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The patch is being developed here: … sLive=true
...I just added it to the awn-svn PKGBUILDI find that I need to create a launcher for any app that goes on the bar; it doesn't seem to work any other way.
Damn, that's nice! Now I'll install awn again... thx for the PKGBUILD
DE: xfce4
WM: Compiz Fusion
GTK: Neutronium DeepBlack
emerald: Neutronium DeepBlack
Icons: nuoveXT 2
deviantART | GitHub |
Gweg wrote:I am interested by your awn
Well then I have a present for you... makepkg to build, even though it looks like you should use versionpkg.
You can choose the angle, reflections, size, etc in gconf.
...On that note:
Nice looking awn, got it working but how th ehell do you add launcers to it?
I can do it with its builtin add thingy so how do you do it?
New conky and wallpaper from my last one; still haven't found a new iconset that I like though.
Same OB and GTK theme from last month, LAUGHmod2 and MurrinaBW go with everything … -thumb.png
i'll post my laptop's once I copy my conky configs to it and add laptopish stuff to it, and find a new wallpaper i like.
When you maximize a window.. firefox.. or anything else for that matter does the bottom of the window go UNDERNEATH your tint??
if not could you paste your tintrc??
Roberth wrote:Is it docker you use?
no docker, the upper left corner is a pager called tangent, and a notification tray called trayer, the rest is flux and xcompmgr
Is there any chance you can paste your .xinitrc ?
Id specifically like to look at your xcompmgr settings and even MORE then that.. the string for trayer you use..
Please.. thanks and much appreciated.
kano wrote:New conky and wallpaper from my last one; still haven't found a new iconset that I like though.
Same OB and GTK theme from last month, LAUGHmod2 and MurrinaBW go with everything … -thumb.png
i'll post my laptop's once I copy my conky configs to it and add laptopish stuff to it, and find a new wallpaper i like.
When you maximize a window.. firefox.. or anything else for that matter does the bottom of the window go UNDERNEATH your tint??
if not could you paste your tintrc??
No, i've never had anything go _under_ my tint unless I dragged it there myself... maximizing a window maxmizes it and leaves tint showing at the bottom. only a full screen game will put it's self over tint for me.
.tintrc; although I haven't really changed anything other than fonts, transparency, etc
# colors: hex format
# booleans: 0 or 1
# alpha: 0 to 100 percent
# panel_width: 0 == use full width
font = gelly 8
font_color = #ffffff
font_alpha = 50
font_active_color = #ffffff
font_active_alpha = 75
font_shadow = 1
task_text_centered = 1
task_width = 100
task_margin = 3
task_padding = 5
panel_width = 0
panel_height = 30
panel_tasks_centered = 0
panel_background = 1
panel_background_color = #000000
panel_background_alpha = 0
task_background = 1
task_background_color = #ffffff
task_background_alpha = 25
task_active_background_color = #ffffff
task_active_background_alpha = 50
task_background_as_border = 0
\\ archlinux on a XPS M1530 //
Nice looking awn, got it working but how th ehell do you add launcers to it? I can do it with its builtin add thingy so how do you do it?
Create normal *.desktop launchers and put them somewhere where you won't move them. From there you can just drag and drop the launchers onto the bar.
Last edited by testube_babies (2007-07-06 02:48:43)
thewayofzen wrote:kano wrote:New conky and wallpaper from my last one; still haven't found a new iconset that I like though.
Same OB and GTK theme from last month, LAUGHmod2 and MurrinaBW go with everything … -thumb.png
i'll post my laptop's once I copy my conky configs to it and add laptopish stuff to it, and find a new wallpaper i like.
When you maximize a window.. firefox.. or anything else for that matter does the bottom of the window go UNDERNEATH your tint??
if not could you paste your tintrc??
No, i've never had anything go _under_ my tint unless I dragged it there myself... maximizing a window maxmizes it and leaves tint showing at the bottom. only a full screen game will put it's self over tint for me.
.tintrc; although I haven't really changed anything other than fonts, transparency, etc
Dude.. Im at a loss here. Ive tried your tintrc and at this point I have to assume perhaps its my rc.xml or some other configuration error on my part somewhere that is causing this. Thunar.. gaim.. firefox.. anything at all that i maximize in openbox is allowing my windows to go UNDER my tint bar..
Im not sure if its the way im loading it in xinitrc.. (i couldnt even get tint to load with that.. i ahd to use a ~/.config/openbox/
If anyone could fix this problem for me id be eternally greatful..
kano wrote:thewayofzen wrote:When you maximize a window.. firefox.. or anything else for that matter does the bottom of the window go UNDERNEATH your tint??
if not could you paste your tintrc??
No, i've never had anything go _under_ my tint unless I dragged it there myself... maximizing a window maxmizes it and leaves tint showing at the bottom. only a full screen game will put it's self over tint for me.
.tintrc; although I haven't really changed anything other than fonts, transparency, etc
Dude.. Im at a loss here. Ive tried your tintrc and at this point I have to assume perhaps its my rc.xml or some other configuration error on my part somewhere that is causing this. Thunar.. gaim.. firefox.. anything at all that i maximize in openbox is allowing my windows to go UNDER my tint bar..
Im not sure if its the way im loading it in xinitrc.. (i couldnt even get tint to load with that.. i ahd to use a ~/.config/openbox/
If anyone could fix this problem for me id be eternally greatful..
I have to load tint w/ gmrun... it doesn't seem to like to load from for me. i probably could fix it my changing the order of stuff that runs and messing with sleeps... but im too lazy :\
\\ archlinux on a XPS M1530 //
Damn, that's nice! Now I'll install awn again... thx for the PKGBUILD
@topic xfce4
WM: Compiz Fusion
GTK: Neutronium DeepBlack
emerald: Neutronium DeepBlack
Icons: nuoveXT 2
Very nice!
Last edited by Axis (2007-07-06 05:12:39)
@testube_babies :
Thanks for the tip of creating .desktop
about the PKBBUILD, is it that one from AUR ? here ? or I forgot to read something ?
@Sen :
Nice desktop, is not zsh a bit slower than bash ?
@all Compiz Fusion users,
Which Compiz Fusion reporitory did you use ? Cimi's one or nesl247's one ?
thank's for reply
Voodoo voodoo, VOOODOOOO ?
Gweg ; i use cimi's one , no problems / glitches as of yet!
Never tried nesl's one tho
@Sen :
Nice desktop, is not zsh a bit slower than bash ?
Thx, I don't think that zsh is slower than bash.
I use zsh because of it's features. The menu-completion is very nice (works for paths, filenames, commands...), you can easily do recursive searches for files via ls ('ls **/somedir*' for example will give you a list of matching files and dirs with its contents) and even filtering is possible ('ls *(W)' for example gives you list with files you have write-permission for). The spelling-correction is also very handy, let's say you type 'vu /etc/fstab' you will be asked to correct vu to vi and vim will open. Zsh has many nice features (I don't now all of them, take a look at the FAQ for more examples) and it's a great shell imo.
@all Compiz Fusion users,
Which Compiz Fusion reporitory did you use ? Cimi's one or nesl247's one ?
I compiled and installed Compiz Fusion from GIT... I'm on x86_64 so there won't be any usable repos anyway.
Last edited by sen (2007-07-06 11:47:15)
deviantART | GitHub |
@testube_babies :
Thanks for the tip of creating .desktop
about the PKBBUILD, is it that one from AUR ? here ? or I forgot to read something ?
Yes, it is the PKGBUILD from AUR, but I've added to it the angle/relflection patch (see /apps/avant-window-navigator/bar in gconf-editor) and also a few fixes to make the separator and notification-area applets work.
@all Compiz Fusion users,
Which Compiz Fusion reporitory did you use ? Cimi's one or nesl247's one ?
I use nesl247's and haven't seen any problems.
Last edited by testube_babies (2007-07-06 13:34:24)
Next n00b question, how do i make these .desktop files, i did see it somewhere but cant find it now
Next n00b question, how do i make these .desktop files, i did see it somewhere but cant find it now
In GNOME you can right-click on the desktop and choose "Create Launcher" -- not sure about other DE's.
Here's an example .desktop file if you need to create one from scratch:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=X Terminal Emulator
Last edited by testube_babies (2007-07-06 14:09:24)
Thanks testube_babues, gt it going nicely
What did you use for you glass looking panel underneath?
Doesnt matter i figured it out.
Was looking at a diff screen shot all together
Almost same as last month..
Gtk Theme: Nova-Lime
Icons: Gray-ce-full
Wallpaper: Dark Wood
Last edited by krib (2007-07-06 15:49:28)
Offline … png.xs.jpg
Almost same as last month..
Gtk Theme: Nova-Lime
Icons: Gray-ce-full
Wallpaper: Dark Wood
What term are you using?
Can you post config?
When death smiles at you, all you can do is smile back!
Offline … png.xs.jpg
Almost same as last month..
Gtk Theme: Nova-Lime
Icons: Gray-ce-full
Wallpaper: Dark Wood
Can you post your xcompmgr parameters?