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Absolutely awesome! Thanks (and same little notes as uastasi)
Hey Oliwer, thanks for adding the OSS support! Seems to be working like a charm other than the having to choose the OSS driver after restarting the app. Anyway, thanks so much for making this!
Last edited by humanzoo (2009-01-06 21:34:23)
Alright guys, time for beta 2 : … ta2.tar.gz
The bugs should be fixed. Do ypu still have problems with mute function uastasi ?
Also, this version contains my perl class
Beta2 works great here! Thanks again. Oss bugs gone.
I get bad mixer control name with OSS.
I have tried a few different values like 'mixer' 'mix0' 'pcm0' etc but I can't work out what it's supposed to be.
Alright guys, time for beta 2 : … ta2.tar.gz
The bugs should be fixed. Do ypu still have problems with mute function uastasi ?
Also, this version contains my perl class
Seems that it mutes a sub-channel and not the main called vmix-outvol
What do you mean for mixer? Because the default OSS mixer is intented to be ossxmix that belongs to OSS package and located into /usr/bin.
Crap ! I forgot to rename 2 variables in In the functions 'mute' and 'unmute', replace '$opt{channel}' by '$channel'. Of course it couldn't work !
@sandman : you you can't find the right channel right ? Try with 'vol' or 'vmix-outvol'. This is something you should be able to figure out by yourself but maybe i'll add something to help you in a future release.
Crap ! I forgot to rename 2 variables in In the functions 'mute' and 'unmute', replace '$opt{channel}' by '$channel'. Of course it couldn't work !
It works partly now because on unmute it restores volume to 100%. _Great_ work anyway oliwer
I <3 volwheel 4 OSS! thanks
Man! This is one of the thngs I needed the most for Arch, it is an incredible application!!!
I'd like to help you testing the new relesaes. I installed version 0.2.6-1. Where can I get a newer version version?
"What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know...
It's what we know for sure that just ain't so."
Mark Twain
Man! This is one of the thngs I needed the most for Arch, it is an incredible application!!!
I'd like to help you testing the new relesaes. I installed version 0.2.6-1. Where can I get a newer version version?
Get the 0.2.7beta3 from here, since on oliwer's repo there's 0.2.7beta2 yet.
Have fun
Sorry for the long wait. The month of February has been quite busy and I had very little time to take care of VolWheel.
But today was a free day, and here it is : VolWheel 0.2.7
Changelog :
* Added OSS support through ossmix
* Added the MiniMixer
* Added configurable prefix
* Added support for xdg-user-dir spec
* Added an install script
* Modularisation and lots of code rewrite
You can see a little screenshot a the new MiniMixer here. It is quite handy when you want to quickly access to both output and input channels (when using Skype for example). I'm also thinking of using this to manage the volume of each applications using PulseAudio.
The Community package should be updated soon.
I like this app very much. Can't wait until 0.2.7 gets into [community].
I can't get 0.2.7 to work... it complains about a missing module.
Any tip which CPAN provides that?
Microshaft delenda est
Since the package is outdated from a very very long time here's a PKGBUILD to build the latest version
# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.4 2009/01/03 10:46:10 pizzapunk Exp $
# Maintainer: Alexander Fehr <pizzapunk gmail com>
# Contributor: Olivier Duclos <>
pkgdesc="Tray icon to change volume with the mouse"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('perl-gtk2-trayicon' )
build() {
cd "$srcdir/volwheel-$pkgver"
./ --prefix=$pkgdir/usr || return 1
It seems some people have problems with the current installer which doesn't create all the necessary directories. Although I can't reproduce this on my box, I've fixed the installer and released a new tarball : … xed.tar.gz
There is no need to download it if your current version works fine.
@scarecrow : this will solve your problem. VolWheel doesn't require any CPAN stuff besides Gtk2-perl. And BTW, the perl-Gtk2-trayicon dependency will disappear in the next version since Gtk+ 2.16 has vastly improved its StatusIcon widget.
I updated volwheel in community using the standard tarball (it works fine for me)
Oh snap. So glad I saw this thread; this app is amazing and simple. Great job!
[ lamy + pilot ] [ arch64 | wmii ] [ ati + amd ]
Is there a way to increase the priority on start of the volwheel app ? As its response time is very slow since upgrading to 0.2.7.
I thought I'd done it by launching with
nice -20 volwheel
But changing master volume is still to slugish, i've gone back to 0.2.6.
I'm using xfce4 panel
Last edited by foggybrain (2009-04-10 12:09:17)
For the next time, a niceness of -5 is more then enough for a user desktop operation. -2'0 gives it precedence to the most basic system operations.
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
Tried niceness of -5 and the new volwheel is still slow and unresponsive in the xfce4 panel, there is something very wrong with the new version.
Try GVolWheel (not required Perl) :
Just tried GVolWheel and it works perfectly.
Thank-you so much for the recommendation.
Hey guys!
Is it only me but I need first to click on volwheel icon and only then I can use mouse wheel to adjust volume. Nothing happens if I just hover mouse over the icon and scroll the wheel.
I'm using fluxbox BTW. I've used wmix docapp before. But todays update broke it, so I was forced to find another alternative.
Last edited by void_false (2009-05-26 16:24:40)
What's the window name of the minimixer?
I can't set it to floating in my awesome config because I can't run xwininfo on it to get the name; it disappears as soon as I focus another window.