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IIRC CONFIG_SPLIT_PTLOCK_CPUS has to do with page table locks. Essentially if it is set to 4, then if you have more than 4 CPUs then the page table is split. It will have no bearing on the number of CPUS that the kernel will have visible to it. As such it is safe to leave it at 4 if you are compiling a custom kernel.
!!! Great !!!
I had this same problem a few weeks ago but forgot to put in a bug (I was just testing the server out, then went on vacation).
BTW the Arch x64 just SCREAMS on 32GB of RAM.
Thanks <b>SiC</b> for the info. I'm jealous of the 32 GB of RAM <b>timetrap</b> although at some point I think we will probably upgrade to that on our server
Thanks <b>SiC</b> for the info. I'm jealous of the 32 GB of RAM <b>timetrap</b> although at some point I think we will probably upgrade to that on our server
Yeah I'm pretty damn jealous too, was running a matlab simulation the other night and was using about 7GB of swap as well as my entire system memory.... Really need to get that server farm up so I can play with the distributed client... Although that means buying a server farm too.... Where's that credit card gone