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1st screenshot posted here. (cheating from last month )
Two CPU cores, and only a 0.02 load? Put your processors to good use with Folding@home!
Offline … _scrot.png
Nothing new here really, trying to work on my statusbar program but it, for some reason, updates way to slowly.
Offline … -12-12.png
conky, sakura, openbox, bmpanel, pidgin, liferea, claws-mail
if you would like any of the conky scripts let me know.
I'm very interested in the conky script that makes your calendar.
Thank you!
tetonedge wrote: … -12-12.png
conky, sakura, openbox, bmpanel, pidgin, liferea, claws-mail
if you would like any of the conky scripts let me know.
I'm very interested in the conky script that makes your calendar.
Thank you!
Here it is, uses a calendar script which is also given
own_window yes
own_window_type desktop # normal
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager # undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_color black
background yes
double_buffer yes
use_spacer left
override_utf8_locale yes
use_xft yes
font DejaVu Sans:size=8
xftfont DejaVu Sans:size=8
xftalpha 2.5
update_interval 5.0
uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
stippled_borders 3
border_margin 9
border_width 10
default_outline_color black
default_shade_color black
draw_borders no
draw_outline no # amplifies text if yes
draw_shades no # shadecolor black
default_color white
color0 9AB7DC
color1 668ABF
color2 orange
color3 yellow
color4 888888
color5 salmon
color6 red
color7 yellow
color8 lightblue
color9 9e2828
alignment tr # Aligned position on screen: tl, tr, tm, bl, br, bm, ml, mr
gap_x 10
gap_y 120
text_buffer_size 512 # use 1024 for the forecast
no_buffers yes # Subtract file system buffers from used memory
short_units yes
pad_percents 2
# Timezone information found in: /usr/share/zoneinfo
${font DejaVu Sans:bold:size=10}${color4}${alignc}UTC:$color ${utime %H:%M}
${goto 75}${font DejaVu Sans:bold:size=9}${color1}Fort Collins, CO$color
${goto 28}${color4}40°33'33'' N 105°4'41'' W$color$font
${font DejaVu Sans:size=45}${time %H:%M}$font
${voffset -53}${font DejaVu Sans:size=18}${color1}${alignr 20}${time %b}$color$font
${font DejaVu Sans:size=18}${color1}${alignr 20}${time %y}$color$font
${color0}${hr 1}$color
${font DejaVu Sans Mono:size=16}${color1}${execi 60 ~/bin/ week}
${color 888888}${execi 60 ~/bin/ last}${color9}${execi 60 ~/bin/ today}${color 888888}${execi 60 ~/bin/ future}$font
${color4}${font DejaVu Sans Mono:size=7}${pre_exec cal -3 | cut -c23-44 --complement}
#! /bin/sh
#str=`echo '\033[01;32m29'`
# replace the 4 "cal |" with "cal -m |" to have the week start on Monday
DATE=`date | awk -F" " '{print $3}'`
case "$1" in
cal | head -n1
cal | head -n2 | tail -n1
cal | grep -v '[a-zA-Z]' | grep '[0-9]' | awk -F$DATE ' BEGIN {i=0}
($1 == $0 && i==0) {print $1}($1 != $0 && i==0){i=i+1;print $1}';
echo $DATE;
cal | grep -v '[a-zA-Z]' | grep '[0-9]' | awk -F$DATE ' BEGIN {i=1}
(i==0) {print $0}($1 != $0 && i==1){i=i-1;print $2}';
cal | grep -v '[a-zA-Z]' | grep '[0-9]' | awk -F$DATE ' BEGIN {i=1}
(i==0) {print $0}($1 != $0 && i==1){i=i-1;print $2}';
Last edited by tetonedge (2008-12-23 14:06:29)
mind to share your term color config?
My normal day: … yardpc.png
mind to share your term config?
mind to share your term config, too?
GraveyardPC wrote:My normal day: … yardpc.pngmind to share your term config?
Actually I don't have an Xdefaults made up yet. I'm just using the default xterm colors in gnome-terminal with yellow changed to "#FF8800."
Lunar Linux - Lacus Autumni Beta
DE - Xfce4.4.3
GTK - Murrina Zen Dark
Xfwm - Aurora Blue Flux
Icons - Tango
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
moljac024: No one really knows what happens inside /dev/null... it could be a gateway to another universe....
dunc: If it is, the people who live there must be getting pretty annoyed by now with all the junk we send them.
Went with something a bit more bluish this time. Still Christmassy.
u don't have the murrine engine installed? or perhaps the settings daemon ain't running? just askin, coz ur gtk doesn' inherit the theme at all, no big deal though
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
Offline …
Lunar Linux - Lacus Autumni Beta
DE - Xfce4.4.3
GTK - Murrina Zen Dark
Xfwm - Aurora Blue Flux
Icons - Tango
which font are you using?
simple and nice wallpaper. can I have a link pls? thank you.
Where did you get this tiger?
Cool environment, your gtk theme is very nice
Is that avant-window-navigator or avant-window-navigator-bzr?
Where did you get this tiger?
Snow Leopard apparently
Last edited by ST.x (2008-12-13 10:35:35)
ARCH64 | XMonad | Configs | myAURpkgs | ArchWiki Contribs | Screenies
wallpaper comes from this site:
some really nice ones to be found there!
nice to hear that the bug is fixed!
Couldn't find your wallpaper in that link. But there are really cool wallpapers there.
The wallpaper that mccord has can be found at: … -101710218
Last edited by joephantom (2008-12-13 19:48:29)
By striving to do the impossible, man has always achieved what is possible. Those who have cautiously done no more than they believed possible have never taken a single step forward - Mikhail Bakunin
Daisuke_Aramaki wrote: …
Lunar Linux - Lacus Autumni Beta
DE - Xfce4.4.3
GTK - Murrina Zen Dark
Xfwm - Aurora Blue Flux
Icons - Tangowhich font are you using?
Liberation Sans for Apps, and Liberation Mono for terminals
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange