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emacs 23 (emacs-cvs in AUR) can view pdf, ps and dvi files using doc-view-mode.
I does not fulfill all the stuff on your wish list, and I see you are a vi user, but maybe someone else will like it.[/snip]
Take 3:
Add to .emacs:
(add-hook 'doc-view-mode-hook 'auto-revert-mode)Change the tex output view style to
Command: emacsclient -e "(find-file \"%o\")"
This just tells the running emacs server to evaluate (find-file "filename.pdf"), not opening a new client.Pressing C-c C-c in a freshly compiled tex buffer now will raise the allready updated pdf buffer if it exists, or open a new buffer with the pdf file.
A doc-view-mode buffer can be moved to the background simply by pressing 'q'. The pdf buffer will be updated when the pdf is regenerated.
This is a much belated thank you for this wonderful tip. I do like it!
LaTeX editing and previewing all in emacs. What could be better?
I found method three (quoted above) to be the best. To fellow emacs users, I highly recommend haavard's advice.