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whordijk wrote:lolilolicon wrote:THIS is my Super Complex Desktop
I think I just gained about 5 iq points by staring at your wallpaper
I don't get it
I was a joke about your wallpaper having a stimulating effect on my brain It kind of tingles between my ears when I look at it
A majority of the small fonts displayed here are extremely bad for the eyes.. but boy can they look sexy on a minimalist desktop
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
kolbycrouch wrote:Breakage wrote:still dwm..
how did you get the gaps between terminals?, something I always loved about ratpoison, never seen it in dwm.
I think he manually tiled the windows: dwm is in floating mode and it would be a very particular tiling mode if it weren't, looking at the way the windows are tiled
Yep, it's floating mode. Just resized terminals and 'static unsigned int snap' set to 5 in config.h.
Lunar Linux+Fluxbox
Really nice the ncmpc running screen of the wallpaper It seems like if its part of the wall
archlinux on Macbook Pro 10,1
Seems awesome!
Surely going to give that a try. Ruby extendability ftw
Mind sharing tint2-config? Looks awesome
Not so much different from last month (still like the dark setup and the color-scheme), only with a new font I found.
Clean (conky & urxvt):
Dirty (conky & uzbl):
WM: Openbox
WM Theme: Dragonaut (with modified color-scheme)
GTK Theme: Kupo Finale Light
Icons: gTangish
Font: Sansation
Panel: BMPanel Transpy (with modified color-scheme)
Wallpaper: My OpenBox Wall, by NeoXP (made with GIMP)
Colors used: b3b3b3 & 0099ec
Edit: typos
Last edited by NeoXP (2009-05-03 22:41:17)
Arch x86_64 on HP 6820s and on HP nx9420. Registered Linux User 350155, since 24-03-2004
"Everyone said that it could not be done, until someone came along who didn't know that."
Mind sharing tint2-config? Looks awesome
whordijk wrote:kolbycrouch wrote:how did you get the gaps between terminals?, something I always loved about ratpoison, never seen it in dwm.
I think he manually tiled the windows: dwm is in floating mode and it would be a very particular tiling mode if it weren't, looking at the way the windows are tiled
Yep, it's floating mode. Just resized terminals and 'static unsigned int snap' set to 5 in config.h.
cool man, i've been using musca and ratpoison lately because of the limit in dwm layouts, but this looks nice, is it pretty easy to work, it just seems like resizing floating windows to tile would be a pain, but if it's not then I might just have to go back to dwm.
Could you post your sublte.rb please? I'd like to give subtle a shot and a good config file would help greatly.
Could you post your sublte.rb please? I'd like to give subtle a shot and a good config file would help greatly.
# Options
"border" => 2, # Border size of the windows
"step" => 5 # Window move/resize key step
# Font
FONT = {
"family" => "neep alt", # Font family for the text
"style" => "medium", # Font style (medium|bold|italic)
"size" => 10 # Font size
# Colors
"font" => "#FFFFFF", # Color of font
"border" => "#FFA36C", # Color of border
"normal" => "#2A191D", # Color of inactive windows
"focus" => "#F0382B", # Color of focus window
"background" => "#3d3d3d" # Color of root background
# Grabs
# Modifier keys:
# A = Alt key S = Shift key
# C = Control key W = Super (Windows key)
# M = Meta key
# Mouse buttons:
# B1 = Button1 B2 = Button2
# B3 = Button3 B4 = Button4
# B5 = Button5
"A-1" => Subtle::Grab::Jump1, # Jump to view 1
"A-2" => Subtle::Grab::Jump2, # Jump to view 2
"A-3" => Subtle::Grab::Jump3, # Jump to view 3
"A-4" => Subtle::Grab::Jump4, # Jump to view 4
"A-B1" => Subtle::Grab::WindowMove, # Move window
"A-B3" => Subtle::Grab::WindowResize, # Resize window
"A-f" => Subtle::Grab::WindowFloat, # Toggle float
"A-space" => Subtle::Grab::WindowFull, # Toggle full
"A-s" => Subtle::Grab::WindowStick, # Toggle stic
"A-S-c" => Subtle::Grab::WindowKill, # Kill window
"A-KP_7" => Subtle::Grab::GravityTopLeft, # Set top left gravity
"A-KP_8" => Subtle::Grab::GravityTop, # Set top gravity
"A-KP_9" => Subtle::Grab::GravityTopRight, # Set top right gravity
"A-KP_4" => Subtle::Grab::GravityLeft, # Set left gravity
"A-KP_5" => Subtle::Grab::GravityCenter, # Set center gravity
"A-KP_6" => Subtle::Grab::GravityRight, # Set right gravity
"A-KP_1" => Subtle::Grab::GravityBottomLeft, # Set bottom left gravity
"A-KP_2" => Subtle::Grab::GravityBottom, # Set bottom gravity
"A-KP_3" => Subtle::Grab::GravityBottomRight, # Set bottom right gravity
"A-p" => 'dmenu_run -fn "-jmk-neep alt-medium-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" -nb "#2A191D" -nf "#FFF" -sb "#F0382B" -sf "#FFF"',
"A-q" => "killall subtle",
"A-S-Return" => "urxvtc", # Exec a term
"S-F2" => lambda { |c| puts }, # Print client name
"S-F3" => lambda { |c| puts version }, # Print subtle version
"S-F4" => lambda { |c| # Show client on view test
v = add_view("test")
t = add_tag("test")
c + t
v + t
# Tags
TAGS = {
"terms" => "xterm|[u]?rxvt",
"browser" => "Navigator",
"editor" => "vim",
"stick" => "mplayer",
"float" => "mplayer|imagemagick|gimp"
# Views
"main" => "terms",
"dev" => "terms|editor",
"web" => "browser"
Not so much different from last month (still like the dark setup and the color-scheme), only with a new font I found.
Clean (conky & urxvt):
Dirty (conky & uzbl):
WM: Openbox
WM Theme: Dragonaut (with modified color-scheme)
GTK Theme: Kupo Finale Light
Icons: gTangish
Font: Sansation
Panel: BMPanel Transpy (with modified color-scheme)
Wallpaper: My OpenBox Wall, by NeoXP (made with GIMP)
Colors used: b3b3b3 & 0099ecEdit: typos
All of your configs please
Last edited by Alex6969 (2009-05-04 02:40:20)
This isn't Ubuntu...
Just got a new monitor the other day, finally get to replace my old stand by. Anyways, in celebration, I decided to give pekwm a try, and here are my results.
WM: pekwm
Panel: lxpanel showing only menu (for wife), task manager, systray, and clock on top; lxpanel on left side, centered and set to transparent holding only the application launcher, minimize all button, and an invisible desktop switcher button.
Theme: A heavily self customized Nimbus theme
Other Notes: You also see conky there, but not much more than that. I went with using lxpanel for launcher as I really didn't care for the others, and that is light weight, and can be moved to side for my widescreen monitor. Still got some more configuring to do, mainly finishing up the root menu and hot keys.
Legends of Nor'Ova - role playing community devoted to quality forum-based and table-top role play, home of the Legends of Nor'Ova Core Rule Book and Legends of Nor'Ova: Saga of Ablution steam punk like forum based RPG
thoffmeyer wrote:Mine D=
NSFWEdit - don't post pictures that are NSFW...
OS: ArchLinux (Core Dump)
Kernel: 2.6.30-rc4-zen0
WM: Openbox
WM Theme: Dyne
GTK Theme: Dyne-GTK
Font: Sans 6
Icons: ALLGREYwould you share your wallpaper? has a nice artistic edge to it
Here is the link to the original. … -119290018
If you like that you'll love the rest of the gallery, it's amazing.
Rydgel wrote:Still in pekwm, this great wm. Great and still not so much theme. So I make this one.
Nice desk!! (As always )
Is pekwm complicated to configure? And is there an equivalent of the openbox rc.conf for pekwm?
In fact, it's sometimes even easier. You just have to get used to the configuration algorythm. It has its config files in ~/.pekwm as far as I remember, I haven't used it for a long time though.
@ Joe_Arch: It's the letter B from the font Openlogos. Check the following thread:
@Alex6969: I will look into that this evening, I'm at work now.
Arch x86_64 on HP 6820s and on HP nx9420. Registered Linux User 350155, since 24-03-2004
"Everyone said that it could not be done, until someone came along who didn't know that."
Lunar Linux+Fluxbox
Awesome man! Can you post your gtk theme?
Last edited by bosha (2009-05-04 07:21:24)
If you think of MS-DOS as mono, and Windows as stereo,
then Linux is Dolby Digital and all the music is free...
Lunar Linux+Fluxbox
Will you share your wallpaper please?
Lunar Linux+Fluxbox
Hey there! I love your screens!
Can you please post your .Xdefaults, your ncmpcpp config, your vimrc (are you using gvim? or both -- judging from the screenshot last page?), and all other stuff I might have missed - maybe .bashrc and .bash_profile, if there is something stated about colorful output. That would be sweet!
Also, do you maybe have some tips on vim and Fortran (which you seem to be coding in)? My vim seems to have problems with indentation and opening/closing of do loops, if statements, etc...