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Hi Ghost1227!
I like your work: especially the iPod designs! I started using the black design, but the black style wallpaper doesn't seem to be included in the tar file: instead, the white style wallpaper is in the themes directory within the tar.
Would you mind sharing the black style wallpaper?
To me less is more, covering your desktop with system stats is all well and good but I do not want to look at it all the time
Date Time Todo maybe the track I am listening too is all I need but blended into background
The graffiti version is just amazing... I really want to expand on the gravestone version something dark and depressive like the music I listen too 8)
Mr Green
Hi Ghost1227!
I like your work: especially the iPod designs! I started using the black design, but the black style wallpaper doesn't seem to be included in the tar file: instead, the white style wallpaper is in the themes directory within the tar.
Would you mind sharing the black style wallpaper?
Oops! It actually is included in the tar file... this thread just linked to the wrong one! I've fixed the original post to link to the correct download, or you can just click here.
I made a C64 config for rxvt if anyone is interested
Could be interesting for an integrated desktop terminal.
Well nothing todo with me the inspiration is all yours
is that a typo -a ? should it be -al ?
Mr Green
I've never been good with the whole Japanese art scene, but it was requested. Expect an update to this one in the very near future. … st1227.png
Configs are available here.
any updates to this one?
[home page] -- [code / configs]
"Once you go Arch, you must remain there for life or else Allan will track you down and break you."
-- Bregol
Mind releasing that Archlinux WordPress theme?
I'm not planning on actually setting it up as a release or anything, but if you're willing to tear into the code a bit and figure out how to setup the menus to your liking feel free to download the ArchUser WordPress theme here.
I would appreciate it if you'd let me know you're using it though...
Last edited by Ghost1227 (2009-07-14 04:09:58)
Menus will be easy, so thanks for putting it up for download.
Trying out getting things Gnome.... but its one of those time to open it you could have done it apps....
man we is goin' OT lol
Mr Green
i very much appreciate your work! thx a lot :>
your website's wp theme is also very nice and clean. would be great if you don't mind making it public
unfortunately i get an error after activating the archuser theme
Fatal error: Call to undefined function show_ad_camp_1() in /home/www/web2/html/blog/wp-content/themes/ArchUser/header.php on line 33
line 33 is:
<?php echo show_ad_camp_1(); ?>
OS i really liked your black ipod conifg. I changed it some though to have mpd info on the ipod window and i got rid of the battery bar.
Edit: no large images - Allan
Last edited by Allan (2009-07-18 13:59:34)
And God created the Open Source Programming Community, and it was good. Satan retaliated with its evil twin, Windows and thus the battle for good and evil has begun.
oppps sorry I like the conky display not all the desktops lol
Mr Green
Well the latest one on there is ok....
linky … tu-desktop
no icons!
Mr Green
ahhh was looking on flikr nice one
Mr Green