher, Ali kazooooooooom and im gone.

Only on low levels, then it's "wreck the mage" from round 1.


#7435 2022-11-13 09:38:39

From: Shanghai, China
Registered: 2022-11-13
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello, despite having Arch on my computer for over 4 years, I just registered an account now and wish I could have a good time here.

A qualified post-modern Arch Linuxer.


#7436 2022-11-14 01:43:07

Registered: 2022-11-10
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello Everyone,
I'm ChaoticEvilPanda. After about a year of messing around with Linux in VMs and 2 months of using Zorin OS on my laptop I've switched the OS on my main desktop PC to Arch. I'm only a week in but at the moment I'm really enjoying it and I'm hoping that that'll continue to be the case smile.


#7437 2022-11-15 21:54:11

From: Poland
Registered: 2015-09-30
Posts: 20

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everyone!

I am long time Ubuntu user, finally switched full-time to Arch Linux. I am using a mix of different applications from gtk to qt, all tight up with i3 + picom.

This will be my main work os - we'll how it goes (or breaks smile)



#7438 2022-11-16 00:14:03

Registered: 2022-11-15
Posts: 4

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

First distro I installed was Slackware, it took me a month to only install it (maybe two) 25 years ago or so, quickly went back to Windows, from time to time tested Debian,  Suse, Red Hat, Fedora, Gentoo, Knoppix, Puppy, Manjaro, Deepin... finally got out of Windows with Kubuntu, Linux Mint and Ubuntu long time, in all that time I've been a Linux user, using it the way I used Windows, I was afraid of that times of Slackware and Debian, in that times installing wifi and printer could take me a week or two... that was the reason for me to stay away from Archlinux... I didn't want another DIY distro. But now I've realized how important is to have a good community, in a single month I have learned more than in the past 20 years by simply reading here while becoming the proud owner of my new Archintosh mini

Last edited by Matesito (2022-11-16 00:21:18)


#7439 2022-11-16 03:26:50

Registered: 2022-11-16
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Howdy everyone, it's earanard. I've been using linux on and off for a while and now I'm finally on arch (well, manjaro really. I tried base arch, but there was always just one more problem to solve, so now I'm on manjaro architect so I can still customize everything.) I was to the point on Debian based where I was adapting arch forum to my installs, so I figured I'd just go arch based instead.


#7440 2022-11-16 13:06:56

Registered: 2018-12-22
Posts: 89

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

earanard wrote:

well, manjaro really

Hi earanard, you really should remove manjaro and install arch, manjaro is not arch.
Hope you don't look for help here and you really should open an account over at manjaro.


#7441 2022-11-20 16:25:51

Registered: 2015-04-04
Posts: 14

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi I just installed and setup my Arch KDE desktop yesterday and on my laptop too! Getting to know things around. Studying C++ lately and am on Programmers hangout Discord server with same username. Using Flatpak packages for my apps and such.


#7442 2022-11-22 13:56:31

From: United Kingom
Registered: 2022-11-22
Posts: 8

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

A big old hello to everyone from the UK. smile

New and hope to learn more about Linux in general, when I am not banging my head against my desk because something else has gone wrong xD


#7443 2022-11-22 17:25:55

Registered: 2022-11-22
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi there! Running Arch for a couple of months now on new hardware here. Have used (and am still using) mainly Ubuntu and Gentoo for a decade on older systems and containers. Might drop a package or two I'm missing into AUR, lets see...


#7444 2022-11-27 10:33:15

Registered: 2022-11-27
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everyone, new member here, and recently migrated from windows to an arch distro, hope to learn a lot here.


#7445 2022-12-02 02:43:53

Tart Cart
Registered: 2022-12-02
Posts: 5

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi everyone, just finished the first - of what I assume to be many - installs without the aided scripts. Forgot to install network packages but it booted and the feeling of relief was everything I hoped it would be. I've learned a lot already so far and looking forward to this journy for more education. Nothin L33t over here, just a tart ina cart.

Happy holidays


#7446 2022-12-02 03:40:54

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,330

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Tart Cart wrote:

... the first - of what I assume to be many - installs

There's no reason to ever have more installs than you have computers.  Do not see reinstalling as a solution to anything; fixing any problems that arise is how you learn.

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#7447 2022-12-02 23:54:15

Registered: 2013-02-14
Posts: 192

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Trilby wrote:
Tart Cart wrote:

... the first - of what I assume to be many - installs

There's no reason to ever have more installs than you have computers.  Do not see reinstalling as a solution to anything; fixing any problems that arise is how you learn.

This is the way. My first Arch install was circa 2008 on an old "netbook" and it's still alive and very happily up to date despite my best effort to undermine its resiliency in the early years, and has been transferred again and again to its (now) 4th and current laptop.

Similarly I kept my primary desktop/server install on Debian Stable from 2006-2021 (3 different systems over this timespan) without ever reinstalling, just following best practices and the admin handbook. EDIT: it's still there in a triple-boot config, just rarely used.

In both cases... Install once, use forever!

Last edited by tekstryder (2022-12-02 23:56:11)


#7448 2022-12-03 06:00:29

Tart Cart
Registered: 2022-12-02
Posts: 5

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

tekstryder wrote:
Trilby wrote:
Tart Cart wrote:

... the first - of what I assume to be many - installs

There's no reason to ever have more installs than you have computers.  Do not see reinstalling as a solution to anything; fixing any problems that arise is how you learn.

This is the way. My first Arch install was circa 2008 on an old "netbook" and it's still alive and very happily up to date despite my best effort to undermine its resiliency in the early years, and has been transferred again and again to its (now) 4th and current laptop.

Similarly I kept my primary desktop/server install on Debian Stable from 2006-2021 (3 different systems over this timespan) without ever reinstalling, just following best practices and the admin handbook. EDIT: it's still there in a triple-boot config, just rarely used.

In both cases... Install once, use forever!

I actually just read about this the other day, essentially just moving your installation to wherever you want, and the ability to chroot in to fix problems if it does blow up. I love it, ive been a sponge going through the arch wiki, very excited to start this new hobby - thanks for the advice and warm welcome!


#7449 2022-12-10 21:33:46

Registered: 2022-12-10
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi Everyone,

This is my first Arch install, by way of the Asahi Linyx project. 

I'm excited to be here!


#7450 2022-12-15 18:31:59

Registered: 2022-12-15
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello All,

Long time Linux dabbler, new to Arch. I've tried most flavors, cut my teeth on Fedora 4 and have at least tried a number of others.  Currently running Mint 21 as my daily driver when not using windows for work. 

Currently trying to get Arch up and running on my new FrameWork laptop so I look forward to perusing the forums\wiki for help with that.



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