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i guess youre missing a dns server...
normally dhcpd should take care of it. otherwise, add a dns-server to /etc/resolv.conf (commonly nameserver <gateway ip>)
dont no if this could be related to your problems, but make sure you did set up your own host name properly (would result in big mess otherwise).
well i am using dhcp so i wont need to add a dns-server. anyway when I type: /etc/rc.d/network restart I get:
err, wlan0: timed out
warn, wlan0: using IPV4LL address
Turn dhcpd off in your ap, try with static ip to rule out dhcpd-issues.
If you now are connected to the ap, you can also go back here again.
YES! it worked! what I had to do was just install wicd and connect from there now everything works. thanks for your help everyone!