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No default splash please.
But definitely would like to see better splash integration in the initscripts as mentioned by iphitus.
Through the darkness of future past / The magician longs to see / One chants out between two worlds / Fire walk with me.
bobik_the_traveller: Dell LS/p3 400/128/40/Sony Ericsson GC79,Philips SNN6500
I would like to see better splash integration in the initscripts as well.
arch(3) adj amused because you think you understand something better than other people ;P
Count me out. If I were jealous about someone having a splash screen, I wouldn't be using Arch.
Default splash screens? No way.
moljac024: No one really knows what happens inside /dev/null... it could be a gateway to another universe....
dunc: If it is, the people who live there must be getting pretty annoyed by now with all the junk we send them.
I think this discussion is going nowhere. Adding a splash is against the Arch philosophy, so it is useless to discuss about this.
Hereby I declare this thread closed.
For further reference, please consult: … IKESHED.29
If the OP wants to actually know if there is any well supported splash project, I suggest him/her to consult the wiki first, and then if needed, to open a new thread with a better phrased title and post, i.e. "Is there an easier way to have splash installed?"
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