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@Pashov_D: Thanks for the response, I was just wondering whether there were big issues with Arch64 on the macbook.
Good to hear improvement on the MBP front. What really annoys me is how my MBP "v3" likes to cook itself when I'm in any OS besides OSX with the fan rpms manually cranked up via smcFanControl. So functional cpu scaling is very nice indeed.
Anyone know a good app to control fan speeds in Linux (or WinOS) for the MBP? Bummer there is no way to talk directly to the firmware to tweak voltage, frequency, and temp-to-fan.rpm settings....
Serves me right for getting latest gen mobile hardware. I've gotten used to Linux Just Working(tm) in recent times lol.
[size=1]A5N8X, 3500+ single-core Manchester, 2x512MB Corsair XMS, MSI 7600GT
S-12 430W, HR-05, Scythe Mime, VF900 modded with Scythe 80x25mm. Dual D12SL-12 Yate Loons
WD1200JB, WD3200JB, HD501LJ
Dual,independant WinXP installs via Grub hiding, VectorLinux 5.1.1SOHO, 5.8SOHO.
- - - - -
MacBook Pro Santa Rosa, 2.2GHz, 250GB Scorpio, Ceramique compound, Pending Appled-Tux Logo mod
MBRed Hard Drive with: OSX, WinXP, Vista (MSDN), Vector 5.8 SOHO, Sidux 2007-03
Pending Fusion "bootcamp" VMs pointing to native OS installs[/size]
My macbook has arrived !!!
One problem though (or more which i did not discover yet )
The bluetooth works fine. It was easy to set up a bluetooth mouse.
Could you please give me some hints on how to do that? i followed the Arch wiki ( ) for bluehtooth mice but hidd --search does not find my mouse
Thanks in advance!
At least for the Macbook it seems obvious that 32-bit Arch runs better! I used Arch64 because I did have noticable advantages on my (mainly AMD64) based desktop computer. Just now I read that Intels core2 performs not really convincing with 64bit OS due to several operations not available inside the 64bit command set. This really may melt down the advantages, but I never tested the difference in that case so far.
This thread is for Macbook success stories and 64-bit is definitely the future and in lot of cases already the state of the art, but no religion! So if Pashov_D gets everything to work with Arch32, so be it!
Thank you for posting!
i can't get sound to work i got alsa-lib .15rc3 and alsa-utils .15rc1 from aur (with yaourt) and can't get it to work, even not after reinstalling it, reinstalling the kernel,... i did alsaconf which made the 2 before-mentioned aliases in modprobe.conf but still this didn't help. It seems like it cannot find a soundcard or something, because alsamixer emits "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device"
I run arch 32bit. I also had the same problem with alsa 14-5 btw
< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
4 8 15 16 23 42
To evdvelde ( and anyone else who had problems with bt mouse) : Instead of HCID_ENABLE=true given in the wiki I left
# Run the hcid daemon (default: true)
Because I thought it might be that the HCID_ENABLE is replaced with DAEMON_ENABLE.
As in the wiki start the service /etc/rc.d/bluetooth
modprobe the modules (if they are not already loaded)
Start the bluetooth mouse and press the reset button on the mouse (to make it discoverable).
then run:
hcitool inq
it will show the addresses of the bt devices around.
hidd --connect address-of-device
and the mouse is ready
The only difference to he wiki page I see is the DAEMON_ENABLE instead of HCID_ENABLE. I never tried with the later so I don't know it might also work. When I read the conf file I just thought there is something strange because they look pretty similar to me. So I decided to leave it as it was (with daemon_enable....)
hidd --search didn't give me anything too, but hcitool inq showed me the address. The mouse I used is something from Dell but shows up as Logitech, may be that is where the chip is from.
I hope I helped
Kernel 2.6.23 as well as ALSA 1.0.15 just arrived, but still no sound. Is it really the right driver missing? Any magic?
I upgraded NVIDIA 100.14.19. Colours are OK without any patch and the Beryl performance is fine now.
I also saw a new lirc (remote control) version, but didn't test yet.