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"Eliciting positive quotes about Apple products is a bit like asking children for their view on Christmas; whatever you hear is going to be predictable and pretty much devoid of insight." -- Bill Ray
Now, of course you're free to censor anything on the web from your son, but I think you may be a little too paranoid about what's out there. If you're afraid of here, wait until you visit google!
Sadly, you've missed my point entirely...and it's just not worth my time.
To keep this thread on topic, here's my latest:
Last edited by thayer (2008-06-30 00:58:42)
thayer williams ~
No, I did not miss the point. You're saying we need to build a sort of "public decency," to be considerate to others. To be quite honest, I don't think I crossed the line at all. It's not like it's porn or anything, and people can click on those links at their own discretion.
But the reason behind that degree of public decency is what I'm saying is pathetic. I'm not saying we should do without it completely, I'm saying that if anybody thinks we should keep everything rated USA:G here or absolutely everywhere, you're asking for quite a lot. There are some places where the G rating is necessary, I don't think this is one of them. Most people here seem to be comfortable with some skin. Apparently you're not one of them. After almost 150 posts I had the impression I was in a forum largely populated with mature people. Up until your post, people were being fairly mature about the images.
I'll admit posting the thumbnails was across the line, but that's it.
Well, here i in a adventure about April with the LXDE (it was really, really hard): u.u
(With 640 MB RAM)
With 896 MB RAM, no adventure, just a workspace useful with GNOME in May:
Now with just 128 MB RAM, i had to get back to LXDE, but now very, very easy to install (it's on repositories ):
Let's see what will happen now...
Last edited by Lyceuhns (2008-06-30 01:37:06)
So, my question is when we implemented an automatic censoring mechanism for words in the forum? I seem to recall a time not long ago when you could say anything without fear of censorship. This is totally OT, but this sort of censorship seems out of place on an internet forum. I've always firmly believed that censorship falls in the hands of the end user and not content providers.
girls with that much airbrushing should be against the rules, she doesn't even look human!
Last edited by leafo (2008-06-30 03:17:55)
umm, maybe im wrong, but I don't think thayer was saying anyone crossed a line, but merely was suggesting that, at times, it heads in that direction.
-- archlinux 是一个极好的 linux。
That most certainly doesn't look human (sorry Barracuda for stealing your screenshot)! That shouldn't be allowed either! You know what? Or fine, that's a bit extreme. Let's ban absolutely everything that doesn't make a distiction between real and fake! If it's a photograph, it cannot be altered in any way!
Let's ban these because that's not what real code looks like (thanks Gert):
[url=][img]Let's ban this one because you can't possibly be invisible:[/img][/url]
Let's ban this one because you can't make someone out of smoke:
Let's ban all of these because you can't have a flame that looks like water; … iew&id=124
Let's ban this because the shadow of the paper looks like shadows of human faces:
Let's make it a rule that everybody who joins these forums boycott all art museums, magazines, newspapers, movies, games. Let's isolate this forum from everybody in the world! Or if you're aiming for a larger audience, let's isolate the world from the world!
Who cares? It's not to be taken seriously... it's not like anybody holds her as the standard of all women. I mean look at the discussion posts following the image. One stated that she wasn't even that beautiful. Others chimed in saying it's the equations in the background that really makes the picture. While it's not the make all break all part, it's the thing that separates it from the rest.
If anybody actually holds her as a standard, I have one advice for them: observe the world. Actually look at a naked woman. If you don't feel comfortable with that or you have parents who don't want you to do that then go to the beach, gym, or anywhere women show lots of skin.
Edit after Leigh's and simple's posts
Leigh: Noted. Reading it over, it may be. However, in cases where people send messages, it's the sender's obligation to make sure the message he is sending is interpreted correctly. If you're in the military or had leadership training, you'll know this.
Also, PM's are left to a private matter. This seems to have evolved to a broader public subject: censorship in the forums, which can be up for public debate (although the admins of the forums hold no obligation to listen to its users).
Can a mod or someone split this post? Title it censorship or something.
Last edited by Berticus (2008-06-30 04:16:18)
Relax, use the PM function with any indiscretions. Thanks for the Xdefaults galdor, love the colors.
my little nephew throws little sarcastic fits throwing things so far out of context, your actually emarrased for him. anyway....
I love the xdefault colors too galder! thanks : )
-- archlinux 是一个极好的 linux。
Damn, just damn dude, talk about missing the boat... by several oceans.
Berticus wrote:Now, of course you're free to censor anything on the web from your son, but I think you may be a little too paranoid about what's out there. If you're afraid of here, wait until you visit google!
Sadly, you've missed my point entirely...and it's just not worth my time.
To keep this thread on topic, here's my latest:
could you link your wallpaper please?
That most certainly doesn't look human (sorry Barracuda for stealing your screenshot)! That shouldn't be allowed either! You know what? Or fine, that's a bit extreme. Let's ban absolutely everything that doesn't make a distiction between real and fake! If it's a photograph, it cannot be altered in any way!
Haha man you are ridiculous. I was making a joke because I found that girl the opposite of attractive. I see what you are trying to say with 'pornography is art' or whatever, but you are doing a pretty poor example at it, as you can see by the lack of credibility given by your fellow members. Here is the deal, no one comes here for nudity, no one explicitly asked for that nude picture, no one cares about what your tastes are outside of your archlinux screenshots, so don't post that shit in here. Use some discretion when you post.
But seriously, I feel bad now for talking off topic. Please just stick with the screenshots. Even though I don't post screenshots I very much enjoy reading this topic.
Last edited by leafo (2008-06-30 13:35:04)
Very, very stylish!
Intel Core2Duo E6300 @ 1.86 GHz
KDEmod current repository
Berticus wrote:Now, of course you're free to censor anything on the web from your son, but I think you may be a little too paranoid about what's out there. If you're afraid of here, wait until you visit google!
Sadly, you've missed my point entirely...and it's just not worth my time.
To keep this thread on topic, here's my latest:
Whoooaa nice wallpaper, me wants!
two - Arch64 | dwm | nvidia
three - Arch64 | dwm | nvidia
Berticus wrote:That most certainly doesn't look human (sorry Barracuda for stealing your screenshot)! That shouldn't be allowed either! You know what? Or fine, that's a bit extreme. Let's ban absolutely everything that doesn't make a distiction between real and fake! If it's a photograph, it cannot be altered in any way!
Haha man you are ridiculous. I was making a joke because I found that girl the opposite of attractive. I see what you are trying to say with 'pornography is art' or whatever, but you are doing a pretty poor example at it, as you can see by the lack of credibility given by your fellow members. Here is the deal, no one comes here for nudity, no one explicitly asked for that nude picture, no one cares about what your tastes are outside of your archlinux screenshots, so don't post that shit in here. Use some discretion when you post.
But seriously, I feel bad now for talking off topic. Please just stick with the screenshots. Even though I don't post screenshots I very much enjoy reading this topic.
Why would anybody single out nudity? You could likewise argue nobody comes here for anime, no one explicitly asked for anime, no one cares about other people's tastes outside of archlinux.
So my question is simply why would you single out nudity? Ideally, everyone should be open to other people's interests, no matter what the subject is. If you don't like it, that's fine, but just leave it at that, don't say stuff like that shouldn't be posted or that we're heading in a direction where we need to censor everything.
So far, out of all the posts opposing, that's the most constructive.
Did I post those knowing it would cause an issue? Partially. I knew people would either really like it, as was the initial reaction, or really hate it, which seems to be the slower impulse. If people really hated it, then there's a bigger issue here, there's an acceptance issue here. People want too much censorship and sugarcoat too many things. Censorship, like many things used to control people, is a very slippery slope.
Some people may recall the Religion thread. It was, unfortunately, closed down because of how people may react, even though the discussion was highly civil, for the most part. While yes unity is good in a community, we should be celebrating diversity rather than posting only things that people will agree on. Debates, discussions and controversies happen all the time, but that's all part of socializing and is very healthy for a community. What matters is people can come out of a debate and still be friends.
iBertus also pointed out there was a time when people could say anything without fear of being censored. That doesn't seem to be true anymore.
Anyway, here's my clean desktop:
Which is a custom made Coat of Arms.
yikes, I thought the whole fuss was over the hottie in front of the blackboard, or the fat chick comment, which I found a little distasteful, untill I clicked on the links to the nudes. I think it would be pointless defending those. Either the poster or a moderator needs to delete those links. They are definately not suitable for underagers!
-- archlinux 是一个极好的 linux。
OMG post that wallpaper too please
edit:found … a-78598191
Last edited by kilyx (2008-06-30 15:49:22)
Weechat (git), gnome-mplayer (svn), pcmanfm, conky and openbox.
I messed with the theme a bit and finally found a background I like.
Where can I get your wallpaper?
Here's mine...
Clean: … -thumb.pngLess clean: … -thumb.pngUsing:
Awesome 2.3 (slightly modified default config)
Where did you get that wallpaper?
thayer wrote:could you link your wallpaper please?
Sure thing, it's by deadPxl:
thayer williams ~
Please take your prattle elsewhere. This is a screenshot thread.
This thread needs more awesome </cliché>
Note: I don't normally use awesome as a floating wm, just thought it looked prettier for the sake of the screenshot.
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