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#7801 2024-05-24 22:11:59

Registered: 2024-05-23
Posts: 112

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

I fixed the installation (not really), I restarted the installation, same "error", but it was just that I had to configure the WiFi connection again, and that was it, I now enjoy my new Arch Linux user life and my old PC enjoys a lightweight distro.

I messed my Arch Linux installation, then fixed it smile
"Sometimes the best complexity is simplicity." - BluePy, 1856.


#7802 2024-05-25 05:54:49

Registered: 2010-05-06
Posts: 6,688

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

ch0maru wrote:

Installed Arch through a VM in the last week. Feels like... potential... mmm...

Ah, but questions, so many questions

Did you


#7803 2024-05-25 07:49:55

From: Scotland
Registered: 2010-06-16
Posts: 12,593

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Mod note: merging with hello topic.

Mobo: MSI MAG X570S TORPEDO MAX // Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X @4.9GHz // GFX: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT // RAM: 32GB (4x 8GB) Corsair DDR4 (@ 3000MHz) // Storage: 1x 3TB HDD, 6x 1TB SSD, 2x 120GB SSD, 1x 275GB M2 SSD

Making lemonade from lemons since 2015.


#7804 2024-05-26 09:07:32

Registered: 2024-05-26
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello Everyone, I'm a new arch user, btw tongue

I first started with linux back in 2005-6 ripping live CDs of different distros and trying them out. Have been fascinated with computers and linux ever since I was a kid. Just got around to installing arch on a virtual machine, testing the waters before installing it on a real box.

Will be switching my main daily driver laptop to arch soon. Looking forward to being part of the community.


#7805 2024-05-27 11:50:55

Registered: 2024-05-26
Posts: 2

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello Everyone! I'm a new linux and arch user! All my life I used windows or macOS and Linux feels like a breath of fresh air, compared to windows. Trying to learn some things and I'm happy to join to this community!


#7806 2024-06-03 21:51:45

Registered: 2024-06-03
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi Everyone! I got into Linux generally back in ~'20-'21 when like everyone else I decided to build a pc. It was a big step being not-tech-savvy and had to learn a lot. For the os, I was gonna just go with Windows, but since I had come so far learning about computer hardware, I decided I'd make the jump into Linux.

I started with Ubuntu of course, learning and struggling along the way. I soon heard about the other distros and knew I'd have to graduate up at some point. Arch seemed the most natural. I was able to pick up installing Arch quickly but never quite got down Pacman and System Maintenance and never got to a point of being able to daily drive, my installs just becoming stale and falling apart. But this year I was taking some programming classes. It inspired me to finally RTFM when they ended and everything started to click. (Learn my lesson, kids.)

I set up my current install last week and everything's been going almost as well as can be hoped. Some hiccups but so much better than previous unsuccessful ones.  Just made a forum account and thought I'd say hi!


#7807 2024-06-03 21:56:39

Registered: 2024-06-03
Posts: 3

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello me too newbie



#7808 2024-06-04 04:28:27

Registered: 2024-06-03
Posts: 2

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

hello everynyan

used fedora / manjaro for years, but now using arch. just got rid of my last windows install. very refreshing to be linux-only now. <3


#7809 2024-06-04 16:32:19

Registered: 2024-06-04
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread


I started using Arch Linux about a couple weeks ago or so :3

It's been pretty fun so far, Linux is so cool.

Over the course of the past few months this Linux journey has been so fun, it's fun using my COMPUTER again :D


#7810 2024-06-05 13:09:23

Registered: 2020-08-16
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

I sunk the hatchet in windows 11, its buried deep in the back yard...

Hello big_smile

I had a few attempts at getting a successful install, the last one I used grub and for some reason the propriety nvidia drivers actually worked so here I am. Feels good.

I'd like to thank all the maintainers and people who make things like Arch linux a reality. I feel much less bloated.


#7811 2024-06-05 13:52:40

Registered: 2024-02-13
Posts: 46

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Dunravin wrote:

I sunk the hatchet in windows 11, its buried deep in the back yard...

>Hello big_smile
>I had a few attempts at getting a successful install, the last one I used grub and for some reason the propriety nvidia drivers actually >worked so here I am. Feels good.
>I'd like to thank all the maintainers and people who make things like Arch linux a reality. I feel much less bloated.

The real good times are still ahead smile

Elektrische Energie garantiert bis
5024 OHNE neue Uranbergwerke
und ganz ohne westliche Hilfe


#7812 2024-06-06 13:56:58

Registered: 2024-06-06
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Yoyoyo cool

Finally installed arch after the recent good news about the nvidia beta drivers and the bad news about recall. Been great so far smile

Coming from managing debian servers it's a bit different but still linux afterall.


#7813 2024-06-06 15:00:34

Registered: 2024-02-13
Posts: 46

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

The success of debian: Not all modern thingies and "you-must-have" nonsence are immediatly there, those  who must have them are sent to *buntu and tested there, also those who allways follow everybody. So, well then and here at archie the curious ideas also are sorted out. Perfect!

Elektrische Energie garantiert bis
5024 OHNE neue Uranbergwerke
und ganz ohne westliche Hilfe


#7814 2024-06-06 18:10:14

Registered: 2024-06-05
Posts: 3

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everybody!

I'm very new, I just switched to ArchLinux on my laptop, as I just couldn't take the pain of MacOS anymore. Once my install is finished I'll hopefully try and start learning Rust!

I'm looking forward to a bloatless install smile

“Trying is the first step toward failure.” —Homer J Simpson, The Simpsons


#7815 2024-06-07 12:25:13

Registered: 2024-06-07
Posts: 5

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everyone! Fresh blood is here!



#7816 2024-06-07 19:25:47

Registered: 2024-06-07
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

hello everyone i welcome myself!!!


#7817 2024-06-08 14:24:18

Registered: 2024-06-08
Posts: 2

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello all, not a new with arch but new for this forum, but still considering myself a beginner smile


#7818 2024-06-09 06:09:12

Registered: 2024-06-09
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello all! I'm pretty new to linux and started off with Arch; been having fun so far but still learning a ton!


#7819 2024-06-10 06:05:02

From: i3 config, probably
Registered: 2024-06-10
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

just popped a clean install on my main pc, leaving my little mark on the world here

linux is the computer equivalent of driving stick


#7820 2024-06-11 14:28:55

Registered: 2024-06-11
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello guys,
After a few weeks of pain, going from Windows to Arch I have finally made the transition.
Happy to finally be freed from mainstream blood sucking corporations.


#7821 2024-06-11 14:31:33

Registered: 2024-06-11
Posts: 3

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hey, I'm a newbie to arch... I'm a pretty good programmer, and i saw that this distro has a MASSIVE trans community, perfect for me.. I used to use manjaro, but i know how bad it is and i'm prepared to become a master arch user!! #pridemonth!


#7822 2024-06-12 15:13:51

From: Cordele, GA, USA
Registered: 2024-06-11
Posts: 2

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello, I have been on `nix systems since 1998 when I installed Debian from a CD that came with Boot Magazine (currently Wired). I was on a dial up connection and downloading a distro was painful to say the least as a base system could take all day or more (literally). Ever since my first Gnu/Linux experience I could never take MS Windows (DOS) seriously again. Though modern incarnations (Windows) are usable they just do not meet my needs. I have, since then, used many distros though Fedora has always been a favorite, despite how many times an update has crashed my system wink , I like the way Fedora tries to stay bleeding edge. For a while now I have been considering checking out Arch Gnu/Linux. I love the way you build up the system from a bare minimal install so you only get what you want not what someone else decided for you.

I installed Arch to a SATA NVMe drive that I have installed in a usb enclosure. I wanted to test on bare metal not a VM. VM tests are never quite fair anyway as you inherit all the flaws of the host system. So far the experience has been great. I am still using Fedora 40 though I may migrate completely to Arch soon. Though this post was made booted on Arch smile. I love how complete the installation Guide wiki is.

Great job maintaining the Distro!

One Nemo

Last edited by OneNemo (2024-06-12 17:51:56)


#7823 2024-06-13 12:14:01
Registered: 2024-06-13
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Good afternoon,
I am also new to arch, as I know that the support for windows 10 is running out in 2025 and windows 11 is a real pain.... I need to explore new horizons wink. And I am willing to change my laptops and desktops to linux.
I am testing several linux distributions out for about 1 year. I want to get a feeling for the different flavors.
For about 6 Months I am testing out (I am not currently working on the systems, only playing around and trying to set everything up and understanding how it works) debian as a base and trying out different desktops. I finally landed on the CB++ distro, which is in my opinion the best suited for me. I like minimalistic desktops and hate desktop icons wink. The only thing that I don't like on debian is, that it is not a rolling release. I don't know why, but in my head it is wrong not to use a rolling release, even if it may brake things when updating (which I have read many times in the forums wink ). My knowledge is limited in linux, but I am learning and understanding fast.
I am now running a base arch installation with the bare minimum of openbox. All I can say is... let the adventure begin wink


#7824 2024-06-14 02:44:46

From: Daegu
Registered: 2024-06-14
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread


이제 괜찮니? 너무 힘들었잖아.


#7825 2024-06-15 07:20:09

Registered: 2024-06-15
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Henlo, I'm zerob. I started using arch when I was 14 and im 17 now, yes I'm posting my first post in the arch linux forums after three years. Welp here i am i do stuff and im a heavy foss advocate, i hate proprietary software and i like having things i own actually my own. anywayyyy im glad to be here (/^o^)/

i love math and coding and electronics and i like destroying software big_smile oh did i mention setting stuff on fire (safely), i like doing that too


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