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Last edited by fuscia (2008-05-07 15:44:06)
Offline … png.xs.jpg
ob: Dyne-Dark
gtk: Vita-Light
can you share your conky please?
and the app in the lowerleft corner is visibility? and the last question... what are you've used for windows shadow?
Last edited by paralax (2008-05-07 16:21:38)
Parallax: It's tint. … png.xs.jpg
ob: Dyne-Dark
gtk: Vita-Light
Could you tell me which font you are using for the up/down arrows? I'd like to have those very much . A link to a download would be awesome as well .
Last edited by B (2008-05-07 16:38:32)
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
@ paralax: conkyrc here: … 05#p344605 i modified it a bit..
that app is tint:
for shadows: xcompmgr -cC -t-5 -l-6 -r5
B: font is PizzaDude Bullets
Very much obliged .
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Offline … png.xs.jpg
ob: Dyne-Dark
gtk: Vita-Light
Is that conky up there ? If so, can you PLEASE post your .conkyrc ? It's looking fabulous!
I like your tint, as well.
The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck, is the day they make a vacuum cleaner.
But if they tell you that I've lost my mind, maybe it's not gone just a little hard to find...
krib wrote: … png.xs.jpg
ob: Dyne-Dark
gtk: Vita-LightIs that conky up there ? If so, can you PLEASE post your .conkyrc ? It's looking fabulous!
I like your tint, as well.
He actually did.
@ paralax: conkyrc here: … 05#p344605 i modified it a bit..
that app is tint:
for shadows: xcompmgr -cC -t-5 -l-6 -r5B: font is PizzaDude Bullets
Thanks! Now when I have my tint working, may I ask you even for tint config please?
krib wrote:@ paralax: conkyrc here: … 05#p344605 i modified it a bit..
that app is tint:
for shadows: xcompmgr -cC -t-5 -l-6 -r5B: font is PizzaDude Bullets
Thanks! Now when I have my tint working, may I ask you even for tint config please?
You might want to check out the following post on by dbbolton: … stcount=48
Looks similar.
Last edited by Stalafin (2008-05-07 23:21:21)
yup, almost. maybe little difference in colors. anyway, heres mine
sorry for another annoying question... but what font are you using in your terminal?
thx & rgds
hcjl i have these lines in .Xdefaults
*faceName: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:style=Roman
*font: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-7
I cant find those Icons anywhere.. i know What Is A Name created them, but where can i get them?
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
colbert wrote:That's really nice! What WM is it?
EDIT: I just realized that its Fluxbox. Can you share some configs (especially menu)?
Thanks, yes it is fluxbox Here is my ~/.fluxbox/menu:
# This is an automatically generated file.
# Please see <file:/usr/share/doc/menu/README> for information.
# to use your own menu, copy this to ~/.fluxbox/menu, then edit
# ~/.fluxbox/init and change the session.menuFile path to ~/.fluxbox/menu
[begin] (Fluxbox)
# Automatically generated file. Do not edit (see /usr/share/doc/menu/html/index.html)
[exec] (Terminal) {urxvt} ##</usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-terminal.xpm>
# [exec] (Terminal) {gnome-terminal} ##</usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-terminal.xpm>
[exec] (gedit) {/usr/bin/gedit}
# [exec] (amaroK>playlist) {amarok -m} <>
# [exec] (amaroK>play) {amarok -t} <>
# [exec] (amaroK>stop) {amarok -s} <>
[exec] (home) {thunar}
[nop] ()
[submenu] (regulars) {}
[exec] (firefox 3 beta 4) {firefox3-bin}
# [exec] (firefox 2) {firefox}
[exec] (opera) {opera}
[exec] (myth) {mythfrontend}
[exec] (pidgin) {pidgin}
[exec] (skype) {skype}
[exec] (remote) {sh /home/bobby/}
# [exec] (tuxguitar 0.9.1) {/home/bobby/tuxguitar-0.9.1-update1/tuxguitar}
[exec] (amarok) {amarok}
[exec] (vlc) {vlc --control lirc}
[exec] (xine) {/usr/bin/xine}
[exec] (nVidia) {nvidia-settings}
[exec] (devede) {devede}
# [exec] (Windows XP VM) {VBoxManage startvm "Windows XP"}
[exec] (gimp) {/usr/bin/gimp}
# [exec] (email) {thunderbird}
[submenu] (docs) {}
[exec] (BFFM) {/opt/openoffice/program/scalc /home/bobby/docs/bffmtracking.xls}
[exec] (Business Tracking) {/opt/openoffice/program/scalc /home/bobby/docs/biztracking.xls}
[exec] (Journal) {/opt/openoffice/program/swriter /home/bobby/docs/journal.doc}
[exec] (Great Quotes) {/opt/openoffice/program/swriter /media/personal/docs/Great\ Quotes.doc}
#[submenu] (places) {}
# [exec] (home) {thunar}
# [exec] (desktop) {thunar /home/bobby/Desktop}
# [exec] (art) {thunar /media/stuff/art}
# [exec] (docs) {thunar /media/stuff/pictures}
# [exec] (guitar) {thunar /media/stuff/guitar}
# [exec] (mp3) {thunar /media/stuff/mp3}
# [exec] (newpics) {thunar /media/newpics}
# [exec] (newpics nautilus) {nautilus --no-desktop /media/newpics}
# [exec] (pictures) {thunar /media/stuff/pictures}
# [exec] (stuff) {thunar /media/stuff}
# [exec] (video) {thunar /media/seagate}
# [exec] (extra) {thunar /media/extra}
# [exec] (windrive) {thunar /media/WINDRIVE}
## [exec] (dabox) {thunar computer:///}
# [exec] (jaypc - bobby) {thunar /media/jaypcbobby}
# [exec] (jaypc - new) {thunar /media/jaypcnew}
[submenu] (dvd) {}
[exec] (play dvd in vlc) {vlc --control lirc dvd:///dev/sr1}
[exec] (play dvd in xine) {xine dvd:///dev/sr1}
# [exec] (play dvd in mplayer) {mplayer dvd:///dev/sr1}
[exec] (eject dvd) {eject /dev/sr1}
[submenu] (guitar) {}
[exec] (edgar cruz - queen dvd in xine) {xine dvd:///media/seagate/dvd/edgarcruzqueen/VIDEO_TS}
[exec] (queen tab) {evince /media/stuff/guitar/tabstolearn/VP_QUEEN.PDF}
[exec] (led zeppelin - led zeppelin IV tab book) {evince /media/stuff/guitar/Official\ Tab\ Books/Led\ Zeppelin\ -\ Led\ Zeppelin\ IV.pdf}
[exec] (the beatles - revolver tab book) {evince /media/stuff/guitar/Official\ Tab\ Books/The\ Beatles\ -\ Revolver.pdf}
[exec] (nirvana - unplugged in new york tab book) {evince /media/stuff/guitar/Official\ Tab\ Books/Nirvana\ -\ Unplugged\ In\ New\ York.pdf}
[exec] (heavy metal ballads tab book) {evince /media/stuff/guitar/Official\ Tab\ Books/Heavy\ Metal\ Ballads.pdf}
[exec] (heavy metal guitar tab book) {evince /media/stuff/guitar/Official\ Tab\ Books/Heavy\ Metal\ Guitar.pdf}
[exec] (Bon jovi - new jersey tab book) {evince /media/stuff/guitar/Official\ Tab\ Books/Bon\ Jovi\ -\ Slippery.pdf}
[nop] ()
[submenu] (games) {}
[exec] (et) {./etsound}
[exec] (et quake wars) {/media/stuff/gaming/ETQW/etqw/etqw}
[exec] (et quake wars multi-thread) {/media/stuff/gaming/ETQW/etqw/etqw-rthread}
[exec] (ioquake3) {ioquake3}
[exec] (quake2world) {quake2world}
[exec] (warsow) {warsow}
[exec] (xqf) {xqf}
[submenu] (multimedia) {}
[exec] (acetoneiso2) {acetoneiso2}
[exec] (audacity) {audacity}
[exec] (avidemux) {avidemux2_gtk}
[exec] (k3b) {k3b}
[exec] (tovid) {tovid}
[submenu] (network/web) {}
# [exec] (amsn) {amsn}
[exec] (google earth) {googleearth}
[exec] (ktorrent) {ktorrent}
[exec] (x-chat) {xchat}
[submenu] (office/gfx) {}
[exec] (jpilot) {jpilot}
[exec] (impress) {/opt/openoffice/program/simpress}
[exec] (spreadsheet) {/opt/openoffice/program/scalc}
[exec] (writer) {/opt/openoffice/program/swriter}
[submenu] (wine) {}
[exec] (dvd decrypter) {wine /home/bobby/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/DVD\ Decrypter/DVDDecrypter.exe}
[exec] (guitar pro) {wine /home/bobby/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Guitar\ Pro\ 5/GP5.exe}
[exec] (pokerstars) {wine /home/bobby/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/PokerStars/Pokerstars.exe}
[exec] (ventrilo) {wine /home/bobby/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Ventrilo/Ventrilo.exe}
[exec] (vso convertxtodvd) {wine /home/bobby/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/VSO/ConvertXtoDVD/ConvertXtoDvd.exe}
[exec] (browse c:/ drive) {xdg-open ~/.wine/drive_c}
[exec] (configure wine) {winecfg}
[exec] (uninstaller) {uninstaller}
[submenu] (system) {}
[submenu] (admin) {}
[exec] (GDM Photo Setup) {gdmphotosetup}
[exec] (GDM Setup) {gksu /usr/sbin/gdmsetup}
[exec] (GNOME CUPS Manager) {/usr/bin/gnome-cups-manager}
[exec] (GNOME Log Viewer) {/usr/bin/gnome-system-log}
[exec] (GNOME Network Tool) {gksudo /usr/bin/gnome-nettool}
[exec] (GParted) {gksudo /usr/bin/gparted}
[exec] (Network Admin) {gksudo /usr/bin/network-admin}
[exec] (Print Notification Icon) {/usr/bin/gnome-cups-icon}
[exec] (QtConfig) {/usr/bin/qtconfig-qt4}
[exec] (Qt3Config) {/usr/bin/qtconfig-qt3}
[exec] (QTParted) {su-to-root -X -c qtparted}
[exec] (Schedule) {gnome-schedule}
[exec] (Services Admin) {/usr/bin/services-admin}
[exec] (Shares Admin) {/usr/bin/shares-admin}
[exec] (Sun Java 6 Plugin Control Panel) {/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-}
[exec] (Sun Java 6 Policy Tool) {/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-}
[exec] (Synaptic Package Manager) {/usr/bin/gksu /usr/sbin/synaptic}
[exec] (System Monitor) {/usr/bin/gnome-system-monitor}
[exec] (Time Settings) {gksudo /usr/bin/time-admin}
[exec] (User accounts Admin) {/usr/bin/users-admin}
[submenu] (preferences) {}
[exec] (Appearance) {gnome-appearance-properties}
[exec] (Fonts) {gnome-font-properties}
[exec] (Keyboard) {gnome-keyboard-properties}
[exec] (Mouse) {gnome-mouse-properties}
[exec] (Gnome Pilot) {gpilotd-control-applet}
[exec] (Preferred Apps) {gnome-default-applications-properties}
[exec] (Removable Drives & Media) {gnome-volume-properties}
[exec] (Screensaver) {gnome-screensaver-preferences}
[exec] (Sound) {gnome-sound-properties}
[exec] (Volume control) {gnome-alsamixer}
[exec] (Mouse) {gnome-mouse-properties}
[submenu] (bluetooth) {}
[submenu] (conky) {}
[exec] (on) {conky}
[exec] (off) {killall conky}
[submenu] (xcompmgr) {}
[exec] (on/off) {/usr/bin/togglexcompgr.bash}
[submenu] (flux config) {}
[config] (configuration)
[submenu] (styles) {}
[stylesdir] (/usr/share/fluxbox/styles)
[stylesdir] (~/.fluxbox/styles)
[exec] (edit keys) {gedit /home/bobby/.fluxbox/keys} <>
[exec] (edit menu) {gedit /home/bobby/.fluxbox/menu} <>
[exec] (edit theme) {gedit /home/bobby/.fluxbox/styles/} <>
[exec] (edit conky) {gedit /home/bobby/.conkyrc}
[exec] (GTK+ 2.0 theme manager) {/usr/bin/gtk-chtheme} <>
[exec] (LXAppearance) {lxappearance}
[restart] (restart flux)
[nop] ()
[reconfig] (reconfigure)
[exit] (logout)
# [exec] (restart dabox) {sudo shutdown -r now}
Only other configs I can think of are ~/.fluxbox/keys, ~/.Xdefaults and ~/.screenrc. Lemme know if you want any.
Napoleon Dynamite for the win
Too bad wmii is not trendy anymore, where will I get inspiration now? wmii users, don't be shy, post something, I need to see customisation possibilities
Have you Syued today?
Free music for free people! | Earthlings
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
Thought I'd share my ongoing progress..
FVWM (patched)
a couple of urxvt's
mplayerIt's a shot after logging in, except for the mplayer which is just "an extra for the shot".
Could you post your stalonetray config? Thanks
Krib, wallpaper?
I'm pretty sure it's from this pack.. … 1-65561532
Too bad wmii is not trendy anymore, where will I get inspiration now? wmii users, don't be shy, post something, I need to see customisation possibilities
Was wmii ever trendy? I've been using it since wmi-9 and I don't recall that. Anyway, here you go.
- ruby-wmii with tweaked standard plugins and some of my own plugins
- urxvt
- emacs (color-theme-comidia)
- mocp
No inspiration needed, just clean, easy to use efficiency. I used to get that feeling you're talking about where you want to try out all these great new distros/wms. I then realized I was just bored. Perhaps you need to find a good problem (engineering or otherwise) and start hacking on it (coding or whatever).
Openbox, conky, sonata
I think I need to do something more adventurous with conky...
Tried borrowing Dirhael's trick from April thread for the thumb - interesting trick that
Can I get a link to your wallpaper please