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We wouldn't want our friends in Redmond to feel slighted, so I have ported this to Microsoft Visual Basic 6:
Module Superiority
Sub Main()
MsgBox("Arch is the best!")
End Sub
End Module
A VB.NET version is now in development.
This application has respawned my faith in this community. Thank you all.
Is it out of beta yet? I'd love to use it, but would hate to have unstable software on my box...
PS: Yes. This shows what a great community is capable of!
Stand back, intruder, or i'll blast you out of space! I am Klixon and I don't want any dealings with you human lifeforms. I'm a cyborg!
Awesome! Me likes it!
It's not the best thing when they call you a "member" you know…
Can you make it do different colours like that gentoo thingy?
I tried yaourt -S archisthebest-color but to no avail.
In an effort to spread Arch's word to new places, I've ported this super-app to the Motorola M68HC12 platform.
ORG $0800
LDX $F684
LDY #str
loop: LDAB 0, Y
BEQ done
JSR 0, X
BRA loop
done: SWI
str DC.B $41,$72,$63,$68,$20,$69,$73,$20,$74,$68,$65,$20,$62,$65,$73,$74,$21,$00
The source code is untested and provided as is. The author is not responsible if your microcontroller stops working, catches fire or blows up. The author is *totally* responsible if the microcontroller starts working better, or if you get a raise as a result of using this program.
I just can't help thinking of the hilarity if the OP had somehow got the script wrong...
I just can't help thinking of the hilarity if the OP had somehow got the script wrong...
Nope... It works fine here. This is Open Source anyway so anyone can improve the code and send back patches.
While all your efforts have been grand, none of your programs have properly captured the amazingness of Arch compared to the rest. Thusly, I have converted the application into SPL:
Ode to Arch Linux, a play in six parts.
The Ghost, also known as Judd, former ruler of Arch.
Arthur, the good sir Aaron, new overlord.
Hamlet, a die-hard Archer.
Ophelia, lover of other distributions.
Act I: Praise for the Rulers.
Scene I: Glory to He Who Started the Arch.
[Enter The Ghost and Hamlet]
Thou art as noble as the quotient between the sum of a cunning
gentle handsome trustworthy noble mighty honest hero and a cute
angel and a golden summer's day.
Speak your mind!
The Ghost:
You are as bold as the difference between a charming cunning
peaceful fair fine gentle happy Lord and the difference between
a blossoming amazing warm rich smooth hero and the sum of a
happy animal and a cat.
Thou art as big as the sum of thyself and the sum of a kingdom
and the sum of a huge blue cunning handsome hero and a loving
mighty noble sweet trustworthy rose.
Speak your mind!
The Ghost:
Speak YOUR mind!
Thou art as good as the difference between thyself and the sum
of a prompt proud trustworthy King and a golden angel.
Speak your mind!
The Ghost:
You cunning happy honest noble mighty hero! Speak your mind!
[Exit Hamlet]
Scene II: The torch passes on.
[Enter Arthur]
You are as lovely as the sum of yourself and a rose.
Speak your mind!
The Ghost:
YOU are as lovely as the sum of myself and the sum of a beautiful
blossoming red rose and a delicious thing!
Speak your mind!
[Exit The Ghost]
[Enter Hamlet]
Speak your mind!
[Exit Hamlet]
Act II: Dismissal of the Outsider.
Scene I: Aaron Takes The First Volley.
[Enter Ophelia]
Thou art as rotten as the difference between thyself and a pig!
Speak your mind!
You are as vile as the difference between The Ghost and a cat!
Speak your mind!
Thou art as evil as the sum of The Ghost and a dusty lying leech!
Speak your mind!
[Exit Arthur]
[Enter Hamlet]
Speak your mind!
[Exit Hamlet]
Scene II: Judd takes a stab.
[Enter The Ghost]
You are as hairy as the difference between thyself and the
difference between a devil and an oozing infected rotten toad!
Speak your mind!
You are as rotten as Arthur!
Speak your mind!
The Ghost:
You are as half-witted as the difference between thyself and
the sum of a foul fat-kidneyed distasteful pig and the sum of
an evil plague and a goat!
Speak your mind!
You are as miserable as the difference between thyself and a
Speak your mind!
[Exit The Ghost]
Act III: Final Glory.
Scene I: Ophelia gets TOLD.
[Enter Arthur]
You hound!
Thou art as rotten as the sum of thyself and a cat!
You are as stupid as the difference between a hero and
a foul little oozing smelly disgusting codpiece!
Scene II: Ophelia is Converted.
Speak your mind!
Thou art as noble as the sum of thyself and a hero!
Am I worse than the sum of a hero and a brave hero?
If so, we must proceed to scene II.
You rose. Open your heart!
You are as healthy as the sum of a brave noble loving
hero and a red rose.
Speak your mind!
Here's a Makefile:
BIN = archisbest
SOURCES = $(wildcard *.spl)
SOURCES_C = $(SOURCES:.spl=.c)
CXX = gcc
SPL2C = spl2c
LIBSPL = /usr/lib/libspl.a
all: $(BIN)
$(CXX) -lm -o $@ $< $(LIBSPL)
%.c: %.spl
rm -f $@
$(SPL2C) < $< > $@
rm -f $(SOURCES_C)
rm -f $(BIN)
I like Cerebral's dedication to this project! It has been a long time since I looked at SPL...
Last edited by Allan (2008-04-26 14:44:43)
I can but cite Antonio: "I am dumb."
Untested (wow, it's been a while since I've written a PKGBUILD from scratch)
pkgname=best_script_in_the_world pkgver=1.0 pkgrel=1 url="" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') license=('GPL') source=() md5sums=() build() { mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/ echo #!/bin/sh >> $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/ echo >> $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/ echo 'echo "Arch is the best!"' >> $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/ chmod a+x $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/ }
I can't find it in aur. please help.:(
I am going to have to ask you all respectfully to cease and desist development on this project as I already have a patent on an application that proclaims a state of being for an object. It is patent # 348947.
I will thank you in the future for respecting my Intellectual property.
PS: What the hell is Arch Linux?!?
Last edited by kingjorge (2008-05-02 14:57:25)
i didn't see a ruby version..
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
puts "Arch is the best!"
I decided to take it upon myself to port this wonderful program to a few other languages.
print "Arch is the best!"
print "Arch is the best!\n";
echo "Arch is the best!\n";
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
print "Arch is the best!\n";
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
cout << "Arch is the best!\n";
return 0;
VISIBLE "Arch is the best!"
msg db "Arch is the best!",0xa ;
len equ $ - msg
global main
mov eax,4 ; write system call
mov ebx,1 ; file (stdou)
mov ecx,msg ; string
mov edx,len ; strlen
int 0x80 ; call kernel
mov eax,1 ; exit system call
mov ebx,0
int 0x80 ; call kernel
10 PRINT "Arch is the best!"
(defun archisthebest ()
(print "Arch is the best!")
program ArchIsTheBest(output);
WriteLn('Arch is the best!');
header("Content-type: image/gif");
$rscImage = imagecreatetruecolor(80, 25);
$intFontC = imagecolorallocate($rscImage, 255, 255, 255);
$intBGC = imagecolorallocate($rscImage, 0, 0, 0);
imagestring($rscImage, 2, 5, 5, "Arch is the best!", $intFontC);
Please add to this if you feel the need!
Spread the word: Arch is the best!
@sco50000: it would be good if you could put what language each is written in above the code. I think I can pick them all but one... What is third from the bottom?
Some Lisp dialect, I guess.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
MessageBox.Show("Arch is the best", "Arch is the best", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End Sub
End Class
What ? No Whitespace port ?
There we go...Whitespace port:
Mandatory screenshot: … estrt7.png
Can be run with any Whitespace interpreter/compiler, including
the official Whitespace interpreter:
or Whitespace .NET:
Whitespace .NET:
No animals were hurt in the making of this software.
What did you translate Arch into? an actual arch?
Have you Syued today?
Free music for free people! | Earthlings
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
¡Arch es la mejor!
Arch onena da!
Last edited by ornitorrincos (2008-05-07 17:15:48)
-$: file /dev/zero
/dev/zero: symbolic link to '/dev/brain'