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Thank You!
What you did that Gnome-do is doing his work as panel?
Archlinux: x86_64, Gnome 2.26.*
I am registered Linux user number 485935 since september, 2007.
I am just exploring crunchbang linux,it has some advantage from ubuntu
Last edited by na12 (2009-03-16 20:42:40)
Snap, can I get that polaroid thumbnail script?
dnyy in IRC & Urban Terror
Snap, can I get that polaroid thumbnail script?
found it, had it in a zim page.
convert thumbnail.png \
-bordercolor white -border 6 \
-bordercolor grey60 -border 1 \
-background none -rotate 6 \
-background black \( +clone -shadow 60x4+4+4 \) +swap \
-background none -flatten \
-depth 8 -quality 95 thumbnail-poloroid.png
Last edited by droog (2009-03-17 04:30:54)
My new drunken mess found the old polaroid thumbnail script so had to use it haha.
fvwm vifm moc and toilet with the --gay option
diasukes .Xdefaults, thanks. … lariod.png
What web browser is that?
My new drunken mess found the old polaroid thumbnail script so had to use it haha.
fvwm vifm moc and toilet with the --gay option
diasukes .Xdefaults, thanks. … lariod.png
Fantastic as always!
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
My new drunken mess found the old polaroid thumbnail script so had to use it haha.
fvwm vifm moc and toilet with the --gay option
diasukes .Xdefaults, thanks. … lariod.png
So colorful. Damn thats nice.
bladdo / mil / Miles - blog and projects
What web browser is that?
Its firefox using rein theme, using system colors and vimperator.
SamC wrote:What's that icon theme? It looks great.
vcrash? anyway sorry about the delay! Here you go, the icon theme is called Sun Festa, currently my favorite icon theme! Here is the link!
the icon theme really looks nice.
I tried it too but I can't get it work under my xfce4.6 installation. I unpacked the archive to ~/.icons but when I choose it I only get the default icons (in the right click menu as well as the panel as well as in thunar). Currently I use BritIcons that I "installed" the same way without problems.
Do I have to adjust something in the theme?
awesome-wm with a bit of customization
color scheme borrowed from Cream's "Dawn" theme (not using Cream, though)
This is a as good a place as any to say (to those who know) I'm happy I'm back. Glad to see Arch is doing well... Dunno about the community on BBS. I've heard stuff.
Dusty, now you can do the I-told-you-so dance if you want. I know you want it.
Last edited by foxbunny (2009-03-17 09:17:12)
Dusty, now you can do the I-told-you-so dance if you want. I know you want it.
That was the first thing I thought when I saw your name on the recent posts!
Offline … wesome.png
awesome-wm with a bit of customization
color scheme borrowed from Cream's "Dawn" theme (not using Cream, though)
This is a as good a place as any to say (to those who know) I'm happy I'm back. Glad to see Arch is doing well... Dunno about the community on BBS. I've heard stuff.
Dusty, now you can do the I-told-you-so dance if you want. I know you want it.
oi! I for one missed your awesome artwork, great screen, I live in a cave so its too bright for my taste but nice if you live in a well lit room.
oi! I for one missed your awesome artwork, great screen, I live in a cave so its too bright for my taste but nice if you live in a well lit room.
Yeah, that's what I've been telling my g/f: black is nice if you work in a dark room. But then I realized that I actually like white. And I've bumped the font size up a notch and it's now like "Am I getting old or something?" ))
foxbunny wrote:Dusty, now you can do the I-told-you-so dance if you want. I know you want it.
That was the first thing I thought when I saw your name on the recent posts!
Hehe. I've been on Arch for two months now, I think. Maybe a bit less. But I haven't been to the BBS during that time. Dusty's been nagging me about posting on BBS so he could do the dance.
Allan wrote:foxbunny wrote:Dusty, now you can do the I-told-you-so dance if you want. I know you want it.
That was the first thing I thought when I saw your name on the recent posts!
Hehe. I've been on Arch for two months now, I think. Maybe a bit less. But I haven't been to the BBS during that time. Dusty's been nagging me about posting on BBS so he could do the dance.
yay lets all do the foxbunny dance!
hi, my latest desktop
compiz, xfce4.6, awn...
Nice setup! Please post your .conkyrc
ugaciaka wrote:hi, my latest desktop
compiz, xfce4.6, awn...
Nice setup! Please post your .conkyrc
# Options
use_xft yes
background yes
font 8x12
xftfont terminus:size=8
#xftfont smoothansi:size=10
xftalpha 1
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
#se metto yes ho lo sfarfallio di conky che mi copre le finestre, se metto no devo togliere le icone dal desktop in xfce
own_window yes
# normalmente con i DE
own_window_type override
# per openbox
#own_window_type desktop
#own_window_hints below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,undecorated
own_window_transparent yes
double_buffer yes
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
no_buffers yes
cpu_avg_samples 1
net_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale yes
uppercase no
#use_spacer no
# colors
#default_color white
#default_shade_color white
#default_outline_color grey
color0 white
color1 grey
color2 1aff14
color3 ed2424
# Position
alignment top_right
gap_x 30
gap_y 50
# Parameters
${alignc}${color #729FCF}${font zekton:size=10} $sysname $kernel - $nodename ${font}
${alignc}${color #729FCF}Temperature
${color0}CPU Temp: ${execi 30 sensors | awk '/temp2/ {print $2}'} ${alignr}Sys Temp: ${execi 30 sensors | awk '/temp1/ {print $2}'}
${color0}CPU Fan: ${execi 30 sensors | awk '/fan2/ {print $2}'} RPM
${color0}/dev/sda Temp: +${hddtemp /dev/sda} ${alignr}/dev/sdb Temp: +${hddtemp /dev/sdb}
${alignc}${color #729FCF}${exec uname -p}
${color0}Core0: ${cpu cpu0}% @ ${freq_g 0}GHz ${alignr}Core1: ${cpu cpu1}% @ ${freq_G 1}GHz
${color0}${cpugraph cpu0 30,140 000000 000000} ${alignr}${cpugraph cpu1 30,140 000000 000000}
${color0}Processo ${alignc} CPU% MEM%
${color0}${top name 1} ${alignc} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
${color0}${top name 2} ${alignc} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
${color0}${top name 3} ${alignc} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
${alignc}${color #729FCF}Memoria
${color0}RAM (${memperc}% Use): $mem/$memmax $membar
${color0}Swap (${swapperc}% Use): $swap/$swapmax $swapbar
${alignc}${color #729FCF}File System
${color0}root (${fs_free_perc /}% Free): ${color0}${fs_used /}${color0}/${color0}${fs_size /} ${color0}${fs_bar /}
${color0}home (${fs_free_perc /home}% Free): ${color0}${fs_used /home}${color0}/${color0}${fs_size /home} ${color0}${fs_bar /home}
${color0}tmp (${fs_free_perc /tmp}% Free): ${color0}${fs_used /tmp}${color0}/${color0}${fs_size /tmp} ${color0}${fs_bar /tmp}
${color0}pacman (${fs_free_perc /var/cache/pacman}% Free): ${color0}${fs_used /var/cache/pacman}${color0}/${color0}${fs_size /var/cache/pacman} ${color0}${fs_bar /var/cache/pacman}
${color0}ScambioWin (${fs_free_perc /mnt/ScambioWin}% Free): ${color0}${fs_used /mnt/ScambioWin}${color0}/${color0}${fs_size /mnt/ScambioWin} ${color0}${fs_bar /mnt/ScambioWin}
${color0}VirtualBox (${fs_free_perc /home/ugaciaka/.VirtualBox}% Free): ${color0}${fs_used /home/ugaciaka/.VirtualBox}${color0}/${color0}${fs_size /home/ugaciaka/.VirtualBox} ${color0}${fs_bar /home/ugaciaka/.VirtualBox}
${alignc}${color #729FCF}wlan0
${color0}IP: ${addr wlan0} ${alignr}Gateway: ${gw_ip}
${color0}Segnale: ${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}%
${color0}Down: ${downspeedf wlan0} kB/s ${alignr}Up: ${upspeedf wlan0} kB/s
${color0}${downspeedgraph wlan0 30,140 000000 000000} ${alignr}${color0}${upspeedgraph wlan0 30,140 000000 000000}
${alignc}${color #729FCF}APC
${color0}Autonomia: ${execi 60 apcaccess | awk '/TIMELEFT/ {print $3}'} Minuti ${alignr}Batteria: ${execi 60 apcaccess | awk '/BCHARGE/ {print $3}'}%
${color0}Numero trasferimenti: ${execi 60 apcaccess | awk '/NUMXFERS/ {print $3}'}
for HD temp: use hddtemp daemon after you will configure conf.d/hddtemp
I have never bought on ebay, the macbook I do not like, I do not need facebook or myspace or secondlife
I am not a nerd or lamer or troll or geek or hacker or cracker
and I have never voted to elect berlusconi
Daisuke_Aramaki wrote:SamC wrote:What's that icon theme? It looks great.
vcrash? anyway sorry about the delay! Here you go, the icon theme is called Sun Festa, currently my favorite icon theme! Here is the link!
the icon theme really looks nice.
I tried it too but I can't get it work under my xfce4.6 installation. I unpacked the archive to ~/.icons but when I choose it I only get the default icons (in the right click menu as well as the panel as well as in thunar). Currently I use BritIcons that I "installed" the same way without problems.
Do I have to adjust something in the theme?
I've got this too.