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New GDM, new embedded terminal, and new wallpaper/skydome/cubecap... same old clearlooks gtk and balck UbuntuStudio icons:
Large View: … t-56-9.png
Could you put your conkyrc? Thanks
Last edited by nucleuswizard (2007-11-10 14:11:37)
Mikko777 wrote:Finally found something to replace murrine deviant ^^ …
hey. i found your application menu very interesting. can you please say me how to realize that in gnome?
thank you,
mfg iggy
Gimmie: "The Gimmie panel enhancement project has been proposed for inclusion in GNOME 2.22. Gimmie provides a highly streamlined user interface that exposes GNOME functionality in a logically organized and consistent manner."
pacman -Ss gimmie
==> Regenerating TUPAC_CACHE
1 community/gimmie 0.2.8-1 - This is the installed version
GNOME panel revisited
methuselah wrote:New GDM, new embedded terminal, and new wallpaper/skydome/cubecap... same old clearlooks gtk and balck UbuntuStudio icons:
Very nice..
How did you get the arch logo displayed in conky?
Thank you very much, and just like Ashren said, it's the font called "OpenLogos": … dae5468242
methuselah wrote:New GDM, new embedded terminal, and new wallpaper/skydome/cubecap... same old clearlooks gtk and balck UbuntuStudio icons:
Large View: … t-56-9.png
Could you put your conkyrc? Thanks
Sure, here it is:
# A comprehensive conky script, configured for use on
# Ubuntu / Debian Gnome, without the need for any external scripts.
# Based on conky-jc and the default .conkyrc.
# - battery stats, cached memory, uptime, date/time, file system stats
# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
#own_window_type normal
own_window_type override
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes
# fiddle with window
# I think the "use spacer" option only works with mono fonts.
use_spacer yes
use_xft yes
# Xft font when Xft is enabled
#xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=4
xftfont Monospace:bold:size=9
# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 3.0
# Minimum size of text area
minimum_size 742
maximum_width 224
# Draw shades? was no
#draw_shades yes
# Text stuff
# amplifies text if yes was no
#draw_outline yes
draw_borders no
uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
# border margins
#border_margin 0
# border width
#border_width 0
# Default colors and also border colors
#default_shade_color a7d9a3
default_outline_color 1A2B38
default_color FFFFFF
# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#alignment top_left
alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right
# Gap between borders of screen and text
gap_x 0
gap_y 40
# Text alpha when using Xft
xftalpha 1
# drawn 1 pixel border around graphs or not was no on screenshot guide
draw_graph_borders no
# stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
${time %A}${alignr 24}${time %b %d %Y}
${font Monospace:bold:size=15}${alignr 24}${time %l:%M %p}${font}
${font OpenLogos:bold:size=14}B ${font}${alignr 24}${kernel} on ${machine}
IP eth0: ${alignr 24}${addr eth0}
Uptime: ${alignr 24}${uptime}
Battery: ${alignr 24}${battery}
B. time: ${alignr 24}${battery_time}
Nautilus: ${font OpenLogos:bold:size=10}T${font}${alignr 24}${fs_size}
${offset 24}used =${alignr 24}${fs_used}
${offset 24}free =${alignr 24}${fs_free}
SWAP: ${alignr 24}${swapperc}% of ${swapmax}
RAM: ${alignr 24}${memperc}% of ${memmax}
Cache Mem: ${alignr 24}${cached}
${alignc}${top_mem name 1}
${alignc}Mem:${alignr 24}${top_mem mem 1}%
${alignc}${top_mem name 2}
${alignc}Mem:${alignr 24}${top_mem mem 2}%
${alignc}${top_mem name 3}
${alignc}Mem:${alignr 24}${top_mem mem 3}%
Temp:${alignr 24}${acpitemp}.c
CPU:${alignr 24}${freq_g} GHz
Clocked:${alignr 24}${freq_dyn_g} GHz
${alignc}${top name 1}
${alignc}Cpu:${alignr 21}${top cpu 1}%
${alignc}${top name 2}
${alignc}Cpu:${alignr 21}${top cpu 2}%
${alignc}${top name 3}
${alignc}Cpu:${alignr 21}${top cpu 3}%
Cpu Graph:
${alignr 24}${cpugraph 24,200 1A2B38 D9DBE1}
Up: ${upspeedf eth0}k/s${totalup eth0}
${alignr 24}${upspeedgraph eth0 24,200 1A2B38 D9DBE1}
Down: ${downspeedf eth0}k/s${totaldown eth0}
${alignr 24}${downspeedgraph eth0 24,200 1A2B38 D9DBE1}
Last edited by methuselah (2007-11-10 15:15:47)
okay, it's time for my new setup people.
I have uploaded it to a new place and put in a neat auto index script aswell … _scrot.png is the newest screenie and you can see the others listed at
Proud Arch i686 & x86_64 User
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jason_f>> Check out openlogos :
Sweet. Thanks Ashren and Methuselah..
Mikko, I got to admit- I love your wallpaper.Would you mind sharing it with me? I think you made it yourself so I am not sure if you want someone else to have it but.. I would really appreciate that! I really fell in <3 with that wallpaper.
I just installed Fluxbox today so there isn't too much of editing in there yet. I really love some of your configuration guys.
And when we are already talking about it- conky won't work for me.
When I am trying to start it it always says:
conky: timed_thread.c:90: timed_thread_create: Assertion `(start_routine != ((void *)0)) && (interval_usecs >= 50000)' failed.
Anyone knows what to do?
Mikko, I got to admit- I love your wallpaper.Would you mind sharing it with me? I think you made it yourself so I am not sure if you want someone else to have it but.. I would really appreciate that! I really fell in <3 with that wallpaper.
Well its not my work... I just resized and pasted thayers logo on it.
Guess I could share it tho...
Well its not my work...
lol, irony.
Last edited by adekoba (2007-11-10 22:26:41)
Mikko, I got to admit- I love your wallpaper.Would you mind sharing it with me? I think you made it yourself so I am not sure if you want someone else to have it but.. I would really appreciate that! I really fell in <3 with that wallpaper.
My desktop: … just installed Fluxbox today so there isn't too much of editing in there yet. I really love some of your configuration guys.
And when we are already talking about it- conky won't work for me.
When I am trying to start it it always says:conky: timed_thread.c:90: timed_thread_create: Assertion `(start_routine != ((void *)0)) && (interval_usecs >= 50000)' failed.
Anyone knows what to do?
Do you have a .conkyrc file in your homedir? try starting with the default config.
conky -c /etc/xdg/conky/conkyrc.sample
If that fixes it you can copy that file to ~/.conkyrc, or get a better one from the web
Mikko777 wrote:Well its not my work...
lol, irony.
lol, yup ^^
When I am trying to start it it always says:
conky: timed_thread.c:90: timed_thread_create: Assertion `(start_routine != ((void *)0)) && (interval_usecs >= 50000)' failed.
Anyone knows what to do?
Change your threaded execs to unthreaded ones.
${texeci 300 blah}
should be
${execi 300 blah}
Last edited by buttons (2007-11-11 00:56:32)
Cthulhu For President!
wow, well done.
My notebook setup, simple and light. …
Cool! What's theme?
ArchLinux with Xfce4.
Great! Thanks for the wallpaper Mikko and thanks for your conky-help jason. I appreciate that
click! … 0x1024.png
can some1 point out how to change the screwed up menufont in firefox. Its bloody ugly!!
Last edited by bud (2007-11-12 01:14:06)
Hello, I am normal!
click! … 0x1024.pngBTW
can some1 point out how to change the screwed up menufont in firefox. Its bloody ugly!!
Looks like you changed it. Anything in your userChrome.css?
What's your default font in ~/.gtkrc-2.0, or ~/.gtkrc-mine?
Oooh...and gnome-settings-daemon AND kdeinit? Try not starting those, and see if anything changes.
Cthulhu For President!
r00 wrote:My notebook setup, simple and light. …
`xftermCool! What's theme?
The xfce theme is Katiola which comes with the package and the gtk theme is GT4 that you can find on The menu and button layouts were just tweaked by me.
bud wrote:click! … 0x1024.pngBTW
can some1 point out how to change the screwed up menufont in firefox. Its bloody ugly!!Looks like you changed it. Anything in your userChrome.css?
What's your default font in ~/.gtkrc-2.0, or ~/.gtkrc-mine?
Oooh...and gnome-settings-daemon AND kdeinit? Try not starting those, and see if anything changes.
Hmm il check userChrome.css, but since I have never changed it myself I dont see why thats causing it.
I dont have either ~/.gtkrc-2.0, or ~/.gtkrc-mine
I use gnome-settings-daemon because browsing directorys with alot of files in (thunar and other gtk-related apps) gets ALOT faster, also themesettings are more simple to setup ^^
kdeinit is used because qt programs won't show up in systray if i don't use it. (see kmixer and kalarm on screenshot)
Last edited by bud (2007-11-12 08:01:55)
Hello, I am normal!
Been using Arch for a month now and I can't praise it enough. My current setup is largely inspired by several of the desktops posted from these monthly threads.
Openbox, pypanel, conky, and tint
Offline … _scrot.jpg
Going 1977 style:D
Use the Source, Luke!