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Ooo. Using the Hands of Time right now.
+100 points, Ghost.
Ghost, PM'd AbstractCool
I have a request. … 80-800.jpg
Last edited by sand_man (2009-09-12 00:13:15)
It would be nice to see a theme of this image: … -132137513
made by you Ghost1227.
If possible with system stats.
Forget Halloween what about a Xmas theme lol
Mr Green
Forget Halloween what about a Xmas theme lol
Too early for me to be looking for Xmas wallpapers, but if you post one, I'll work on it.
However... I only intended to do one Halloween theme, but this one was too good to pass up. So... uh... Happy Halloween again (but still early).
Happy Halloween II can be downloaded here.
Sorry it's been a while everyone, RL kinda had me down a bit lately. I can't really promise that I'm back (in fact I may well lose my house tomorrow, being unemployed sucks doesn't it) but I'm at least putting out the effort again! This was by request through IRC.
Fifty Percent Grey can be downloaded here.
Very nice Ghost. Hang in there. Gotta be fix to these economic times sometime in the near future.
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
I believe I owe a certain member of the community an apology. He requested a theme based on this wallpaper about a month ago and with everything that's going on I never finished it. After everything he's done for me it's only fair that I do something in return, so I'm catching up on lost time. Enjoy!
Yellow Eyes can be downloaded here.
Nice colouring, the conky font and lines add to the sketchy look too, maybe something to use on a ...notebook computer! ^_^
I need a sorted list of all random numbers, so that I can retrieve a suitable one later with a binary search instead of having to iterate through the generation process every time.
For those of you who are still following my work, I've got a new design or two that will be posted within the next few days, and the Workshop has undergone a bit of an upgrade. The backend got tweaked a little, my custom Arch logos got incorporated into the Workshop, and it now has a new rating feature for the desktops. Enjoy!
Offline … en-desktop I love this one....
More the fonts top left sweet.....
Mr Green
what happened to the site?
[home page] -- [code / configs]
"Once you go Arch, you must remain there for life or else Allan will track you down and break you."
-- Bregol
All of my sites are currently offline due to server maintenance
or he loaded Ubuntu Server Edition and it broke!
Mr Green
get on with it lol...
Mr Green
I needs mah desktop fix..
[home page] -- [code / configs]
"Once you go Arch, you must remain there for life or else Allan will track you down and break you."
-- Bregol