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#301 2009-12-02 13:37:44

Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 18

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

bangkok_manouel wrote:

@haggy: if I understood correctly, you're a xbmc developer, is it correct? So, just FYI, commit 7e9655d6f21dcfaf847f25f7668963d92e9575d7 [ … d92e9575d7 ] breaks compilation of xbmc (9.11_Camelot git branch). build brutally fails with (no error whatsoever):

PictureThumbLoader.o ThumbLoader.o ApplicationMessenger.o Autorun.o Util.o GUIWindowSlideShow.o XBApplicationEx.o xbmc.o GUIDialogFavourites.o GUIDialogSongInfo.o Favourites.o GUIDialogSmartPlaylistEditor.o GUIDialogSmartPlaylistRule.o SlideShowPicture.o ApplicationRenderer.o GUIDialogBusy.o GUIWindowStartup.o UPnP.o PictureInfoLoader.o GUIDialogPictureInfo.o LastFmManager.o PictureInfoTag.o GUILargeTextureManager.o GUIDialogKaiToast.o KeyboardLayoutConfiguration.o GUIDialogPluginSettings.o PluginSettings.o GUIDialogAccessPoints.o ScraperSettings.o Artist.o Album.o MediaSource.o MusicInfoTagLoaderASAP.o GUIWindowTestPattern.o GUIViewStateScripts.o GUIViewStatePrograms.o GUIViewStatePictures.o GUIDialogFullScreenInfo.o PowerManager.o Zeroconf.o ZeroconfBrowser.o VideoReferenceClock.o DPMSSupport.o ScriptSettings.o GUIWindowTestPatternGL.o RenderSystem.o RenderSystemGL.o KeyboardStat.o MouseStat.o WinSystem.o WinSystemX11.o WinSystemX11GL.o WinEventsSDL.o AdvancedSettings.o Bookmark.o    
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/eb64/pkg/xbmc-git/src/xbmc/xbmc'
==> ERROR: Build Failed.

(x86_64 machine using up2date [TESTING] repo, well except libcdio...)

edit: correctly takes 2 'r'

Have you tried a checkout from SVN head?
SVN rev 25208 should be the same as that git rev.

Do you have a 32-bit install to try?
AFAIK 64-bit still is a little sketchy.


#302 2009-12-02 13:50:45

From: indicates a starting point
Registered: 2005-02-07
Posts: 1,556

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

aaahaaap wrote:
bangkok_manouel wrote:

@haggy: if I understood correctly, you're a xbmc developer, is it correct? So, just FYI, commit 7e9655d6f21dcfaf847f25f7668963d92e9575d7 [ … d92e9575d7 ] breaks compilation of xbmc (9.11_Camelot git branch). build brutally fails with (no error whatsoever):

PictureThumbLoader.o ThumbLoader.o ApplicationMessenger.o Autorun.o Util.o GUIWindowSlideShow.o XBApplicationEx.o xbmc.o GUIDialogFavourites.o GUIDialogSongInfo.o Favourites.o GUIDialogSmartPlaylistEditor.o GUIDialogSmartPlaylistRule.o SlideShowPicture.o ApplicationRenderer.o GUIDialogBusy.o GUIWindowStartup.o UPnP.o PictureInfoLoader.o GUIDialogPictureInfo.o LastFmManager.o PictureInfoTag.o GUILargeTextureManager.o GUIDialogKaiToast.o KeyboardLayoutConfiguration.o GUIDialogPluginSettings.o PluginSettings.o GUIDialogAccessPoints.o ScraperSettings.o Artist.o Album.o MediaSource.o MusicInfoTagLoaderASAP.o GUIWindowTestPattern.o GUIViewStateScripts.o GUIViewStatePrograms.o GUIViewStatePictures.o GUIDialogFullScreenInfo.o PowerManager.o Zeroconf.o ZeroconfBrowser.o VideoReferenceClock.o DPMSSupport.o ScriptSettings.o GUIWindowTestPatternGL.o RenderSystem.o RenderSystemGL.o KeyboardStat.o MouseStat.o WinSystem.o WinSystemX11.o WinSystemX11GL.o WinEventsSDL.o AdvancedSettings.o Bookmark.o    
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/eb64/pkg/xbmc-git/src/xbmc/xbmc'
==> ERROR: Build Failed.

(x86_64 machine using up2date [TESTING] repo, well except libcdio...)

edit: correctly takes 2 'r'

Have you tried a checkout from SVN head?
SVN rev 25208 should be the same as that git rev.

No, I didn't try that svn revision, I feel more comfy with git actually. I'm focusing on the soon-to-be-released Camelot branch, not sure about xbmc but if it follows projects development "philosophy" like the linux kernel then master commits should be extremely likely to break things as they would/should bring very new features (I may be super wrong here tongue ).

Do you have a 32-bit install to try?
AFAIK 64-bit still is a little sketchy.

I do but my main xbmc usage is on a x86_64 box (HTPC). So far, I have never had any trouble (using it since 1 month only)


#303 2009-12-02 16:16:54

Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 18

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

bangkok_manouel wrote:

No, I didn't try that svn revision, I feel more comfy with git actually. I'm focusing on the soon-to-be-released Camelot branch, not sure about xbmc but if it follows projects development "philosophy" like the linux kernel then master commits should be extremely likely to break things as they would/should bring very new features (I may be super wrong here tongue ).

I do but my main xbmc usage is on a x86_64 box (HTPC). So far, I have never had any trouble (using it since 1 month only)

If you use Haggy's packagebuild and remove "-r $pkgver" from the line "svn co $_svntrunk --config-dir ./ -r $pkgver $_svnmod || return 1" it will checkout the current SVN head.

(this will only work the first time you checkout, to make it work all the time simply remove the entire checkout section between the if/fi lines)

Last edited by aaahaaap (2009-12-02 16:44:24)


#304 2009-12-02 16:49:16

Registered: 2008-10-22
Posts: 703

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

aaahaaap wrote:

Not seeing the DVD's is probably because of the libcdio issue, did you try downgrading it and recompiling?

There was recently (two days ago?) an update and I thought, the bugfix is already included.

Which driver are you using for your graphicscard?

Catalyst 9.11 (with xorg-server 1.6.x)

And which renderer?

I guess xv or opengl. Have to take a look at this later.


#305 2009-12-02 17:58:48

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-06-19
Posts: 301

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

xbmc 9.11 b1 is in extra repo now big_smile

It works ok with me (libjpeg7 issues are there).

With the PM.HD skin my cpu usage goes to 100% and less than 1 fps. With the new default skin everything works just fine

I've opened a bug report about dependencies in that pakage, maybe the pkg maintainer reads this

ProjectM doesn't work, like in any svn version.
p4 3.0ghz, ati 9250se, clean install.

Last edited by TigTex (2009-12-02 17:59:25)

.::. TigTex @ Portugal .::.


#306 2009-12-02 18:52:58

From: UK
Registered: 2009-05-16
Posts: 130

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

TigTex wrote:

I've opened a bug report about dependencies in that pakage, maybe the pkg maintainer reads this

Thanks, that bug report saved my little butt ;-) should never update before your girlfriend wants to watch a film!


#307 2009-12-02 21:21:57

Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 18

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

ChemBro wrote:
aaahaaap wrote:

Not seeing the DVD's is probably because of the libcdio issue, did you try downgrading it and recompiling?

There was recently (two days ago?) an update and I thought, the bugfix is already included.

Was it a patch to XBMC or libcdio?
I just looked through the patches from the last 2 weeks and didn' t find a reference to libcdio anywhere.
Can't seem to find a bugreport for it either in XBMC trac (I can't find the Arch bugreport anymore as well hmm)

Which driver are you using for your graphicscard?

Catalyst 9.11 (with xorg-server 1.6.x)

And which renderer?

I guess xv or opengl. Have to take a look at this later.

Guess you don't feel like trying the opensource drivers? wink

I have run XBMC once on my HD4670 with fglrx and didn't have the issues you reported, maybe it's a certain (color-related) setting? But I guess you already checked that.


#308 2009-12-02 22:01:45

From: Athens, Hellas (Greece)
Registered: 2007-12-26
Posts: 2,160

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

Xbmc from extra runs per-fe-ctly with VDPAU big_smile

It is simply amazing.


#309 2009-12-03 00:22:10

Registered: 2008-10-22
Posts: 703

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

aaahaaap wrote:

Was it a patch to XBMC or libcdio?

I don't know if libcdio patched it. I only guessed it (because of the existence of the update).

Guess you don't feel like trying the opensource drivers? wink

No. The fan on my video card is running like crazy with the open source drivers. And: It worked with fglrx/catalyst, but not after I updated xbmc-svn this week.

maybe it's a certain (color-related) setting? But I guess you already checked that.

I don't know what you mean by that. I only know, that everything works fine in vlc and smplayer and so on, but not in xbmc-svn.

Maybe I'll try xbmc from extra or recompile it. If I have time for that.


#310 2009-12-03 03:29:14

Registered: 2009-12-03
Posts: 1

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

aaahaaap wrote:

Was it a patch to XBMC or libcdio?
I just looked through the patches from the last 2 weeks and didn' t find a reference to libcdio anywhere.
Can't seem to find a bugreport for it either in XBMC trac (I can't find the Arch bugreport anymore as well hmm)

The DVD-related bug report was closed until it can be reconfirmed with 9.11 Beta 1 (which it still exists, since I suffer from it with xbmc-svn 25089-1).


#311 2009-12-03 03:50:56

From: indicates a starting point
Registered: 2005-02-07
Posts: 1,556

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

bangkok_manouel wrote:

@haggy: if I understood correctly, you're a xbmc developer, is it correct? So, just FYI, commit 7e9655d6f21dcfaf847f25f7668963d92e9575d7 [ … d92e9575d7 ] breaks compilation of xbmc (9.11_Camelot git branch). build brutally fails with (no error whatsoever):

PictureThumbLoader.o ThumbLoader.o ApplicationMessenger.o Autorun.o Util.o GUIWindowSlideShow.o XBApplicationEx.o xbmc.o GUIDialogFavourites.o GUIDialogSongInfo.o Favourites.o GUIDialogSmartPlaylistEditor.o GUIDialogSmartPlaylistRule.o SlideShowPicture.o ApplicationRenderer.o GUIDialogBusy.o GUIWindowStartup.o UPnP.o PictureInfoLoader.o GUIDialogPictureInfo.o LastFmManager.o PictureInfoTag.o GUILargeTextureManager.o GUIDialogKaiToast.o KeyboardLayoutConfiguration.o GUIDialogPluginSettings.o PluginSettings.o GUIDialogAccessPoints.o ScraperSettings.o Artist.o Album.o MediaSource.o MusicInfoTagLoaderASAP.o GUIWindowTestPattern.o GUIViewStateScripts.o GUIViewStatePrograms.o GUIViewStatePictures.o GUIDialogFullScreenInfo.o PowerManager.o Zeroconf.o ZeroconfBrowser.o VideoReferenceClock.o DPMSSupport.o ScriptSettings.o GUIWindowTestPatternGL.o RenderSystem.o RenderSystemGL.o KeyboardStat.o MouseStat.o WinSystem.o WinSystemX11.o WinSystemX11GL.o WinEventsSDL.o AdvancedSettings.o Bookmark.o    
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/eb64/pkg/xbmc-git/src/xbmc/xbmc'
==> ERROR: Build Failed.

(x86_64 machine using up2date [TESTING] repo, well except libcdio...)

edit: correctly takes 2 'r'

FTR, fixed with 8479af9e5015cfb7660de4b73e185efe853348ca [ … fe853348ca ]


#312 2009-12-03 11:04:40

Registered: 2009-10-03
Posts: 6

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

Hi all,

I am having a problem with the AUR package, and also unfortunately the same problem now with 9.11b1 that just appeared in extra.

Running xbmc I get:

 process 24956: arguments to dbus_connection_unref() were incorrect, assertion "connection != NULL" failed in file dbus-connection.c line 2699.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.
  D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace
/usr/bin/xbmc: line 72: 24956 Aborted                 (core dumped) /usr/share/xbmc/xbmc.bin "$@"

I was running version 9.04 from the repos just fine before this. The crash report doesn't show anything interesting - just info from successful runs of 9.04. I tried running with gdb, but am not exactly sure what you'd want from there? (I run gdb xbmc.bin, type 'run' after that, and 'finish'...doesn't give much more that what you would be looking for?)

Any ideas? This is a fresh install, I'm fully up-to-date from the main repos, 32-bit, standard kernel and everything. I have libjpeg6 installed from AUR, as well as libjpeg7 from extra. I can't seem to work out from the core dump what the issue is...ideas? I've already tried the consolekit fixes with dbus sessions and everything (i.e. ck-launch-session xbmc), but I'm pretty stuck! Any help would be appreciated smile



#313 2009-12-03 20:04:30

Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 82

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please


nice packages. Currently i'm having some issues: Using catalyst 9.11 and current xbcm-svn from aur or the b1 package from community, I have to use software rendering for videos. Using VDPAU (nvidia only) or any of the other settings results in a big blur, i.e. while playing a video only the screen color changes but its not a real image... Doesnt catalyst support these hardware accelerations? And I can't use the shutdown menu (well, ican but xbmc respawns instead of shutting down the system), which seems to be a PolicyKit problem. anyone has a sane PolicyKit configuration file?

edit: I fixed the policykit issue by using "ck-launch-session xbmc --standalone" in my .xinitrc... And software rendering is fast enough to playback 720p so I can enjoy xbmc right now smile Oh, btw, the rapier skin from aur doesnt seem to work when using the xbmc package from community...


Last edited by delmonico (2009-12-03 20:10:37)


#314 2009-12-04 11:43:08

Registered: 2008-10-22
Posts: 703

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

aaahaaap wrote:

maybe it's a certain (color-related) setting?

How can I check this (color-related) setting? I didn't find anything in xbmc.

And I checked xbmc (stable) from extra, too. Same problem. :-/

EDIT: I tried it on my netbook (intel video card) and xbmc crashes, when I'm starting a video. Worked like a charm before. :-/ What am I doing wrong?

Last edited by ChemBro (2009-12-04 12:02:57)


#315 2009-12-06 20:15:57

Registered: 2006-08-30
Posts: 20

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

Does anyone have full AAC SBR Support? It falls always back to 24khz which isn't really enjoyable while watching a movie.


#316 2009-12-11 14:57:46

Registered: 2007-12-12
Posts: 4

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

new xbmc-svn not compile

make [2]: for "all" do not do anything.
make [2]: Exiting directory "/ tmp / yaourt-tmp-vdr / aur-XBMC-SVN / XBMC-svn / src / XBMC / tools / TexturePacker"
.. / .. / .. / tools / TexturePacker / TexturePacker-input. -output Textures.xbt
make [1]: *** [Textures.xbt] Invalid command
make [1]: *** Delete the file "Textures.xbt"
make [1]: Exiting directory "/ tmp / yaourt-tmp-vdr / aur-XBMC-SVN / XBMC-svn / src / XBMC / skin / Confluence / media"
make: *** [Skins] Error 2
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs ....
ar Crus utils.a AlarmClock.o Archive.o Builtins.o CharsetConverter.o CriticalSection.o Event.o fstrcmp.o GUIInfoManager.o HTMLTable.o HTMLUtil.o HttpHeader.o IMDB.o InfoLoader.o IoSupport.o log.o MusicAlbumInfo.o MusicInfoScraper.o RegExp.o RssReader.o ScraperParser.o SingleLock.o Splash.o Stopwatch.o SystemInfo.o TuxBoxUtil.o UdpClient.o Weather.o Thread.o SharedSection.o Win32Exception.o CPUInfo.o PCMAmplifier. No LabelFormatter.o Network.o BitstreamStats.o PerformanceStats.o PerformanceSample.o LCDFactory.o LCD.o EventServer.o EventPacket.o EventClient.o Socket.o Fanart.o ScraperUrl.o MusicArtistInfo.o Mutex.o md5.o ArabicShaping . No AsyncFileCopy.o DbusServer.o Atomics.o LockFree.o StreamDetails.o TimeUtils.o JobManager.o Teletext.o fastmemcpy.o PasswordManager.o AliasShortcutUtils.o
make [1]: Exiting directory "/ tmp / yaourt-tmp-vdr / aur-XBMC-SVN / XBMC-svn / src / XBMC / XBMC / utils'
==> ERROR: Build Failed.
    Aborting ...
Error: Makepkg was unable to build XBMC-svn package.

Error: Unable to update XBMC-SVN

What i can do?


#317 2009-12-18 03:19:52

Registered: 2009-02-05
Posts: 300

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

I'm curious, for those with nvidia graphics, what type of xorg.conf are people using?  Minimal as suggested in the wiki?  Full as provided by nvidia-xconfig?  Custom?

I'm still tweaking things and have a strange issue where for no discernable reason while watching videos the screen (my tv) goes blank.  The backlight is still on, but it turns grey and no mouse/keyboard/remote mashing can fix it, it requires a hard reboot.  I'm trying to see if it's a driver issue, a hardware issue, or a xorg issue.  XBMC autostarts fullscreen over a very minimal openbox desktop.  My tv is a 40" Samsung lcd with a 60hz refresh rate (1040i/p) which is what I have set in XBMC.

Also, what settings are you all using in the system-settings-video section of XBMC for vdpau?


#318 2010-01-02 10:09:01

From: Wild southern germany
Registered: 2007-05-22
Posts: 229

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

kuksa wrote:

new xbmc-svn not compile

make [2]: for "all" do not do anything.
make [2]: Exiting directory "/ tmp / yaourt-tmp-vdr / aur-XBMC-SVN / XBMC-svn / src / XBMC / tools / TexturePacker"
.. / .. / .. / tools / TexturePacker / TexturePacker-input. -output Textures.xbt
make [1]: *** [Textures.xbt] Invalid command
What i can do?

Have you tried removing the old files from an earlier compilation run? Else try downloading the
PKGBUILD and run makepkg manually. That way you get a fresh checkout and problems should
be gone. "make clean" or a fresh checkout is the solution for most build problems.


#319 2010-01-02 10:13:05

From: Wild southern germany
Registered: 2007-05-22
Posts: 229

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

ctarwater wrote:

I'm curious, for those with nvidia graphics, what type of xorg.conf are people using?  Minimal as suggested in the wiki?  Full as provided by nvidia-xconfig?  Custom?

I'm still tweaking things and have a strange issue where for no discernable reason while watching videos the screen (my tv) goes blank.  The backlight is still on, but it turns grey and no mouse/keyboard/remote mashing can fix it, it requires a hard reboot.  I'm trying to see if it's a driver issue, a hardware issue, or a xorg issue.  XBMC autostarts fullscreen over a very minimal openbox desktop.  My tv is a 40" Samsung lcd with a 60hz refresh rate (1040i/p) which is what I have set in XBMC.

Also, what settings are you all using in the system-settings-video section of XBMC for vdpau?

That's really odd. My box is hooked up to a Sony LCD via HDMI and i never had something like this. I'm always running latest nvidia-beta (195.30 currently) and this xorg.conf:
XBMC video settings are VDPAU, Pixel buffers, Sync to refresh and Drop/dupe audio. I don't have any issues except some NTSC files which get played back at 24 fps (not 29.97) with a lot of errors. If i disable sync-to-refresh-rate the files play fine (though yoyou loose what was called "smoothvideo"u may run into tearing issues without it).


#320 2010-01-03 03:11:03

Registered: 2009-02-05
Posts: 300

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

well, I've since solved the blank colored screen issue (2 bios updates later) but when I try to use parts of your xorg file I get "mode not supported" and a black screen.  Perhaps I need to remove/customize some of the modelines? 

Also, what does the Pixel buffers setting mean?  I don't see anything like it anywhere...

Thanks as always Haggy!


#321 2010-01-03 09:22:53

From: Wild southern germany
Registered: 2007-05-22
Posts: 229

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

Those modelines should fit any newer hdtv that is capable of 1080p resolution. I copied it from a generic modeline example over at the mythtv wiki. Is your TV 24Hz capable? Could you tell me the exact model?

Pixel buffering is a somewhat experimental setting to improve playback performance on slower machines. It should decrease CPU load by another 5-10% and is not VDPAU dependent. I simply switched it on because i did not see any problems with it.


#322 2010-01-05 16:51:26

Registered: 2009-02-05
Posts: 300

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

man I'm an idiot.  60 hz only.  Thanks haggy.

ABout the pixel buffer settings, I still don't see the option...where is it?


#323 2010-01-07 20:13:57

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-06-19
Posts: 301

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

Bump to the ctarwater post and...

Since i've replaced my ati 9250 with a good old geforce4 gpu my xbmc runs perfectly except only one little big thing: extreme slow jpeg rendering and dvd's are not recognised.

How do I compile my own version with libjpeg6?
Since i'm using the comunnity xbmc, is it possible to use libjpeg6 without recompiling?

.::. TigTex @ Portugal .::.


#324 2010-01-07 21:59:17

From: Wild southern germany
Registered: 2007-05-22
Posts: 229

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

No. You have to link xbmc at compile time against libjpeg6 - no way for the binary community package to do this. Basically all you have to do is downgrade quite a few packages to libjpeg6 (due to dependencies) and install xbmc-svn from PKGBUILD / yaourt. Then don't upgrade your system as long as the bug exists.

btw: the dvd issue should be fixed since a few revisions (again - not in stable 9.11 aka. the community package) - i suggest trying out current xbmc-svn.


#325 2010-01-07 21:59:53

From: Wild southern germany
Registered: 2007-05-22
Posts: 229

Re: xbmc-git AUR package: discussion in here please

oh and Pixel buffer setting lives in common video settings screen - directly next to the render method.


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