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Usually, I use DejaVu Sans Mono Regular in the terminal, and DejaVu Sans Regular everywhere else... but I'm still having trouble telling the difference between these and Bitstream Vera Sans. It's like when I change the font, it looks like nothing ever happened.
I also use Proggy Clean TT 12 in gvim.
Monaco rocks as well. Air five to Gigamo!
Usually, I use DejaVu Sans Mono Regular in the terminal, and DejaVu Sans Regular everywhere else... but I'm still having trouble telling the difference between these and Bitstream Vera Sans. It's like when I change the font, it looks like nothing ever happened.
As I understand it, the glyph shapes are identical but DejaVu has more.
I've just discovered Qlassik. It's a bit elaborate for a UI font, but it makes an interesting change.
0 Ok, 0:1
Open Sans with infinality freetype patch
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Last edited by fsckd (2012-09-24 16:14:35)
Help me to improve ssh-rdp !
Retroarch User? Try my koko-aio shader !
I really like Segoe UI for applications and Consolas for terminal:
I've started using Ohsnap everywhere. I started by using it on the console/terminal emulators, and then changed my GTK theme to also use it. Seemed a little strange first, though I loved the way it looked. It seemed less readable on the "desktop" but now I feel it's just perfect, and have adapted to its readability, completely.
Added bonus? Anyone that looks at my screen has a hard time reading anything I have there. Which is nice. (just made a Fast Show reference, which makes my post kick ass)
I use freetype2 with infinality patchset and a nice mixture of settings that makes my fonts looks smooth but still a bit grainy and black.
Pretty much every font looks incredibly good. Sometimes, when i'm writing something with libreoffice and have to pick a font, i keep staring at all of them for ages because they all look fantastic.
Hail to Infinality!!
Back on track: fixed size i use inconsolata, for the rest i use CartoGothic Std: looks very similar to Arial, but keeps it smaller and easier to read on the screen (and it's still interesting to look at after a long time).
Infinality solved a lot of troubles for me, otherwise the only fonts I'd been able to use were the Vera Sans and Source Sans. Others all had their glyphs a bit weird, unless I used slight hinting, which made fonts look all Mac style. The shapes were nice, but it was just straining on the eyes.
For display, signika negative is nice, Aurulent Sans, PT Sans... there's a long list I've used, I get them from Font Squirrel (Sans Serif section).
For coding, the best (and the benchmark) is DejaVu Sans Mono. Liberation Mono is nice, Source Code Pro, Pragmata Pro for a bit of change.
Last edited by hdhiman (2012-09-27 01:40:24)