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That looks awesome! stand-alone compiz?
edit: or... is skippy a wm? D:
Last edited by heleos (2008-10-29 23:50:06)
Offline …
I imagine this will be my last shot for october.
sonata.icons are quickening found at
openbox and gtk are unreleased created by me.
i really like your gtk, when we can expect it?
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
MarCustomized wrote:That looks awesome! stand-alone compiz?
edit: or... is skippy a wm? D:
Openbox, tint, several conky instances. Weather stuff is based on froli's conky setup - thanks again for that froli .
And one showing the Openbox theme:
Configs and fonts can be found here.
Last edited by B (2008-10-30 15:16:51)
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
if you wish to try it you can have the gtkrc its not finished though like i said.
requires mist and xfce gtk engines
special thanks to lyrae.. i used one of her gtk themes as a starting point.
# Requires the gtk-xfce-engine.
gtk-icon-sizes = "panel-menu=16,16:panel=16,16:gtk-button=16,16:gtk-large-toolbar=16,16"
gtk-button-images = 0
gtk-menu-images = 0
style "default"
GtkButton::default_border = {0, 0, 0, 0}
GtkButton::default_outside_border = {0, 0, 0, 0}
GtkButton::child_displacement_x = 0
GtkButton::child_displacement_y = 1
GtkButton::default_spacing = 2
GtkButton::focus-padding = 0
GtkCheckButton::indicator_size = 8
GtkMenuBar::internal-padding = 1
GtkMenuBar::shadow_type = none
GtkHandleBox::shadow_type = none
GtkMenuItem::selected_shadow_type = none
GtkPaned::handle_full_size = 1
GtkPaned::handle_size = 2
GtkRadioButton::indicator_size = 10
GtkRange::slider_width = 10
GtkRange::stepper_size = 10
GtkRange::stepper_spacing = 0
GtkRange::trough_border = 0
GtkScrollbar::has_forward_stepper = 0
GtkScrollbar::has_backward_stepper = 0
GtkScrollbar::has_secondary_backward_stepper = 0
GtkScrollbar::min_slider_length = 10
GtkToolbar::shadow_type = none
GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 1
GtkWidget::focus_padding = 1
GtkWidget::interior_focus = 1
GtkWidget::internal_padding = 1
GtkEntry::cursor_aspect_ratio = 0.1
GtkEntry::cursor_color = "#BCB5A6"
GtkEntry::secondary_cursor_color = "#BCB5A6"
GtkTextView::cursor_color = "#BCB5A6"
GtkTextView::secondary_cursor_color = "#BCB5A6"
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 1
base[NORMAL] = "#363a3b" # Background, most
base[PRELIGHT] = "#404445" # Mouseover menu
base[ACTIVE] = "#232728" # Menu active item in inactive window
base[SELECTED] = "#232728" # Menu active item in active window
base[INSENSITIVE] = "#404446" # Background, insensitive
text[NORMAL] = "#BCB5A6" # Text in window
text[PRELIGHT] = "#BCB5A6" # Text on Mouseover
text[ACTIVE] = "#D1C8BA" # Active text in inactive window
text[SELECTED] = "#D1C8BA" # Active text in active window
text[INSENSITIVE] = "#BCB5A6" # Unknown
bg[NORMAL] = "#363a3b" # Normal Background, inactive Metacity bar, buttons
bg[PRELIGHT] = "#404445" # Mouseover buttons
bg[ACTIVE] = "#232728" # Mouseclicking, Tabs, active window list
bg[SELECTED] = "#272B2E" # Metacity Bar
bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#404445" # Insensitive buttons
fg[ACTIVE] = "#BCB5A6"
fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#797977"
fg[NORMAL] = "#BCB5A6"
fg[PRELIGHT] = "#D1C8BA"
fg[SELECTED] = "#BCB5A6"
engine "xfce"
smooth_edge = true
fill_style = plain
widget_class "*" style "default"
style "menustyle" = "default"
xthickness = 2
ythickness = 0
engine "xfce"
smooth_edge = true
grip_style = none
fill_style = gradient
orientation = vertical
shade_start = 1.02
shade_end = 1.00
widget_class "*BonoboDockItem" style "menustyle"
class "*BonoboDockItem" style "menustyle"
widget_class "*ToolBar" style "menustyle"
class "*ToolBar" style "menustyle"
widget_class "*MenuBar" style "menustyle"
class "*MenuBar" style "menustyle"
class "GtkWidget" style "default"
style "inactivetext"
engine "mist"
widget_class "*.<GtkLabel>" style "inactivetext"
widget_class "*.<GtkCellLayout>" style "inactivetext"
#widget_class "*.<Combo>" style "inactivetext"
style "inactivetext2"
fg[PRELIGHT] = "#B3B600"
text[PRELIGHT] = "#B3B600"
engine "mist"
widget_class "*.<GtkMenuItem>.*" style "inactivetext2"
style "button" = "default"
xthickness = 2
ythickness = 2
engine "xfce"
smooth_edge = true
grip_style = none
fill_style = gradient
orientation = vertical
shade_start = 1.05
shade_end = 1.00
widget_class "*Button*" style "button"
class "*Button*" style "button"
widget_class "*button*" style "button"
class "*button*" style "button"
widget_class "*OptionMenu*" style "button"
class "*OptionMenu*" style "button"
style "sbstyle" = "default"
fg[PRELIGHT] = "#D1C8BA"
bg[NORMAL] = "#363a3b"
bg[PRELIGHT] = "#2B2F31"
xthickness = 4
ythickness = 4
engine "xfce"
smooth_edge = true
grip_style = none
fill_style = gradient
orientation = automatic
shade_start = 1.0
shade_end = 1.0
widget_class "*Scrollbar*" style "sbstyle"
class "*Scrollbar*" style "sbstyle"
widget_class "*GtkScale*" style "sbstyle"
class "*GtkScale*" style "sbstyle"
widget_class "*GtkProgress*" style "sbstyle"
class "*GtkProgress*" style "sbstyle"
style "fsstyle"
# fg[NORMAL] = "#CABDA9"
fg[ACTIVE] = "#D1C8BA"
fg[SELECTED] = "#D1C8BA"
widget_class "*List" style "fsstyle"
class "*List" style "fsstyle"
widget_class "*Button" style "fsstyle"
class "*Button" style "fsstyle"
widget_class "*Tree" style "fsstyle"
class "*Tree" style "fsstyle"
style "ledstyle"
text[NORMAL] = "#CABDA9"
widget_class "*Clock*" style "ledstyle"
class "*Clock*" style "ledstyle"
style "menuitem" = "default"
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 2
widget_class "*MenuItem*" style "menuitem"
class "*MenuItem*" style "menuitem"
style "flat" = "default"
xthickness = 2
ythickness = 2
engine "xfce"
smooth_edge = true
grip_style = none
fill_style = gradient
orientation = vertical
shade_start = 1.00
shade_end = 1.00
widget_class "*HandleBox*" style "flat"
style "titlebar"
bg[SELECTED] = "#363a3b"
fg[SELECTED] = "#D1C8BA"
widget "xfwm" style "titlebar"
widget_class "MetaFrames" style "titlebar"
class "MetaFrames" style "titlebar"
This is one my first attempts at using GIMP brushes:
Large View: … t-19-2.jpg
Large View: … t-20-2.png
Newly installed arch.
Wow Ankka, where did you get that wallpaper from????
This is one my first attempts at using GIMP brushes:
Large View: … t-19-2.jpg
Large View: … t-20-2.png
Another great effort methuselah, got a link for th wallpaper?
Certified Android Junkie
Arch 64
methuselah wrote:This is one my first attempts at using GIMP brushes:
Large View: … t-19-2.jpg
Large View: … t-20-2.png
Another great effort methuselah, got a link for th wallpaper?
I just made the wallpaper with GIMP and some brushes I found on deviantART.... I didn't think it was good enough to upload for other people. I know my taste in styles is very different from most people, so I like it..... but I thought that I would make a few more practice wallpapers before I ever submit one.
I just made this one:
Large View: … t-22-1.jpg
Offline …
Openbox, tint, several conky instances. Weather stuff is based on froli's conky setup - thanks again for that froli
And one showing the Openbox theme: …
Configs and fonts can be found here.
Very nice screenies and configs!
...and plz share your wallpapper
we are Arch.
you will be assimilated!
resistance is futile!
B wrote: …
Openbox, tint, several conky instances. Weather stuff is based on froli's conky setup - thanks again for that froli
And one showing the Openbox theme: …
Configs and fonts can be found here.
Very nice screenies and configs!
...and plz share your wallpapper
Thank you .
Wallpaper is from Mandolux.
In the meantime I got the python feeder script going and I love to show that off .
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
hello. It's been a long time since I posted a screenshot.
what gtk theme is that?
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
-- |
I like your terminal colors. Could you please post config?
Im running screen and VIM in a 256 color term
the colorscheme is this one:
I'm already preparing the desktop for november..;)
Just switched to dwm yesterday and couldn't be happier with it. Way easier to configure than I ever imagined it could be through editing the source. I don't know a lick of C and found it easier to get a setup I like than any other wm I've tried. Oh, and check out the funky artwork in the background and my custom mplayer icons.
Last edited by fflarex (2008-10-31 17:09:31)
Ankka wrote:
Newly installed arch.
That is amazing. Can I please see your .screenrc? post #14. I don't know how to link to the actual post.
@ rson451 That is Murrine Brave Dark
I don't know how to link to the actual post.
That would be the date link on the left in the same bar as the post number.
EDIT: Thanks wicked.
Last edited by rson451 (2008-10-31 17:35:12)
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
-- |
Im running screen and VIM in a 256 color term
the colorscheme is this one:
thanks a lot!
Offline … _scrot.png
Last edited by Sjoden (2008-10-31 20:35:42)