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raul_nds wrote: …
Rather happy with it
What DE/WM is that?
It's Gnome with Compiz. I'm really flattered if it doesn't look like it
raul_nds wrote: …
Rather happy with it
Would you mind posting your .conkyrc please?
It is awfully beautiful!PS: A link to the background image would also be great!
Sorry I took so long.
Here is my conkyrc:
double_buffer yes
update_interval 5.0
background no
own_window yes
own_window_type override
# Use pseudo transparency with own_window?
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
use_xft yes
override_utf8_locale no
xftfont Myriad Pro:size=9
xftalpha 1
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
uppercase no
use_spacer yes
border_margin 20
border_width 0
default_color white
default_outline_color black
alignment top_right
gap_x 15
gap_y 9
${font Myriad Pro:size=60}${time %H:%M}${font}
${font Myriad Pro:size=8}Today is ${exec date}${font}
${font StyleBats:size=32}a${font Myriad Pro:size=9}Cpu ${cpu}% ${acpitemp}C
${font StyleBats:size=26}c${font Myriad Pro:size=9}Ram ${memperc}% | Swap ${swapperc}%
${font StyleBats:size=26}o${font Myriad Pro:size=9}Down: ${downspeed wlan0}Kb/s | Up: ${upspeed wlan0}Kb/s
${font StyleBats:size=26}b${font Myriad Pro:size=9}Battery: ${battery BAT0} ${battery_time BAT0}
As you can see, I rely on 2 fonts, Myriad Pro and StyleBats. StyleBats is easy to find, just place it in your /usr/share/fonts/ttf (or equivalent). The same applies to Myriad Pro, but I think i would have to upload them to you myself. If you (or others) are interested PM me, i'd be glad to help
PS: Wallpaper is from the Vladstudio site, it's called "flow of time"
Last edited by raul_nds (2008-02-03 04:03:32)
First time posting to one of these threads. My setup's pretty minimal, but that seems to be in vogue now, anyways. The gtk theme was modified to make it even more minimalistic than before. My terminal and dwm font is Proggy Opti Small, but the gtk font is Terminus, since I can't get any proggy fonts to work in gtk.
EDIT - yeah...helps to add the link to the shot.
Last edited by qylvaran (2008-02-03 04:21:10)
@lyrae: As many others here have said, you have an absolutely beautiful screenshot. :-) Do you know where I can obtain the standard 07_55 font from? It seems like a good terminal font to use (I spend a good majority of my time using a terminal while I'm logged on).
Thank you
Download the Sandwich Vs at There is a font inside.
I use lime (artwiz) on the terminal because standard 07_55 doesn't look good in it.
First time posting to one of these threads. My setup's pretty minimal, but that seems to be in vogue now, anyways. The gtk theme was modified to make it even more minimalistic than before. My terminal and dwm font is Proggy Opti Small, but the gtk font is Terminus, since I can't get any proggy fonts to work in gtk. …
EDIT - yeah...helps to add the link to the shot.
Which browser do you use? Is that firefox? I like your minimalistic tabs
And, how did you get proggy opti small to work in the urxvt/dwm? I mean how did you put it into .Xdefaults, by which name? Since I can't get it to work in GTK either.
Last edited by Gigamo (2008-02-03 17:59:27)
Offline … 96#p311596
:edit: terminal font: *font: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-7
Last edited by krib (2008-02-03 15:53:06)
Thanks. Which font do you use for terminal btw?
Last edited by Gigamo (2008-02-03 15:41:18)
Which browser do you use? Is that firefox? I like your minimalistic tabs
The browser is Firefox, modified to use native tabs (I forget what I did, but I think the directions were in one of the bug reports. Or you could just wait for Firefox 3), and running Vimperator.
And, how did you get proggy opti small to work in the urxvt/dwm? I mean how did you put it into .Xdefaults, by which name? Since I can't get it to work in GTK either.
In .Xdefaults, I have "URxvt*font: -*-proggyoptis-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*". I installed the "proggyfonts" package from AUR.
elstupidos wrote:Clean
Its been about 3 weeks now that I've been free of windows.
Love it.
Once again google arch wiki and the forums have been extremely helpful with the transition.
Where did you find the awesome wallpaper?
Its called Darkwood. Which can be found here...
If you (or others) are interested PM me, i'd be glad to help
Ehmm, i cannot find a way to pm you!
If you could pm me to send you more contact info, i would really appreciate it!!
openbox =]
Last edited by dax965 (2008-03-23 03:06:05)
cardinals_fan wrote:elstupidos wrote:Clean
Its been about 3 weeks now that I've been free of windows.
Love it.
Once again google arch wiki and the forums have been extremely helpful with the transition.
Where did you find the awesome wallpaper?
Its called Darkwood. Which can be found here...
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Great! How did you get the icons in awesome's statusbar?
can you explain whats going on? curious.
also, here's a dumb question about tiling window managers like dwm and awesome...
what happens when you open a rarely opened program? where does it go?
dax965 wrote:can you explain whats going on? curious.
also, here's a dumb question about tiling window managers like dwm and awesome...
what happens when you open a rarely opened program? where does it go?
It gets tiled juts like any other window. Unless you have a rule for it.
Nice, any chance of you sharing your awesomerc and scripts that get the battery and time and date to show in the status bar?
raul_nds wrote:If you (or others) are interested PM me, i'd be glad to help
Ehmm, i cannot find a way to pm you!
If you could pm me to send you more contact info, i would really appreciate it!!
Raul is used to the Ubuntu forums which include PM functionality.
He has MSN contact info included in his profile though.
avoulk wrote:raul_nds wrote:If you (or others) are interested PM me, i'd be glad to help
Ehmm, i cannot find a way to pm you!
If you could pm me to send you more contact info, i would really appreciate it!!Raul is used to the Ubuntu forums which include PM functionality.
He has MSN contact info included in his profile though.
heh I never noticed there was no private messaging