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#26 2009-05-25 14:00:33

Registered: 2009-01-20
Posts: 208

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

Wra!th wrote:
TEMP=$(cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature | awk '{print $2"C"}')
FREQ=$(cpufreq-info | grep "current CPU frequency" | awk '{print $5"MHz"}')
DATE=$(echo -n $(date +%B,\ %d\ -\ %I:%M\ %p))
SDA1=$(df -h | grep /dev/sda1 |awk '{print $4"/"$2}')
SDA2=$(df -h | grep /dev/sda2 |awk '{print $4"/"$2}')
#MPD=$(mpc | sed -n '1p')
INFO=$(echo -n "Arch $SDA1 :: Home $SDA2 :: CPUFreq: $FREQ :: Temperature $TEMP :: $DATE")
ratpoison -c "echo $INFO"

I think I'll grab this and use it, if thats ok. smile

Been introduced to RP last month, haven't used anything else since. I honestly love the ability to configure it from a single file. Don't use tmpwm much, since I don't really need to, but its a nice feature.

(pretty simple) ratpoisonrc:

# Custom Ratpoisonrc 
# Changes occur in real time =P
# sources: arch/ratpoison wiki; arch forums; google
# set escape key, defined by xmodmap in .xinitrc (currently windows key)
escape F30
# set wallpaper
exec feh --bg-scale /home/s3kt0r/Resources/Documents/Wallpapers/earthmoon.jpg
# wm control
definekey top M-backslash next
definekey top M-Tab prev
definekey top M-q gnew
definekey top M-w gselect
definekey top M-e gmove
definekey top C-M-r restart
# apps
definekey top M-X exec /usr/bin/pcmanfm
definekey top M-F exec /usr/bin/firefox
definekey top M-P exec /usr/bin/smplayer
definekey top M-M exec /usr/bin/emesene
# overriding default term
bind c exec urxvt
# startup message on | off
startup_message off
# set mouse pointer
exec xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
# set font
set font -*-terminus-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# bar (date, exec, etc.) appearance
set winname class
set barborder 0
set font mints-mild
set inputwidth 1680
set bgcolor #000000
set fgcolor #7070ff
set bargravity nw
set wingravity nw
set winliststyle row
set winfmt %t
# automatically banish mouse
addhook switchwin banish
# eof

RP rocks.

box1: Arch (linux-3.17-rc5)
box2: Gentoo (linux-3.17-rc5)
wm: subtle


#27 2009-05-27 14:34:11

Registered: 2006-07-25
Posts: 81

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

The release version 1.4.4 does not allow changing the text color of the status bar. Changing the value to something other than black changes the color of the status bar border but not the text itself. The text is always black. I'm guessing off-hand that it has something to do with xft support added in this release? Does the git version exhibit this behavior?

I always find myself returning to ratpoison. I use it at work and at home. My wife has even gotten used to it. I offered to set her her up with some eye-catching full-blown desktop environment but she said no.

What are some thoughts on this gimppoison script? I got it to work the first time I used it, but it never worked after that. I like sirmacik's approach, I'll have to give it a try.

Last edited by derelict (2009-05-27 14:35:13)


#28 2009-05-27 15:37:31

Registered: 2009-03-31
Posts: 342

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

derelict wrote:

The release version 1.4.4 does not allow changing the text color of the status bar. Changing the value to something other than black changes the color of the status bar border but not the text itself. The text is always black. I'm guessing off-hand that it has something to do with xft support added in this release? Does the git version exhibit this behavior?

I always find myself returning to ratpoison. I use it at work and at home. My wife has even gotten used to it. I offered to set her her up with some eye-catching full-blown desktop environment but she said no.

What are some thoughts on this gimppoison script? I got it to work the first time I used it, but it never worked after that. I like sirmacik's approach, I'll have to give it a try.

Yeah 1.4.4 has some nasty issues with setting up colors IF you have XFT compiled in. I myself can't understand why they had to add XFT support to such a small and nice wm...but it's their choice. I've talked to the RP guys when I first noticed this and apparently it's a bug. I'll stress further maybe a patch can emerge. For now I just disable XFT at compile time. same thing happened with official 1.4.4 and -git (the -git before they released 1.4.4, not sure about the current one).
About the GIMP script, I seriouslly don't like it and I believe it doesn't even work anymore.
I just tile manually..all I need is 2 frames..and I'm not that lazy. I have GIMP setup to have everything in the main window as tabs(color chooser etc), leaving the second big frame for the image.

Last edited by Wra!th (2009-05-27 15:39:06)

7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


#29 2009-05-27 19:53:47

Registered: 2009-03-31
Posts: 342

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

Well good news. Talked to Shawn and the bug is almost fixed. get the git version
The bug is almost gone because it only works with antialiased fonts (set font "Terminus:pixelsize=14")

Last edited by Wra!th (2009-05-27 19:56:53)

7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


#30 2009-05-28 17:04:02

Hrod beraht
Registered: 2008-09-30
Posts: 186

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

ArchGh0ul wrote:

Some applications really really don't go along with Ratpoison, Gimp beeing one of them.

I may be in the minority, but I think GIMP works great with Ratpoison. Using frames for the differing windows rather than having them floating means that they don't move or have to be moved, which can be an issue with a floating wm.

The only minor annoyance I've experienced using multiple frames and a multiple window app like GIMP, is one of focus. I like to have a 200 pixel wide vertical frame on one side that holds the brushes and layers windows. This frame is also divided horizontally so those two windows are one above the other. That leaves the rest of the screen for the main work area. And, since I have a widescreen monitor, there's plenty of room to work while leaving the brushes and layers windows always visible.

The focus issue comes in when you have the focus on one of the two small windows and try and do something like a File-->Open. If the focus is on a small window, GIMP will try and open the file in the small window, rather than in the big main window where you really want it. You can solve this problem by just being more aware of which frame has the focus, but I like the better way of using Ratpoison's built-in capability of Chaste and Promiscuous windows. By default, all frames are promiscuous, meaning that the frame will accept new windows. But making a frame chaste, using the dedicate [0|1] command means that the frame will not accept new windows. So, for a standard 'big window' and 'two small windows' GIMP setup, if you make both small ones chaste, then any File-->New or File-->Open type of stuff will automatically be directed to the only frame that is accepting new windows; the big main one where you want it to go. smile


P.S. Anyone use Shawn's Ratpoison-like web browser, Conkeror? It's great too!

Last edited by Hrod beraht (2009-05-28 17:12:14)


#31 2009-05-28 19:02:14

Registered: 2009-03-31
Posts: 342

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

Hrod beraht wrote:
ArchGh0ul wrote:

Some applications really really don't go along with Ratpoison, Gimp beeing one of them.

I may be in the minority, but I think GIMP works great with Ratpoison. Using frames for the differing windows rather than having them floating means that they don't move or have to be moved, which can be an issue with a floating wm.

The only minor annoyance I've experienced using multiple frames and a multiple window app like GIMP, is one of focus. I like to have a 200 pixel wide vertical frame on one side that holds the brushes and layers windows. This frame is also divided horizontally so those two windows are one above the other. That leaves the rest of the screen for the main work area. And, since I have a widescreen monitor, there's plenty of room to work while leaving the brushes and layers windows always visible.

The focus issue comes in when you have the focus on one of the two small windows and try and do something like a File-->Open. If the focus is on a small window, GIMP will try and open the file in the small window, rather than in the big main window where you really want it. You can solve this problem by just being more aware of which frame has the focus, but I like the better way of using Ratpoison's built-in capability of Chaste and Promiscuous windows. By default, all frames are promiscuous, meaning that the frame will accept new windows. But making a frame chaste, using the dedicate [0|1] command means that the frame will not accept new windows. So, for a standard 'big window' and 'two small windows' GIMP setup, if you make both small ones chaste, then any File-->New or File-->Open type of stuff will automatically be directed to the only frame that is accepting new windows; the big main one where you want it to go. smile


P.S. Anyone use Shawn's Ratpoison-like web browser, Conkeror? It's great too!

I am the original case someone doesn't know(I changed my handle). Now...the GIMP issue...what I said wasn't meant to be that drastic, you can use GIMP just fine in Ratpoison and I myself use it. Popup windows/options might get anoying that's all, but like you said, dedicate is the key here (I must admit I haven't used it that much and I use RP for years...but it's a fine piece of option in GIMP's case smile ).
I also use Conkeror...but a comparison to Ratpoison is almost nonexistent. Conkeror is basically Emacs turned into a lightweight relation to Ratpoison whatsoever

Last edited by Wra!th (2009-05-28 19:03:51)

7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


#32 2009-05-28 19:52:17

Registered: 2006-07-25
Posts: 81

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

Wra!th, what does your PKGBUILD look like for the git version? I came up with this one, mostly based off the 1.4.3 version, but is there a more elegant way of sorting out the git stuff?

pkgdesc="A simple keystroke-driven window manager"
arch=(i686 x86_64)
depends=('libxinerama' 'readline' 'bash' 'perl' 'libxtst')


build() {
  msg "Connecting to"
  if [[ -d $_gitname ]] ; then
  cd $_gitname && git pull origin
  msg "The local files are updated."
  git clone $_gitroot $_gitname

  msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
  msg "Starting make..."
  rm -rf $srcdir/$_gitname-build
  cd $srcdir/$_gitname
  find . -exec touch \{\} \;     # fix timestamp issue
  /bin/mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/etc/X11/sessions
  ./configure --prefix=/usr
  /usr/bin/make || return 1
  pushd contrib
  ./genrpbindings || return 1
  install -d $startdir/pkg/usr/share/ratpoison/bindings
  install  -m 644 {,ratpoison-cmd.el,ratpoison.rb,ratpoison.lisp,} \
            $startdir/pkg/usr/share/ratpoison/bindings/ || return 1
  /usr/bin/make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
    # fix permissions
    chmod a+x $startdir/pkg/usr/share/ratpoison/{,,,rpws,}
  /bin/cp $startdir/src/$pkgname.desktop $startdir/pkg/etc/X11/sessions
  rm ${pkgdir}/usr/share/info/dir
# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et ft=sh

Last edited by derelict (2009-05-28 20:35:32)


#33 2009-05-28 21:01:31

Registered: 2009-03-31
Posts: 342

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

I didn't use the PKGBUILD because that's rather old. Get the official git branch (1.4.5)
git clone git://
Be aware, if you use this, use an antialiased font (set font "Terminus:pixelsize=14"). Bitmap/unaliased fonts still look crappy when setting colors. Shawn is still working on this

7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


#34 2009-05-28 21:37:28

Registered: 2006-07-25
Posts: 81

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

I did use git, I just put it into a PKGBUILD. This way makepkg should (in theory) pull the updated repository everytime you run it, and automatically update the version number based on the date the new package is created. I'm just not sure if I followed best practices with the PKGBUILD.


#35 2009-05-29 05:38:42

Registered: 2009-03-31
Posts: 342

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

derelict wrote:

I did use git, I just put it into a PKGBUILD. This way makepkg should (in theory) pull the updated repository everytime you run it, and automatically update the version number based on the date the new package is created. I'm just not sure if I followed best practices with the PKGBUILD.

Oh sorry then didn't look trhough the PKGBUILD. Just get it manually. it'll work.

7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


#36 2009-05-29 15:35:05

Hrod beraht
Registered: 2008-09-30
Posts: 186

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

Wra!th wrote:
Hrod beraht wrote:

P.S. Anyone use Shawn's Ratpoison-like web browser, Conkeror? It's great too!

I also use Conkeror...but a comparison to Ratpoison is almost nonexistent. Conkeror is basically Emacs turned into a lightweight relation to Ratpoison whatsoever

I just meant to point out the connection through their creator, Shawn Betts. And that Conkeror has a similar design paradigm that minimizes eye-candy and maximizes keyboard control.


Last edited by Hrod beraht (2009-05-29 17:00:32)


#37 2009-06-03 21:22:59

From: /home/gazj -> /uk/cambs
Registered: 2007-02-09
Posts: 681

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

Is there anyway I can make apps start up on my second physical screen.  What I am trying to do is have 4 urxvt's start up in screen 2 split into 4 equal windows.  Then use my main screen (1) for my normal poisoning smile



#38 2009-06-04 07:37:46

Registered: 2009-03-31
Posts: 342

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

gazj wrote:

Is there anyway I can make apps start up on my second physical screen.  What I am trying to do is have 4 urxvt's start up in screen 2 split into 4 equal windows.  Then use my main screen (1) for my normal poisoning smile


It's very much possible.

make ratpoisonrc issue "nextscreen", thus switching to your second screen. then 'hsplit',  'vsplit', 'focusright', 'vsplit' and after 'nextscreen' again to get back to the first.
After each splitting you open up the terminal of course

7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


#39 2009-06-19 21:30:59

From: /home/gazj -> /uk/cambs
Registered: 2007-02-09
Posts: 681

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

Cheers, got that working, sorry for the long reply been working loads.

Stole this script to display my current windows using dzen2, On an eee I have not got much screenspace, hence the cut commands I added in myself, for some reason though it does not work on my current window.  The one that does not work is commented at the moment.

WINDOWS=`ratpoison -c "windows"`
echo "$WINDOWS" |
while read name; do
if [[ "$name" =~ "*" ]]
#name=`echo $name | cut -c 1-20`
echo -n "^fg(#00FF00)^bg(#000000)$name^fg()^bg() | "
if [[ "$name" =~ "+" ]]
name=`echo $name | cut -c 1-20`
echo -n "^fg(#FF0000)^bg(#000000)$name^fg()^bg() | "
if [[ "$name" =~ "-" ]]
name=`echo $name | cut -c 1-20`
echo -n "^fg(#FF0000)^bg(#000000)$name^fg()^bg() | "
if [ "$name" = "No managed windows" ]
echo -n "^fg(#FFFFFF)^bg(#000000)$name^fg()^bg() | "

Last edited by gazj (2009-06-19 21:31:39)


#40 2009-08-15 18:41:32

Registered: 2009-01-20
Posts: 208

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

Well, still using RP, totally addicted to it. A couple of months back, I got myself an used 20'' lcd, pretty cheap and very much new, but I can't seem to find a RP command to move a client from one physical screen to another. I tried using groups, but it's not what want. It's not a big deal, but it would be good to have that ability.

Last edited by s3kt0r (2009-08-15 18:44:20)

box1: Arch (linux-3.17-rc5)
box2: Gentoo (linux-3.17-rc5)
wm: subtle


#41 2009-08-15 19:35:24

Registered: 2008-05-07
Posts: 1,819

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

s3kt0r: That's xinerama territory. note how apps have a different DISPLAY env variable (:0.0 and :0.1) you can launch things in a different screen with DISPLAY=:0.1 xterm (very useful for urxvt URL matcher). I also wrote a ratpoison patch once so applications in one screen don't show up in your other screen's window list:

in src/window.c function get_window_list (line 717)
Add this line at the start of the loop macro:

if (we->win->scr->screen_num != current_screen()->screen_num) continue;

I forgot if you need to put any other stuff in there, here it is from the start of the function:

/* get the window list and store it in buffer delimiting each window
   with delim. mark_start and mark_end will be filled with the text
   positions for the start and end of the current window. */
get_window_list (char *fmt, char *delim, struct sbuf *buffer,
                 int *mark_start, int *mark_end)
  rp_window_elem *we;
  rp_window *other_window;

  if (buffer == NULL) return;

  sbuf_clear (buffer);
  other_window = find_window_other (current_screen());

  /* We only loop through the current group to look for windows. */
  list_for_each_entry (we,&rp_current_group->mapped_windows,node)

    if (we->win->scr->screen_num != current_screen()->screen_num) continue;

      PRINT_DEBUG (("%d-%s\n", we->number, window_name (we->win)));

      if (we->win == current_window())
        *mark_start = strlen (sbuf_get (buffer));

Last edited by Procyon (2009-08-15 20:24:31)


#42 2009-08-19 19:03:01

Registered: 2009-03-31
Posts: 342

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

s3kt0r wrote:

Well, still using RP, totally addicted to it. A couple of months back, I got myself an used 20'' lcd, pretty cheap and very much new, but I can't seem to find a RP command to move a client from one physical screen to another. I tried using groups, but it's not what want. It's not a big deal, but it would be good to have that ability.

If you have a working dualscreen setup (not Ratpoison related, only Xorg), you can easily use the RP `swap` command to move stuff around the two screens. Ratpoison detects the number of screens, so no need to fiddle with source code or anything like that.

7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


#43 2009-09-23 18:56:27

Registered: 2008-06-11
Posts: 731

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

Is there a way to make certain windows float over others? I know there's an option to unmanage windows, but they can't float around like in xmonad. Instead, from what I recall, they're centered over everything.

This is what I would like:

Most of the time I can put smplayer in its own frame, but sometimes, I would like an application to be full screen with mplayer overlapping it. The specific example I'm showing in the screenshot is VirtualBox with smplayer floating over it, and I can move smplayer around the screen, or resize the window, freely to unblock things I need in VirtualBox.

The only solution I've thought of is to launch VirtualBox and smplayer in xmonad/dwm (or some other wm with better floating capabilities) with ratpoison's tmpwm command. However, I would really like to keep everything in ratpoison.


#44 2009-09-23 19:21:56

Registered: 2009-09-13
Posts: 437

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

Berticus wrote:

Is there a way to make certain windows float over others? I know there's an option to unmanage windows, but they can't float around like in xmonad. Instead, from what I recall, they're centered over everything.

This is what I would like:

Most of the time I can put smplayer in its own frame, but sometimes, I would like an application to be full screen with mplayer overlapping it. The specific example I'm showing in the screenshot is VirtualBox with smplayer floating over it, and I can move smplayer around the screen, or resize the window, freely to unblock things I need in VirtualBox.

The only solution I've thought of is to launch VirtualBox and smplayer in xmonad/dwm (or some other wm with better floating capabilities) with ratpoison's tmpwm command. However, I would really like to keep everything in ratpoison.

No, Ratpoison has no floating layer and will probably never have one. StumpWM, the LISP "variant" of Ratpoison has that and some more options.
When you unmanage a window in Ratpoison, it stops responding to events from it, so you can't resize, move etc. It simply stops "managing" it in any way. My only suggestion is that you start watching movies with a tiled mplayer, When you want fullscreen, just make the mplayer frame fullscreen (only command), watch, then when you want to go back to your layout, do an undo wink

Last edited by Lich (2009-09-23 19:23:35)

Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux


#45 2009-09-23 19:45:36

Registered: 2008-06-11
Posts: 731

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

I only wish Stumpwm was written in C... Oh well, I'll take a look at it.


#46 2009-10-01 19:38:58

Registered: 2008-06-11
Posts: 731

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

good news, gimp 2.8 is going to have a button to toggle between single and multi window mode.

I'm having a problem with dzen. I want to be able to toggle the visibility, and I have this in my .ratpoisonrc:

alias showbar exec ratpoison -c "set padding 0 14 0 0" -c "exec killall dzen2" -c "exec status"
alias hidebar exec ratpoison -c "exec killall dzen2" -c "set padding 0 0 0 0"
definekey M-y showbar
definekey M-n hidebar

rpws init 12 -k

The problem is padding only affects the current group/workspace. How do I get it so padding affects all groups/workspaces?

Last edited by Berticus (2009-10-01 20:29:58)


#47 2009-10-01 21:56:55

Registered: 2009-09-13
Posts: 437

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

Berticus wrote:

good news, gimp 2.8 is going to have a button to toggle between single and multi window mode.

That's awesome news!

I'm having a problem with dzen. I want to be able to toggle the visibility, and I have this in my .ratpoisonrc:

alias showbar exec ratpoison -c "set padding 0 14 0 0" -c "exec killall dzen2" -c "exec status"
alias hidebar exec ratpoison -c "exec killall dzen2" -c "set padding 0 0 0 0"
definekey M-y showbar
definekey M-n hidebar

rpws init 12 -k

The problem is padding only affects the current group/workspace. How do I get it so padding affects all groups/workspaces?

not sure how that would go, I don't really use groups.. I guess modifying the rpws script to set the gap upon group creation would be the easiest way?

Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux


#48 2009-10-02 12:28:54

From: New Delhi, India
Registered: 2008-08-17
Posts: 84

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

im been extensively using rp since the last 6 months, i especially love the way it lets the user handle the tiling and not get in the way.


### binds
bind c exec urxvt
bind C exec xterm
bind o exec opera
bind l exec liferea
bind q exec quodlibet
bind g exec gwibber
bind d exec deluge
bind f exec firefox

### Workspaces
exec rpws -i
exec /usr/bin/rpws init 6 -k

bind C-1 rpws1
bind C-2 rpws2
bind C-3 rpws3
bind C-4 rpws4
bind C-F1 rpwsm1
bind C-F2 rpwsm2
bind C-F3 rpwsm3
bind C-F4 rpwsm4
definekey top C-F1 rpwsm1
definekey top C-F2 rpwsm2
definekey top C-F3 rpwsm3
definekey top C-F4 rpwsm4

set border 0
exec xsetroot -solid black
exec feh --bg-center ~/wallpaper.jpg
exec deluge --ui=web
exec deluged
startup_message off

heres a screeny
i know, not a fancy setup with all bars and conky, but i like it smile


#49 2009-10-02 16:18:56

Registered: 2009-09-13
Posts: 437

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

hullap wrote:

im been extensively using rp since the last 6 months, i especially love the way it lets the user handle the tiling and not get in the way.
i know, not a fancy setup with all bars and conky, but i like it smile

Not at all bad, but please try to use one of the many Xdefaults colors chemes, the default Linux colors are murder.
Also as a side note, you will sometimes have to restart your ratpoison(for changes to take effect imediatly etc), which in turn re-reads ratpoisonrc. Since you start some applications in your ratypoisonrc, those apps will be run again, which is bad. Try to start your applications using xinitrc, not the ratpoisonrc
Here's my current Xdefaults theme (custom made..just in case you liek it..if not..there are many around)

!Lich Low Contrast
*color0: #222222
*color1: #8E5C4E
*color2: #6C7E55
*color3: #B89F63
*color4: #7FB8D8
*color5: #956D9D
*color6: #4c8ea1
*color7: #808080
*color8: #454545
*color9: #CC896D
*color10: #C4DF90
*color11: #FFE080
*color12: #B8DDEA
*color13: #C18FCB
*color14: #6bc1d0
*color15: #cdcdcd
*borderColor: #343434
*background: #343434
*foreground: #cdcdcd

Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux


#50 2009-10-04 04:27:14

From: New Delhi, India
Registered: 2008-08-17
Posts: 84

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

Lich wrote:
hullap wrote:

im been extensively using rp since the last 6 months, i especially love the way it lets the user handle the tiling and not get in the way.
i know, not a fancy setup with all bars and conky, but i like it smile

Not at all bad, but please try to use one of the many Xdefaults colors chemes, the default Linux colors are murder.
Also as a side note, you will sometimes have to restart your ratpoison(for changes to take effect imediatly etc), which in turn re-reads ratpoisonrc. Since you start some applications in your ratypoisonrc, those apps will be run again, which is bad. Try to start your applications using xinitrc, not the ratpoisonrc
Here's my current Xdefaults theme (custom made..just in case you liek it..if not..there are many around)

applying your .Xdefaults,
EDIT: looks good, but the cyan is way too light, can you tell me which color number is cyan?
EDIT2: figured it out myslef, its no. 4 smile

as for the reload part, i rarely quit ratpoison myself. so there is no actual worry of applications restarting.

Last edited by hullap (2009-10-04 04:51:39)


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