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#26 2007-08-19 05:06:50

From: Australia
Registered: 2007-04-02
Posts: 66

Re: TeX Live packages

Hey guys, I have come across a potential problem and was wondering if others had experienced the same thing.

I've been trying for the last few days to get firmicus' texlive pkgbuilds to work with kile/texmaker. The problem is that every time I try to run a simple compile from either of these IDEs, the program hangs. I have tried both the texlive-stable and normal texlive installations; a kile system check gets to 47% everytime and just hangs. Commandline calls to pdflatex, latex etc work just fine. If I remove texlive-* and install tetex the problem goes away.

While I believe this to be a problem with the kile/texmaker ide and not necessarily texlive; this type of situation is prohibitive to getting texlive accepted into community. If anyone knows how to get this working, or what my problem may be; please let me know.

Btw, I am running gnome. I know kile is a KDE app; but again, if I run tetex I have no issues.

Last edited by PDExperiment626 (2007-08-19 05:08:08)

... and for a time, it was good...


#27 2007-08-19 06:24:16

Registered: 2006-11-14
Posts: 293

Re: TeX Live packages

Btw, I am running gnome. I know kile is a KDE app; but again, if I run tetex I have no issues.

I'm a kde user so i'm not sure if this works for you too. I recognized that instead i have "export MALLOC_CHECK_=0" in all relevant config files it seems that kile ignores it and so i start kile in this way:

export MALLOC_CHECK_=0 && kile

It is illogical but in my case it helps to get kile and texlive work together.


#28 2007-08-19 15:47:33

From: Australia
Registered: 2007-04-02
Posts: 66

Re: TeX Live packages

@attila I'll try to give your suggestion a go in the next few days if I get a chance. I'm currently in the push to get a draft of my thesis completed, so it may be some time before I can get to that.

As I mentioned before though, the malloc_check wasn't necessary when I used the texlive-stable packages; and so, I'm inclined to think the problem may be due to some other issue.

The kicker to this is that installing texlive from the DVD allows kile to work with no problem. This is baffling to me as installing via the texlive-stable pkgs should have put the same installation on my machine as an installation from the DVD.

This has been a frustrating thing to deal with since I've been recently forced to consider alternatives to winefish as an IDE. FYI, winefish essentially becomes unusable for large tex files due to its usage of perl to resolve the regular expressions it uses to determine code highlighting. I love the highlighting flexibility that winefish gave; but it got to a point where I would type a sentence before any text would appear on the interface. Even after removing most highlighting options, the interface is still too sluggish and too cpu intensive.

I will try to figure out what is going wrong with the packages; but as I said, I'm a bit crunched for time, so no guarantees wink.

Last edited by PDExperiment626 (2007-08-19 15:50:16)

... and for a time, it was good...


#29 2007-08-30 03:55:34

Forum Fellow
From: Germany
Registered: 2006-02-28
Posts: 168

Re: TeX Live packages

Hello everyone,

I have been following this thread for a while, but being in holiday, I did not have time to reply. Today however I did have some time in the evening, and was able to update the pathfiles of the svn version. Since I cannot test them from here, I would appreciate any feedback. As always you can get the build tree here:

For the curious my (not yet documented) scripts for updating the pathfiles can be obtained from Just run ./updatepathfiles and if you're lucky you should have the same pathfiles and PKGBUILDs as the ones I have just generated.

I will be back to my workplace in a few days.

@PDExperiment626: any progress on the problem you reported with kile? I find it very puzzling. Maybe an issue with dynamic vs static library?



#30 2007-08-30 04:56:05

Registered: 2006-11-14
Posts: 293

Re: TeX Live packages

Firmicus wrote:

I will be back to my workplace in a few days.

Take your time and enjoy the rest of your holidays.:)


#31 2007-08-31 19:46:22

From: Pavia, Italy
Registered: 2007-05-28
Posts: 140

Re: TeX Live packages

I'm using kile... in the future it will use texlive or keep using tetex?

Gnu/Linux User on Arch(x86_64)


#32 2007-09-01 11:13:41

Registered: 2006-11-14
Posts: 293

Re: TeX Live packages

The_ouroboros wrote:

I'm using kile... in the future it will use texlive or keep using tetex?

I hope i understand your question in the right way: kile is only a frontend for TeX commands at example tex or latex and so it doesn't matter what for an TeX environment you use.


#33 2007-09-01 19:13:37

From: Pavia, Italy
Registered: 2007-05-28
Posts: 140

Re: TeX Live packages

attila wrote:
The_ouroboros wrote:

I'm using kile... in the future it will use texlive or keep using tetex?

I hope i understand your question in the right way: kile is only a frontend for TeX commands at example tex or latex and so it doesn't matter what for an TeX environment you use.

tnks for the clarification wink

Gnu/Linux User on Arch(x86_64)


#34 2007-09-03 14:10:41

From: Copenhagen
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 339

Re: TeX Live packages

I've finally installed the new texlive pacakages, and everything seems to be running smoothlyk - except for LyX, which can't find any of the latex classes and styles. I've tried compiling it (the 1.5.1 version) both with and without the --without-latex-config flag, but the outcome is the same: an error box saying:

The layout file requested by this document,
is not usable. This is probably because a LaTeX
class or style file required by it is not
available. See the Customization documentation
for more information.
LyX will not be able to produce output.

and similarly for other documents. What should I do?


#35 2007-09-07 09:00:10

Forum Fellow
From: Germany
Registered: 2006-02-28
Posts: 168

Re: TeX Live packages

eyolf wrote:

I've finally installed the new texlive pacakages, and everything seems to be running smoothlyk - except for LyX, which can't find any of the latex classes and styles. I've tried compiling it (the 1.5.1 version) both with and without the --without-latex-config flag, but the outcome is the same: an error box saying:

The layout file requested by this document,
is not usable. This is probably because a LaTeX
class or style file required by it is not
available. See the Customization documentation
for more information.
LyX will not be able to produce output.

and similarly for other documents. What should I do?

I have never used LyX so I cannot help you. But the memoir class is in the texlive-core package, so this is not the issue.

Hope someone who is familiar with LyX can help you!

BTW I have tested Kile (on my gnome desktop) and so far it works without problem. This means that I have not encountered the problem referred to by PDExperiment nor did I need to apply Attila's trick.


#36 2007-09-07 09:16:47

Forum Fellow
From: Germany
Registered: 2006-02-28
Posts: 168

Re: TeX Live packages


I have updated the PKGBUILDs and path files of the texlive-svn packages. Everything builds fine here. They take all changes into account up to SVN revision 4898. The build tree is available from (NOTE THE CHANGE OF NAME).

In addition, I have now simplified my scripts so that everyone can easily update the build tree. Just download, unpack it to the same directory where you unpacked, and run


This takes a little while. Then you should be able to build up-to-date texlive packages!



#37 2007-09-08 05:43:34

moose jaw
From: Milwaukee
Registered: 2007-08-20
Posts: 104

Re: TeX Live packages

Firmicus, thanks for your hard work on this, and for the excellent wiki page as well! I haven't tried the most recently updated PKGBUILDs---I built texlive-core and texlive-fontsextra a few weeks back, and they've been running smoothly ever since. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks again: really appreciate your contributions.


Last edited by moose jaw (2007-09-08 05:45:51)


#38 2007-09-10 19:39:55

Registered: 2006-08-27
Posts: 947

Re: TeX Live packages

@Firmicus, while you were on vacation reading toofishes's we understood devs are going to ignore this thread and actually this whole forum is a mere decoration since it is not seen as a way to improve arch.

So, still you do not want put this in the AUR? If you want I can do it, I won't be a good maintainer as you. But I am pretty sure this packages will get plenty of votes and the dev won't ignore it anymore. (I hope)

Or at very least argument once again why not...

Last edited by ezzetabi (2007-09-10 19:40:35)


#39 2007-09-10 20:05:26

Pacman Developer
Registered: 2006-05-10
Posts: 2,043

Re: TeX Live packages

ezzetabi wrote:

@Firmicus, while you were on vacation reading toofishes's we understood devs are going to ignore this thread and actually this whole forum is a mere decoration since it is not seen as a way to improve arch.

So, still you do not want put this in the AUR? If you want I can do it, I won't be a good maintainer as you. But I am pretty sure this packages will get plenty of votes and the dev won't ignore it anymore. (I hope)

Or at very least argument once again why not...

Any reasons for ignoring toofishes advice ? :
"post a summary on the mailing list of what has been done, what needs to be done, and why this is superior to tetex in the current repos, and I'm sure we can get things figured out."

Obviously developers can't follow every discussion that takes place in the forums, otherwise they would never get anything done. I suppose they already have many mails to check first smile

I don't understand how it makes this whole forum useless though.

pacman roulette : pacman -S $(pacman -Slq | LANG=C sort -R | head -n $((RANDOM % 10)))


#40 2007-09-10 20:13:59

Registered: 2006-08-27
Posts: 947

Re: TeX Live packages

Secondary, it is possible making rpm without much work from this wonderful packages. I have few friends that insist using Fedora (Them: it was a good distro... Me: -when? Them: more or less ten years ago...) . If it is easy I'd like helping them.

The message was for Firmicus, anyhow I'll tell you. Because it is pointless. Firmicus already did something like that, I am pretty sure I remember from the old forum. And about the points `What needs to be done?' Compile all the packages... Why it is superior? Well, it have many programs tetex does not, it uses pdftex that makes more modern files (overall if you do not intend only to print, but also using on computers), it includes many new programs like pstricks...
As I wrote, the forum is a decoration as it is not useful to making arch better.
Of course a also decorations are not meant to the totally useless... that is a little too much.

I am just in bad mood, I do not want create a flame war... Ok? I just want to listen why Firmicus do not want use the AUR. Thats all...

Last edited by ezzetabi (2007-09-10 20:16:56)


#41 2007-09-11 01:59:26

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,484

Re: TeX Live packages

IIRC, Firmicus stated previously being against putting them in AUR because of the strain it would put on the TexLive server. 

Anyway, I recommend him applying to be a TU specifically to maintain these packages in community repository.  The packaging of TexLive is a very significant contribution to the community and should be recognized.

I also added a comment in the bug tracker for replacing tetex here so devs should notice this at some stage smile


#42 2007-09-11 07:55:07

Registered: 2006-08-27
Posts: 947

Re: TeX Live packages

Thanks Allan, it does make sense... up to a certain point. It does make sense for the svn version, but it does not for the stable one.
It is enough uploading to the AUR the sources with already the texmf-dist and texmf directories and the server won't be stressed.
We can also  pack them and put them in an other server just like the tetex maintainer did...

At the moment it is worse for the texlive server since it must serve each archer who wants a copy of texlive...

It is easily possible, I made this PKGBUILD, I just made texmf.tar.bz2 with tar cjf texmf.tar.bz2 texmf/ texmf-inst/ after syncing with the servers this morning and modified the PKGBUILD a little. This can be a good candidate for the AUR, we just need a place where upload texmf.tar.bz2 (that is 70MB!).

source.tar.bz2 is the original tex source.

pkgdesc="TeX Live core distribution"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('xorg-server' 't1lib' 'gd')
makedepends=('rsync' 'flex' 'bison')
source=('texlive-core.maps' 'tl2007-1.patch' 'source.tar.bz2' 'texmf.tar.bz2')
backup=(etc/profile.d/ opt/texlive/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf \
    opt/texlive/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg opt/texlive/texmf/ttf2pk/ttf2pk.cfg \
    opt/texlive/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.dat \
    opt/texlive/texmf/dvips/config/ opt/texlive/texmf/dvipdfm/dvipdfmx.cfg \

build() {
   cd $startdir/src

   echo "--> Copying rsync'ed trees to pkg dir..."
   install -m755 -d $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive || return 1
   find texmf* -type d -exec install -d -m755 $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/'{}' \; || exit 1
   find texmf* -type f -exec install -m644 '{}' $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/'{}' \; || exit 1

   # fix updmap.cfg
   sed -i '/^\(Map\|MixedMap\)/d' $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg
   cat $startdir/texlive-core.maps >> $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg

   # the following line is for patching build tree to current svn version:
   # rsync -a --progress --exclude=.svn --delete texk/
   # but we prefer to patch stable bugfixes only:
   # svn diff svn:// \
   #        svn:// > tl2007-1.patch
   patch -p0 <tl2007-1.patch
   mkdir Work
   chmod a+x configure || exit 1
   cd Work
   echo "--> Here we go with configure madness..."
   GNUMAKE="make" && export $GNUMAKE
   export MALLOC_CHECK_=0
   ../configure --prefix=/opt/texlive \
       --datadir=$startdir/pkg/opt/texlive \
       --disable-multiplatform \
       --without-dialog --without-texinfo \
       --with-system-zlib --with-system-pnglib \
       --with-system-ncurses --with-system-t1lib \
       --with-system-gd --with-fontconfig=/usr/lib \
       --with-system-freetype2 --with-freetype2-libdir=/usr/lib \
       --with-freetype2-include=/usr/include/freetype2 \
       --with-xdvi-x-toolkit=xaw \
       # NB --without-texinfo does not seem to work...
       # NB lcdf-typetools could perhaps be packaged separately, 
       #    but then it'd be better to build it with libkpathsea,
       #    which would make texlive or tetex a prerequisite ...
   #fix lcdf-typetools and texi2html Makefiles
   find $startdir/src/Work/utils/lcdf-typetools -name 'Makefile' \
       -exec sed -i~ 's|(datadir)/lcdf|(datadir)/share/lcdf|' {} \;
   sed -i~ 's|(datadir)/texi2html|(datadir)/share/texi2html|' \
   sed -i '/datarootdir =/d' $startdir/src/Work/utils/ps2eps/Makefile
   sed -i 's|datarootdir|prefix|' $startdir/src/Work/utils/ps2eps/Makefile
   echo "--> ... and now we build the whole beast"
   make || return 1
   make prefix=$startdir/pkg/opt/texlive texmf=$startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf install
   # clean up...
   #   next line: those files are also in base, but "make install" duplicated them here
   rm -f $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf/bibtex/csf/*.csf  
   rm -rf $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf/doc/{bg5conv,bibtex8}/
   rm -rf $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf/{lists,pkg,tpm}
   rm -rf $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/{info,texinfo}
   rm -f $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf/dvipdfm/config/config-win32
   rm -f $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf/texdoctk/texdocrc-win32.defaults
   rm -f $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf-var/web2c/updmap.log
   rm -f $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf-4WIN
   rm -rf $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf-dist/doc/latex/marvosym/mac
   # libtoolslay (necessary?)
   find $startdir/pkg -name '*.la' -exec rm {} \;

   # copy config files to texmf-var
   mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf-var/web2c
   mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf-var/tex/plain/config
   mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf-var/dvips/config
   mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf-var/dvipdfm/config
   mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf-var/tex/generic/config
   mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf-var/tex/context/config
   mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf-var/xdvi
   cp -a $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf/web2c/mktex.cnf \
   cp -a $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/plain/config/language.def \
   cp -a $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf/dvips/config/ \
   cp -a $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf/dvipdfm/config/config \
   cp -a $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf/tex/generic/config/pdftexconfig.tex \
   cp -a $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/context/config/cont-usr.tex \
   cp -a $startdir/pkg/opt/texlive/texmf/xdvi/XDvi \
   # startup profile to export PATH and MANPATH
   mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/etc/profile.d
   echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/texlive/bin' > $startdir/src/
   echo 'export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/opt/texlive/man' >> $startdir/src/
   install -m755 $startdir/src/ $startdir/pkg/etc/profile.d/


Last edited by ezzetabi (2007-09-11 10:17:48)


#43 2007-09-12 08:56:11

Forum Fellow
From: Germany
Registered: 2006-02-28
Posts: 168

Re: TeX Live packages

@ezzetabi: Your points are very well taken, Perhaps you remember I had stated my intention to ask on the TUR mailing list about the possibility to put our texlive-stable packages in community. Alas I did not have much time since I came back from holidays. But the above discussions incited me to do two things:

1) I just sent such a message to the tur-users ML, in which I state what we have done, and ask their advice whether one of them is willing to adopt my packages. I also raise the possibility of applying to become a TU myself. We'll see...

(to read it: … 5764.html)

2) I have also uploaded all texlive-stable packages to AUR smile

Please go to … ive&PP=100
and cast your votes!



#44 2007-09-12 09:21:20

Stefan Husmann
From: Germany
Registered: 2007-08-07
Posts: 1,391

Re: TeX Live packages

Far too few votes yet ! People. go ahead! wink


#45 2007-09-12 10:32:35

Registered: 2007-06-08
Posts: 38

Re: TeX Live packages

voted big_smile


"Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch' entrate"
- Laßt jede Hoffnung hinter euch, ihr, die ihr eintretet -

Dante Alighieri


#46 2007-09-12 15:23:59

Registered: 2006-08-27
Posts: 947

Re: TeX Live packages

If we'll have the packages in the community repo the problem won't exist since we'll have binary packages, but otherwise what do you think about making the packages with already texmf* directories as sources?

making the tars is pretty easy, it is enough unpacking your files and

$ for d in texlive-*; do cd "$d" && makepkg -dc ; touch ../"$d"-"$?" && cd .. ; done
$ #Assuming every compilation went all right
$ rm texlive*0
$ for d in texlive-*; do cd "$d" && tar cvvjf texmf.tar.bz2 texmf* && cd .. ; done

and... Well... change all PKGBUILDs by hand... But maybe you know a better way?
As far as I saw a part of the -core all others are pretty similar...
By hand or not, once done it ready and it can be used also in next versions...

Of course I voted for all packages. :-)

Edit: We need at least other 50 votes (better 200...), come on!

Last edited by ezzetabi (2007-09-12 19:38:40)


#47 2007-09-14 06:53:59

Forum Fellow
From: Germany
Registered: 2006-02-28
Posts: 168

Re: TeX Live packages

ezzetabi wrote:

If we'll have the packages in the community repo the problem won't exist since we'll have binary packages, but otherwise what do you think about making the packages with already texmf* directories as sources?

I have officially applied to become a TU, so chances are good that the binary packages will be in [community] quite soon. I also thought about making a source tarball: the problem as you say is to find space where to put it!

BTW, thanks to all who voted!


#48 2007-09-14 09:31:20

From: Copenhagen
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 339

Re: TeX Live packages

I don't know where this belongs, but in order to use the gui to the documentation (texdoctk), which comes with texlive-core, one needs the perl-tk module. It may be too much to state this as a dependency, but perhaps a post-install message?


#49 2007-09-14 09:42:07

Registered: 2006-08-27
Posts: 947

Re: TeX Live packages

It should be already there... This is an extract of texlive-code.install

# arg 1:  the new package version
post_install() {
    echo ">>> ------------------------ <<<"
    echo ">>> Welcome to TeXLive 2007! <<<"
    echo ">>> ------------------------ <<<"
    echo ">>> Configuration of TeXLive is virtually the same as for teTeX:"
    echo ">>> see"
    echo ">>> SEE ALSO"
    echo ">>>"
    echo ">>> Some tools and utilities included in TeX Live rely on ghostscript,"
    echo ">>> perl or ruby. To consult the documentation with texdoc or texdoctk"
    echo ">>> you will need to install 'texlive-coredoc' (120MB!)."
    echo ">>> Note that texdoctk requires perl-tk."
    echo ">>> You can also access the whole documentation online:"
    echo ">>> either via" 
    echo ">>> or on CTAN)"
    echo ">>>"
    echo ">>> A skeleton of a local texmf tree is at /opt/texlive/texmf-local:"
    echo ">>> this directory is writable for members of the group tex."


#50 2007-09-14 09:53:30

From: Copenhagen
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 339

Re: TeX Live packages

[note to self: "Think before type, think before type, read the log, THEN post"]


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