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Freduardo wrote:I started fiddling with my conky config, and ended up with a completely new (well, sort of) one already.
Clean: … -thumb.jpgI'm interested in that gtk theme. I was thinking about something like that the other day.
Its just Clearlooks, but since Gnome 2.18, there's an option in the theme selector to adjust the colors, so I made it a little bit lighter.
Oh and if you're referring to the lack of icons, you can set that up in the "menu's & toolbars" thingy.
Last edited by Freduardo (2007-06-04 19:46:46)
Sigi wrote:My dwm desktop, busy ---> screenshot
Cheers Sigi
What font you have in firefox?
Default Font: Tahoma
Proportional: Serif
Serif: Tahoma
Sans-serif: Tahoma
Monospace: Courier New
pacman -S ttf-ms-fonts
Sigi wrote:My dwm desktop, busy ---> screenshot
Cheers Sigi
How did you get that antialiasing?
Cheers Sigi
edit: small typo
Last edited by Sigi (2007-06-04 21:29:15)
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
IRC: Stalwart @ FreeNode
Skype ID: thestalwart
WeeChat-devel nightly packages for i686
I guess you are using KDE. Whats that app bar in screenshot1 called?
mind sharing your wallpaper?
Offline … png.xs.jpg
wallpaper: kano can you try if you can get rid of that white border in terminal with new themerc.xml
edit: uploaded new tarball, hope this one works better
Looks excellent. I must have your screenrc please . Oh and what panel is that out of curiosity?
Edit: Damn found your screenrc on your website, only problem is the little arrows around the mpd status don't display. I must be missing a character set or something....
Last edited by Zepp (2007-06-05 01:54:30)
Can you poste that wallpaper please ?
And with theme do you use
the wallpaper is just my forum avatar, with a dark-grey background.
The theme is some custom hacked up in-dustry theme for openbox.
"Be conservative in what you send; be liberal in what you accept." -- Postel's Law
"tacos" -- Cactus' Law
"t̥͍͎̪̪͗a̴̻̩͈͚ͨc̠o̩̙͈ͫͅs͙͎̙͊ ͔͇̫̜t͎̳̀a̜̞̗ͩc̗͍͚o̲̯̿s̖̣̤̙͌ ̖̜̈ț̰̫͓ạ̪͖̳c̲͎͕̰̯̃̈o͉ͅs̪ͪ ̜̻̖̜͕" -- -̖͚̫̙̓-̺̠͇ͤ̃ ̜̪̜ͯZ͔̗̭̞ͪA̝͈̙͖̩L͉̠̺͓G̙̞̦͖O̳̗͍
What window manager do you use?
Use the Source, Luke!
sebazzz wrote:What window manager do you use?
hi Roberth, it is Ratpoison
Clearlooks SVN woo …
Is this notify-deamon or something else? If so how do you made it display notify in upper right corner insted of lower right? And can you share your gtkrc ?
Mind sharing your vimrc ?
There are a lot of lies going around.... and half of them are true.
-- Winston Churchill
it's just my first screenshot.
A simple Xfce4 and conky. … shot-2.png
I'm root. if you see me smile, you'd better have a backup!!
yep its its a bash script using notify-send, Your can change the placement in xfce-setting-show>notification settings.
Is that wmii?
Is that wmii?
Yes (3.5).
Mind sharing your vimrc ?
Not at all.
(A bunch of stuff was stolen from phrakture)
" General
set nocompatible "Turn off vi compatibility mode
filetype on
filetype plugin on
"if &term =~ "^screen"
" set term=rxvt-unicode
set comments=sl:/*,mb:\ *,elx:\ */
set encoding=utf-8
set termencoding=utf-8
"" Interface
if has('syntax') && (&t_Co > 2)
syntax on
colorscheme mine " Use my own colour scheme
set ruler " Always show current positions along the bottom
set number " Show line numbers
if version >= 700
set cursorline " Highlight the current line
set spelllang=en_AU
" set mouse=a
"status line settings
set laststatus=2
set statusline=%-3.3n\ %f%(\ %r%)%(\ %#WarningMsg#%m%0*%)%=(%l/%L,\ %c)\ %P\ [%{&encoding}:%{&fileformat}]%(\ %w%)\ %y\
set shortmess+=axr
" Visual Cues
set showmatch " Show matching brackets
" Text Fromatting/Layout
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
set expandtab
set textwidth=74
set wrapmargin=0
set formatoptions+=t,c,r,o,n
au FileType c,cpp,h set cindent " C-style indenting
au FileType c set formatoptions+=ro omnifunc=ccomplete#Complete
au FileType make set noexpandtab shiftwidth=8 " We NEED tabs in make files
au FileType php set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 " PEAR standards
au FileType python set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 tw=0 ai " Django standards
au FileType xhtml set tw=0
au Syntax {cpp,c,idl} runtime syntax/doxygen.vim
au BufRead,BufNewFile PKGBUILD set ts=2 sts=2 et sw=2
" Folding
if has("folding")
set foldenable
set foldmethod=syntax
set foldlevel=100
set foldopen-=search
set foldopen-=undo
hi Folded term=standout ctermfg=3 ctermbg=0
" Search & Replace
set nohlsearch
" make searches case-insensitive, unless they contain upper-case letters:
set ignorecase
set smartcase
" show the 'best match so far' as search strings are typed:
set incsearch
Zepp wrote:Is that wmii?
Yes (3.5).
In that case how do you have 3 different window title bar colours? I am referring to the blue and the two shades of gray.
FilipBE wrote:Can you poste that wallpaper please ?
And with theme do you use
the wallpaper is just my forum avatar, with a dark-grey background.
The theme is some custom hacked up in-dustry theme for openbox.
I really tried it, but i doesn't work so good (resolution of you avatar)
So could you upload it ?:D
Here's mine.
Got the idea/style for Conky from a screenie here on the forum(May I think).
Still fiddling with the 'General' part of Conky.
XFCE, Murrina-Graphite theme(with Murrine Engine) and 'Glass Icons' Icon theme.
I truly love your conky config...
How do you make those lines (that connect each line of the mpd part) with conky ?
Or can you post your conkyrc, please ?
Piou Piou