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Since we're using Arch Linux as the main driver for our digital signage systems in our company since ~2015 and are using it with different generations of configurations, especially bootloaders (GRUB, systemd-boot and Syslinux), I wrote a script to automagically detect the boot configuration and update the corresponding bootloaders.
#! /bin/bash
if test ${EUID} -ne 0; then
echo "This script must be run as root." >&2
exit 1
if test -d "/sys/firmware/efi"; then
echo "System uses EFI boot."
if test -f "${LOADER}"; then
echo "EFI loader is systemd-boot."
sed -ie 's/^default digital-signage$/default digital-signage\.conf/' "${LOADER}"
bootctl update
echo "Unknown EFI loader." >&2
exit 2
echo "System uses BIOS/MBR boot."
if test -b "${DEV}"; then
dd if="${DEV}" bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | grep -q GRUB && BOOTLOADER="GRUB"
echo "Bootloader is ${BOOTLOADER}."
if [ "${BOOTLOADER}" == "GRUB" ]; then
grub-install --target=i386-pc "${DEV}"
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
syslinux-install_update -i -a -m
echo "Device ${DEV} does not exist." >&2
exit 3
This script was written by me for our digital signage systems, of which I know, that
1) they either use systemd-boot in EFI mode with /boot as ESP or GRUB (legacy) resp. Syslinux (new) for BIOS/MBR boot
2) that the internal disk is guaranteed to be /dev/sda if present.
Last edited by schard (2020-10-08 08:22:01)
Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
Here could be my awesome bash script that makes my default changes to makepkg.conf on a new machine by looping over an associative bash array and sed -i'ing the whole thing, but then I accidentally read the man page and realized that $HOME/.makepkg.conf is a thing, as well as an XDG_CONFIG_HOME.
but then I accidentally read the man page
For shame, you scoundrel!
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
Awebb wrote:but then I accidentally read the man page
For shame, you scoundrel!
I only read it, because I hoped there would be some sort of /etc/makepkg.conf.d where I could drop overrides.
Switch between headset and speakers using ALSA and not messing around with config files or PulseAudio (may require some modifying depending on your system):
set -uo pipefail
_usage() {
echo "usage: ${0} [ <card_name> | list ]"
exit 1
(( ${#} == 0 )) && _usage
_unmute_max_all() {
for channel in $(amixer | grep -B1 "Capabilities:.*pvolume" | grep -oP "(?<=Simple mixer control ').+(?=')")
echo "Unmuting ${channel} to 100%"
amixer set "${channel}" unmute &> /dev/null
amixer set "${channel}" 100% &> /dev/null
_write_asoundrc() {
echo -e "defaults.ctl.card ${1}\ndefaults.pcm.card ${1}" > "${HOME}/.asoundrc"
_switch_card() {
local -r search="$(grep -iwH "^${1}$" /proc/asound/card*/id)"
if [[ -z ${search} ]]
echo "Card ${1} not found, exiting."
exit 1
local -r index="$(echo "${search%:*}" | grep -oP '(?<=/proc/asound/card)[0-9]+(?=/id)')"
_write_asoundrc "${index}"
echo "Switched to card ${search##*:} (${index})"
_list() {
cat /proc/asound/card*/id
exit 1
case "${1}" in
_switch_card "${1}"
v2: updated this a bit to not have duplicate code...
v3: check if card exists
v4: refactor
Last edited by karabaja4 (2021-05-13 01:55:00)
cat /proc/asound/cards | grep PCH | head -n1 | cut -c2
1. useless use of cat
2. piping grep to head
3. piping head to cut
4. etc ...
I think you mean:
awk '/PCH/{print $1; exit;}' /proc/asound/cards
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
cat /proc/asound/cards | grep PCH | head -n1 | cut -c2
1. useless use of cat
2. piping grep to head
3. piping head to cut
4. etc ...I think you mean:
awk '/PCH/{print $1; exit;}' /proc/asound/cards
Thanks, fixed.
i recently made a couple of scripts to batch convert all audio files in a directory to AIFF or 320 MP3.
these are my first ever scripts so they are very simple and probably a bit ugly, but here they are:
#Convert all audio files in a folder to aiff
for FILE in *
notify-send "? Converting $FILE to aiff..."
ffmpeg -v 16 -i "$FILE" "${FILE%.*}.aiff"
rm -f "$FILE"
notify-send "? Converting finished"
#Convert all audio files in a folder to mp3
for FILE in *
notify-send "? Converting $FILE to mp3(320)..."
ffmpeg -v 16 -i "$FILE" -ab 320k "${FILE%.*}.mp3"
rm -f "$FILE"
notify-send "? Converting finished"
so far they seem to work well, but maybe a little inelegant (it would be nice to only run on detected audio formats for example)
if anyone has any other improvements i'd love to hear
Last edited by dcaspar (2020-11-09 15:15:42)
i recently made a couple of scripts to batch convert all audio files in a directory to AIFF or 320 MP3.
these are my first ever scripts so they are very simple and probably a bit ugly, but here they are:#!/bin/bash #Convert all audio files in a folder to aiff for FILE in * do notify-send "? Converting $FILE to aiff..." ffmpeg -v 16 -i "$FILE" "${FILE%.*}.aiff" rm -f "$FILE" done notify-send "? Converting finished"
#!/bin/bash #Convert all audio files in a folder to mp3 for FILE in * do notify-send "? Converting $FILE to mp3(320)..." ffmpeg -v 16 -i "$FILE" -ab 320k "${FILE%.*}.mp3" rm -f "$FILE" done notify-send "? Converting finished"
so far they seem to work well, but maybe a little inelegant (it would be nice to only run on detected audio formats for example)
if anyone has any improvements i'd love to hear
That'll gonna bite off something juicy if you accidentally run it in the wrong folder. You might want to rm the file only if the ffmpeg line doesn't run into an error. Or imagine your disk is full at some point and the output files turn out to be slightly larger than the input files. I'd add some sanity check and then: Maybe find out how noisily ffmpeg fails (&& or || can be of service) or check for the mp3 to actually exist.
There is something about awk that makes it absolutely unfun to learn. It's so convenient to think in little steps and pipe them into each other. I always end up with something that does the job and runs reasonably well and every time I feel like a series of pipes is a performance problem, I find myself in front of something with a tripple digit MHz CPU clock and the impression, that it shouldn't be a shell script in the first place. Maybe it's time to write a tool, that compresses/compiles common shell pipe constructs into awk. Now THAT would be a reason to get familiar with it.
i recently made a couple of scripts to batch convert all audio files in a directory to AIFF or 320 MP3.
you can use `parallel(1)` for the task, eg (adapted from the manpage)
parallel ffmpeg -v 16 -i {} -ab 320k {.}.mp3 ::: *.wav
RE: awk vs pipelines:
Even without awk, that'd still just be grep + cut, not cat+grep+head+cut. In fact in the case of that script, just grep would do, there's no need even for cut if the resulting variable 'id' is passed to the next function unquoted. That way the number at the start of the line would be $1 in the called function as intended (effectively using the built in shell argument parsing to do the 'cut').
Last edited by Trilby (2020-11-09 16:04:32)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Hacked on on some abandoned mDNS Golang library, so that I can advertise my Android phones (via Termux) on my LAN.
It was fun
Last edited by ugjka (2020-11-09 19:17:43)
"It is easier to fool people, than to convince them that they've been fooled" ~ Dr. Andrea Love
Hacked on on some abandoned mDNS Golang library, so that I can advertise my Android phones (via Termux) on my LAN.
It was fun
I think telling my computer to "go get" something is my favourite part of the go language.
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from time import gmtime,strftime
import sys
import googleapiclient as gapi
import string
import re
def convertTimeArray(timeList):
hourPattern = re.compile(r'(\d+)H')
minPattern = re.compile(r'(\d+)M')
secPattern = re.compile(r'(\d+)S')
for time in timeList:
hourStr =
hour = int(hourStr[1]) if hourStr != None else 0
minStr =
minute = int(minStr[1]) if minStr != None else 0
secStr =
second = int(secStr[1]) if secStr != None else 0
ans+=(3600 * hour + 60 * minute + second)
return ans
def main():
api_key = "<your google api key goes here as a str>"
maxResult = 50
# That is the max of videos to be queried at once.
# There is a way to go trough pages of videos, but I didn't implemented it yet.
youtube = build('youtube', 'v3', developerKey=api_key)
playlistID = str(sys.argv[1])
pl_request = youtube.playlistItems().list(part="contentDetails", maxResults=maxResult, playlistId=playlistID)
pl_response = pl_request.execute()
vidIds = []
for item in pl_response['items']:
vidIds.append(item ['contentDetails']['videoId'])
vid_request = youtube.videos().list(part="contentDetails", id=','.join(vidIds))
vid_response = vid_request.execute()
durations = []
for item in vid_response['items']:
time = strftime('%H:%M:%S', gmtime(convertTimeArray(durations)))
print (time)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
A python script to calculate the total time of the videos in a youtube playlist. It takes the playlist id (that can be taken from the url) as a console input. Handy for your scheduling of your online studies.
^ It requires a Google API key.
Last edited by ondoho (2020-11-23 06:51:05)
^ requires googleapiclient, so presumably it requires a Google API key?
The code you read, knowing what you ask you will.
In my laptop, I use this quite a lot. Small but handy. Pretty sure it can be done better, but works for me.
cpuctl() {
if [[ "$1" == "performance" || "$1" == "ondemand" || "$1" == "powersave" || "$1" == "conservative" || "$1" == "schedutil" ]]; then
echo "$1" | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor
elif [[ "$1" == "status" ]]; then
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor
echo "Invalid argument. Valid ones:\n 'performance', 'ondemand', 'powersave', 'conservative', 'schedutil' or 'status'"
Also, the one I spam the most:
full-upgrade() {
sudo echo -e ${PALETTE_UNDERLINE} Updating with repos and flatpak${PALETTE_RESET}
echo -e ${PALETTE_GREEN}:: ${PALETTE_RESET}Running pacmatic and yay... ${PALETTE_GREEN}:: ${PALETTE_RESET}
sudo pacmatic -Syu; yay -Syu --aur
flatpak update
The PALETTE are just some colours defined.
icar, as a first improvement, cpuctl could really use a case statement rather than those many if conditions:
case $1 in
performance|ondemand|powersave...) echo $1 | sudo tee ... ;; #note fill in "..."
status) cat /sys/... ;;
*) echo "Invalid argument ..." ;;
But then you might want to remove the hardcoded available governors as you can ask the system for these as they are provided in the the "scaling_available_governors" file in the same path.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
You can get all the info that you want from youtube without an api key, import youtube-dl, and spit out the info you want.
from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL
from datetime import datetime
def getUtube(url):
ulist = []
yt = YoutubeDL()
#Extract info from page
info = yt.extract_info(url, download=False)
#Append items to list with labels
ulist.extend(['', 'Uploader:', info['uploader'], ''])
ulist.extend(['Upload Date:', info['upload_date'], ''])
ulist.extend(['Title:', info['title'], ''])
ulist.extend(['Description:', info['description'], ''])
ulist.extend(['Youtube URL:', info['webpage_url'], ''])
for i in info['formats']:
ulist.extend(['Format ID:', i['format_id'], ''])
ulist.extend(['Type:', i['format'], i['ext'], ''])
ulist.extend(['Video URL or Manifest:', i['url'], ''])
ulist.extend(['File Size:', str(i['filesize']), '----'])
#On error
print('\n', 'Something on youtube\'s page has changed.')
print('\n', 'Look at utinfo.log and fix this script')
#Dump of yt.extract_info to inspect
with open('utinfo.log', 'a') as f:
#Join list into separate line
utList = '\n'.join(ulist)
now = str(
#Print and append utList to logfile
print(utList, '_'*70)
with open('uts.log', 'a') as f:
f.write(('{}\n'*3).format(now, utList, '_'*70))
#Main loop.
while True:
#url = input('Enter/Paste Utube vid url: ')
url = ''
icar, as a first improvement, cpuctl could really use a case statement rather than those many if conditions:
case $1 in performance|ondemand|powersave...) echo $1 | sudo tee ... ;; #note fill in "..." status) cat /sys/... ;; *) echo "Invalid argument ..." ;; esac
But then you might want to remove the hardcoded available governors as you can ask the system for these as they are provided in the the "scaling_available_governors" file in the same path.
Thanks for the suggestion. It seems easier to look at your implementation, I'll probably change it to a case statement.
About the "scaling_available_governors". It's weird. I had already tried it and it seems it doesn't show all governors available. I checked the ones that exist here and after trying them, I hardcoded them.
In that case, and assuming you are using bash, you could put them in a variable for easier editing if/when needed:
shopt -s extglob
case $1 in
@($opts)) echo "$1" | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor ;;
status) cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor ;;
*) echo -e "Invalid argument. Valid ones:\n$opts" | tr '|' ' ' ;;
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
@Trilby, unless I'm missing something;) since your using on array and case , why not use it 'full' right away?
BTW, shellcheck also spits an(useless?) error ')'
shopt -s extglob
opts=(performance ondemand powersave conservative schedutil)
select opt in "${opts[@]}" exit; do
case $opt in
exit) exit;;
*) printf "%s" "$opt" | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor; break;;
I wasn't using an array. And yours is interesting, but it does something completely different by offering a menu rather than using the command line argument.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman