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#26 2009-12-12 20:12:51

Registered: 2009-03-05
Posts: 85

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

Sorry, I have no idea right now. Does everything except file dialog I mentioned works?
At least it works on my computer, maybe some dependence is missing cause this, if possible you can provides the kde package you installed?

I will try to fix it, thanks.


#27 2009-12-12 21:25:01

Registered: 2007-07-20
Posts: 20

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

Thanks in advance for looking into this.

[paul@arch ~]$ pacman -Q | grep kde
firefox-kde-opensuse 3.5.5-2       
kde-agent 20090801-2               
kdebase-dolphin 4.3.4-1             
kdebase-konqueror 4.3.4-1           
kdebase-konsole 4.3.4-1             
kdebase-kwrite 4.3.4-1             
kdebase-lib 4.3.4-1                 
kdebase-plasma 4.3.4-1             
kdebase-runtime 4.3.4-1             
kdebase-workspace 4.3.4-1           
kdegraphics-libs 4.3.4-1           
kdelibs 4.3.4-2                     
kdelibs-experimental 4.3.4-1       
kdemultimedia-dragonplayer 4.3.4-1 
kdemultimedia-kioslave 4.3.4-1     
kdemultimedia-kmix 4.3.4-1
kdepim-akregator 4.3.4-1
kdepim-console 4.3.4-1
kdepim-kaddressbook 4.3.4-1
kdepim-kalarm 4.3.4-1
kdepim-kjots 4.3.4-1
kdepim-kleopatra 4.3.4-1
kdepim-kmail 4.3.4-1
kdepim-knode 4.3.4-1
kdepim-knotes 4.3.4-1
kdepim-kontact 4.3.4-1
kdepim-korganizer 4.3.4-1
kdepim-kpilot 4.3.4-1
kdepim-kresources 4.3.4-1
kdepim-ktimetracker 4.3.4-1
kdepim-libkdepim 4.3.4-1
kdepim-runtime 4.3.4-1
kdepim-wizards 4.3.4-1
kdepimlibs 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-applets-weather 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-libs 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-applets-networkmanager 1047027-1
kdeutils-ark 4.3.4-1
tcurve-kde4 0.69.2-1


#28 2009-12-13 01:29:22

From: Bangalore
Registered: 2009-09-12
Posts: 182

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

I do have the file dialog working for me. If I click open file its giving me the proper KDE file dialog. BTW I use kdemod from chakra.



#29 2009-12-14 03:56:55

Registered: 2009-03-05
Posts: 85

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

firefox-kde-opensuse 3.5.5-3                                  
kde-agent 20090801-2                                          
kde-l10n-zh_cn 4.3.4-1                                        
kde4-kstyle-nitrogen 1.0.5-1                                  
kdeartwork-colorschemes 4.3.4-1                               
kdeartwork-desktopthemes 4.3.4-1                              
kdeartwork-kscreensaver 4.3.4-1                               
kdeartwork-wallpapers 4.3.4-1                                 
kdebase-dolphin 4.3.4-1                                       
kdebase-kappfinder 4.3.4-1                                    
kdebase-kdepasswd 4.3.4-1                                     
kdebase-kdialog 4.3.4-1                                       
kdebase-kfind 4.3.4-1                                         
kdebase-kinfocenter 4.3.4-1                                   
kdebase-konqueror 4.3.4-1                                     
kdebase-konsole 4.3.4-1                                       
kdebase-kwrite 4.3.4-1                                        
kdebase-lib 4.3.4-1                                           
kdebase-plasma 4.3.4-1                                        
kdebase-runtime 4.3.4-1                                       
kdebase-workspace 4.3.4-1                                     
kdedecor-aurorae 0.2.1-1                                      
kdedecor-nitrogen-kde4 3.3.2-1                                
kdeedu-marble 4.3.4-1                                         
kdegraphics-gwenview 4.3.4-1                                  
kdegraphics-kruler 4.3.4-1                                    
kdegraphics-ksnapshot 4.3.4-1                                 
kdegraphics-libs 4.3.4-1                                      
kdegraphics-okular 4.3.4-1                                    
kdelibs 4.3.4-2                                               
kdelibs-experimental 4.3.4-1                                  
kdemultimedia-kmix 4.3.4-1                                    
kdenetwork-kget 4.3.4-1                                       
kdenetwork-kopete 4.3.4-1                                     
kdenetwork-krdc 4.3.4-1                                       
kdepim-akregator 4.3.4-1                                      
kdepim-console 4.3.4-1                                        
kdepim-kaddressbook 4.3.4-1                                   
kdepim-kalarm 4.3.4-1                                         
kdepim-kjots 4.3.4-1                                          
kdepim-kleopatra 4.3.4-1                                      
kdepim-kmail 4.3.4-1                                          
kdepim-knode 4.3.4-1                                          
kdepim-knotes 4.3.4-1                                         
kdepim-kontact 4.3.4-1                                        
kdepim-korganizer 4.3.4-1                                     
kdepim-kpilot 4.3.4-1                                         
kdepim-kresources 4.3.4-1                                     
kdepim-ktimetracker 4.3.4-1                                   
kdepim-libkdepim 4.3.4-1                                      
kdepim-runtime 4.3.4-1                                        
kdepim-wizards 4.3.4-1                                        
kdepimlibs 4.3.4-1                                            
kdeplasma-addons-applets-bball 4.3.4-1                        
kdeplasma-addons-applets-binary-clock 4.3.4-1                 
kdeplasma-addons-applets-bubblemon 4.3.4-1                    
kdeplasma-addons-applets-calculator 4.3.4-1                   
kdeplasma-addons-applets-charselect 4.3.4-1                   
kdeplasma-addons-applets-comic 4.3.4-1                        
kdeplasma-addons-applets-dict 4.3.4-1                         
kdeplasma-addons-applets-eyes 4.3.4-1                         
kdeplasma-addons-applets-fifteenpuzzle 4.3.4-1                
kdeplasma-addons-applets-filewatcher 4.3.4-1                  
kdeplasma-addons-applets-frame 4.3.4-1                        
kdeplasma-addons-applets-fuzzy-clock 4.3.4-1                  
kdeplasma-addons-applets-incomingmsg 4.3.4-1                  
kdeplasma-addons-applets-kolourpicker 4.3.4-1                 
kdeplasma-addons-applets-konqprofiles 4.3.4-1                 
kdeplasma-addons-applets-konsoleprofiles 4.3.4-1              
kdeplasma-addons-applets-lancelot 4.3.4-1                     
kdeplasma-addons-applets-leavenote 4.3.4-1                    
kdeplasma-addons-applets-life 4.3.4-1                         
kdeplasma-addons-applets-luna 4.3.4-1                         
kdeplasma-addons-applets-magnifique 4.3.4-1                   
kdeplasma-addons-applets-mediaplayer 4.3.4-1                  
kdeplasma-addons-applets-microblog 4.3.4-1                    
kdeplasma-addons-applets-news 4.3.4-1                         
kdeplasma-addons-applets-notes 4.3.4-1                        
kdeplasma-addons-applets-nowplaying 4.3.4-1                   
kdeplasma-addons-applets-opendesktop 4.3.4-1                  
kdeplasma-addons-applets-paste 4.3.4-1                        
kdeplasma-addons-applets-pastebin 4.3.4-1                     
kdeplasma-addons-applets-previewer 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-applets-rememberthemilk 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-applets-rssnow 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdashboard 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdesktop 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-applets-systemloadviewer 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-applets-timer 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-applets-unitconverter 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-applets-weather 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-applets-weatherstation 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-libs 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-runners-browserhistory 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-runners-contacts 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-runners-converter 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-runners-katesessions 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-runners-konquerorsessions 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-runners-konsolesessions 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-runners-spellchecker 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-mandelbrot 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-marble 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-pattern 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-virus 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-weather 4.3.4-1
kdeplasma-applets-networkmanager 1047027-1
kdesdk-kate 4.3.4-1
kdesdk-kcachegrind 4.3.4-1
kdesdk-kompare 4.3.4-1
kdesdk-scripts 4.3.4-1
kdeutils-ark 4.3.4-1
kdeutils-kcalc 4.3.4-1
kdeutils-kdessh 4.3.4-1
kdeutils-kgpg 4.3.4-1
kdeutils-kwallet 4.3.4-1
kdeutils-okteta 4.3.4-1
kdevelop 3.9.96-1
kdevplatform 0.9.96-1
qtcurve-kde4 0.69.2-1

I don't know which package is related to your problem.
As far as I check the code, I just want to know that how you enter the kde, is kdm?
What about the enviroment variable KDE_FULL_SESSION's value?


#30 2009-12-14 06:58:28

Registered: 2007-05-13
Posts: 1,002

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

anyone has this in the repository

Acer Aspire V5-573P Antergos KDE


#31 2009-12-14 15:31:15

Registered: 2007-07-20
Posts: 20

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

Thanks csslayer. Here are my env variables:

$ env | grep KDE

I rebuilt all three packages and did a bit of research on this issue. I haven't succeeded so far. So if anybody has an idea...


#32 2009-12-14 15:32:30

Registered: 2007-07-20
Posts: 20

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

this one might also be of interest:

$ env | grep DESKTOP

Thanks in advance.


#33 2009-12-15 21:33:19

Registered: 2006-11-14
Posts: 293

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

For everyone who don't see the kde file dialog it could be worth to to see what is the value for "ui.allow_platform_file_picker" because i haven't see at first but now after setting it to "true" all works fine.

I hope it is not a difference that i create my own packages from the src.rpm files instead of mixing the patches from arch and opensuse.


#34 2009-12-16 03:06:14

Registered: 2007-07-20
Posts: 20

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

@attila: thanks, but no effect. This key is by default set to true. I am interested in your approach with the src.rpm files. would you mind sharing some info?

Otherwise, I installed the full kde meta-package. No effect also.

Still searching...


#35 2009-12-16 06:07:14

Registered: 2006-11-14
Posts: 293

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

pwt wrote:

I am interested in your approach with the src.rpm files. would you mind sharing some info?

I have the src.rpm as source in the PKGBUILD, extract it with rpmextract (but the older version with cpio) and use only the patches from it. The harder thing is to "translate" the lines in the specfile to lines for PKGBUILD and i'm not sure if this is neccessary because the packages from AUR be a nice piece of work.

It is only that i like it more because than i have only one file to download with all included (but in the case of xulrunner and firefox both be bigger because they have all languages included) and i'm a little bit familiar with rpms because i run opensuse on my server. That is all and not really a thing what i would suggest because normally it is hard enough to understand one package management.:)


#36 2009-12-19 07:57:39

Registered: 2009-03-05
Posts: 85

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

I am now confirm where the problem is: the getKdeSupport function check xproperty in root window and I dont know why it is not set. I should be set by /usr/bin/startkde. It is set on my PC but not my laptop.
Luckily the environment variable KDE_FULL_SESSION is set. So I will change it from xproperty to environment variable.

You can use xprop from xorg-utils and use

xprop -root | grep KDE_FULL_SESSION

to check whether you have this xproperty or not.

I will make it work in xulrunner (release 2 fixes the provided xulruner version, so there is no need to compile it again but use makepkg -Rf to repackage it)

@attila, the patches of the packages which I created are grabbed from src.rpm. The src rpm contains the full source of firefox. I don't know why the md5sum is difference from the offical source and why they include full source in src.rpm (instead of an url) , so I didn't use the origin src rpm but extracted it and only took the patch.

I used fedora before so I also know a little about rpm packaging works.

If you don't use yaourt, but the tar file from AUR, the re-download of the firefox source can be avoided by copy the firefox-ver.source.tar.bz2 to both xulrunner and firefox.
And firefox-i18n from the offical repo can works well.

Last edited by csslayer (2009-12-19 07:59:12)


#37 2009-12-19 08:52:20

Registered: 2006-11-14
Posts: 293

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

@csslayer I changed order of the qoutes because i don't know if my words could be misunderstand. Sorry, english is not my natural language.

csslayer wrote:

I used fedora before so I also know a little about rpm packaging works.

I go my way only because i'm not good enough to mix patches from different sources and to have the possibility to compare my PKGBUILD with the specfile if an update comes out. In the case of xulrunner and firefox this be the harder way because at example they create the mozconfg in the specfile and make use of a lot of thei own variables.:)

So please see my words even only as comments and not as criticism because my intention was to help and i wrote only something because here for me it works so there must be a way to get it work.

csslayer wrote:

@attila, the patches of the packages which I created are grabbed from src.rpm. The src rpm contains the full source of firefox. I don't know why the md5sum is difference from the offical source and why they include full source in src.rpm (instead of an url) , so I didn't use the origin src rpm but extracted it and only took the patch.

Don't think to much about the md5sums of archives in the case of rpms from opensuse. I think opensuse repacked the archives because they use even bz2 in source rpms and the use another name in the source ("$srcdir/mozilla" instead of your "$srcdir/mozilla-1.9.1"). As fedora they use signatures for their rpms so they can do this without loosing security. But i don't know exactly why they do this.:)

Yes i have seen that you take the patches from there but they go another way inside because at example instead of using "make install" they copy the files from "$srcdir/mozilla/dist/firefox/*" and start firefox with instead of directly the programm. I don't use the last one too but still again i'm not good enough to know what is the better way.

And i think they includes all because so you can run a "rpmbuild --rebuild" without an internet connection and you can do it for all systems and languages.

Last not least: Thank you very much for the your work and they motivation to do this because now firefox can be used as a full replacement of konqueror. Before i even missed the file dialog box and the possibility to transfer feeds directly to akregator.


#38 2009-12-19 09:34:32

Registered: 2009-03-05
Posts: 85

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

attila wrote:

@csslayer I changed order of the qoutes because i don't know if my words could be misunderstand. Sorry, english is not my natural language.

csslayer wrote:

I used fedora before so I also know a little about rpm packaging works.

I go my way only because i'm not good enough to mix patches from different sources and to have the possibility to compare my PKGBUILD with the specfile if an update comes out. In the case of xulrunner and firefox this be the harder way because at example they create the mozconfg in the specfile and make use of a lot of thei own variables.:)

So please see my words even only as comments and not as criticism because my intention was to help and i wrote only something because here for me it works so there must be a way to get it work.

English is not my natural language too... Sorry for my expression that makes you feel uncomfortable. I just want to mean I have reviewed the patch and spec file and try to make them work with the arch patches together, and remove some patches which seems to be not needed in arch.

attila wrote:
csslayer wrote:

@attila, the patches of the packages which I created are grabbed from src.rpm. The src rpm contains the full source of firefox. I don't know why the md5sum is difference from the offical source and why they include full source in src.rpm (instead of an url) , so I didn't use the origin src rpm but extracted it and only took the patch.

Don't think to much about the md5sums of archives in the case of rpms from opensuse. I think opensuse repacked the archives because they use even bz2 in source rpms and the use another name in the source ("$srcdir/mozilla" instead of your "$srcdir/mozilla-1.9.1"). As fedora they use signatures for their rpms so they can do this without loosing security. But i don't know exactly why they do this.:)

Yes i have seen that you take the patches from there but they go another way inside because at example instead of using "make install" they copy the files from "$srcdir/mozilla/dist/firefox/*" and start firefox with instead of directly the programm. I don't use the last one too but still again i'm not good enough to know what is the better way.

And i think they includes all because so you can run a "rpmbuild --rebuild" without an internet connection and you can do it for all systems and languages.

Last not least: Thank you very much for the your work and they motivation to do this because now firefox can be used as a full replacement of konqueror. Before i even missed the file dialog box and the possibility to transfer feeds directly to akregator.

I recompiled kdelibs while I was using fedora in order to make mount in dolphin work, their spec file use url instead of source in src.rpm, so I don't understand why opensuse do that... Actually, they have moved the source out of src.rpm once (because I have noticed this package for a long time but I just have time to do this recently.) Okay, that's not the most important point, but as I mentioned if I package with the offical source, the duplicate download can be avoided.  smile

I don't use the copy because I just take the arch's PKGBUILD as a reference and do it in the same way, so I don't think so much about that...


#39 2009-12-19 10:05:33

Registered: 2006-11-14
Posts: 293

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

csslayer wrote:

English is not my natural language too... Sorry for my expression that makes you feel uncomfortable. I just want to mean I have reviewed the patch and spec file and try to make them work with the arch patches together, and remove some patches which seems to be not needed in arch.

Ah okay, than we be two.:) I was not feeling uncomfortable and i'm happy that you not too.

csslayer wrote:

Okay, that's not the most important point, but as I mentioned if I package with the offical source, the duplicate download can be avoided.  smile

Absolutly this be only different ways to do the same and opensuse go for having a "all in one" source rpm. Nice if you have it but not nice to dowload it instead the need of modems with the speed of bauds be luckily over.:)

csslayer wrote:

I don't use the copy because I just take the arch's PKGBUILD as a reference and do it in the same way, so I don't think so much about that...

Absolutly again because so it is comparably with the PKGBUILD from extra and forget that i want to compare it with specfile from opensuse. The most important point is that we can now use firefox in a better way in kde and thanks again for your work.


#40 2009-12-19 17:31:06

Registered: 2007-07-20
Posts: 20

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse


I had not installed xorg-utils, which is not needed for base kde setups. Installing it simply solves the issue. Good to know.

MANY THANKS.  And kudos for your packages.



#41 2009-12-20 02:52:28

Registered: 2009-03-05
Posts: 85

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

Oh..... thanks for your hint!:D

KDE_FULL_SESSION is set in startkde in 2 way, one is using xprop, the other is environment variable, if you don't have xorg-utils installed, xprop will not work, so it can not be detected as the origin patch do. You install the xorg-utils so it works!

But now I just release a new fixed version of patch that it just read the environment variable, so I think it is ok to get grid of the xorg-utils if you want.

If anyone would like to have a try, remove xorg-utils and relogin to check it work or not, it is ok here.

Last edited by csslayer (2009-12-20 02:54:38)


#42 2009-12-21 02:06:09

Registered: 2007-07-20
Posts: 20

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

It also appears that go-openoffice recognizes the KDE environment witht the same xprop mechanism. So getting rid of xorg-utils might not be appropriate (although in the case of OOO there is an environment variable that can be set to force the use of KDE features).

Anyway, thanks again for finding and solving the issue.


#43 2009-12-21 07:48:05

Registered: 2009-03-05
Posts: 85

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

So It might be a good advice that add xorg-utils as an dependence of kdebase-workspace. smile
I add a bug report.


#44 2010-01-04 03:09:30

Registered: 2006-11-29
Posts: 313

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

Any chance of that ending in community ? big_smile
I have compiled it but it would be cool, to get firefox's bugfixes and security fixes automaticaly smile


#45 2010-01-19 09:08:21

Registered: 2010-01-19
Posts: 9

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

I'm new to archlinux and I just installed this package.  Unfortunately, it doesn't look any different than the standard firefox package (i.e. nothing like Firefox in OpenSUSE).  Didn't get any errors during install, so I'm wondering what I've done wrong.  Do I need to use gtk-qt-engine as well?


#46 2010-01-19 09:18:41

From: Bangalore
Registered: 2009-09-12
Posts: 182

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

Twenynge wrote:

I'm new to archlinux and I just installed this package.  Unfortunately, it doesn't look any different than the standard firefox package (i.e. nothing like Firefox in OpenSUSE).  Didn't get any errors during install, so I'm wondering what I've done wrong.  Do I need to use gtk-qt-engine as well?

Can you check if you have KDE_FULL_SESSION set, if not please try installing xorg-utils and check.



#47 2010-01-19 09:25:11

Registered: 2010-01-19
Posts: 9

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

jithin1987 wrote:
Twenynge wrote:

I'm new to archlinux and I just installed this package.  Unfortunately, it doesn't look any different than the standard firefox package (i.e. nothing like Firefox in OpenSUSE).  Didn't get any errors during install, so I'm wondering what I've done wrong.  Do I need to use gtk-qt-engine as well?

Can you check if you have KDE_FULL_SESSION set, if not please try installing xorg-utils and check.

Sorry, I'm a bit new to linux.  Where do I check to see if I have KDE_FULL_SESSION set?  Also, I may have inadvertently deleted by ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file.  Could that be the issue?  If so, what program/package generates this file.

I did an env | grep KDE and there were no entries for KDE_FULL_SESSION.  Is that what you meant?

Last edited by Twenynge (2010-01-19 09:28:39)


#48 2010-01-19 09:43:40

From: Bangalore
Registered: 2009-09-12
Posts: 182

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

Just try echo $KDE_FULL_SESSION from your konsole and check if it prints true. I am assuming you are using KDE.

I have this in my home ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 you can generate this by changing settings in SystemSettings ->  Appearance -> GTK styles and fonts.

Did you try installing xorg-utils? After that try rebooting and check.

Last edited by jithin1987 (2010-01-19 09:44:53)



#49 2010-01-19 09:54:42

Registered: 2010-01-19
Posts: 9

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

jithin1987 wrote:

Just try echo $KDE_FULL_SESSION from your konsole and check if it prints true. I am assuming you are using KDE.

I have this in my home ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 you can generate this by changing settings in SystemSettings ->  Appearance -> GTK styles and fonts.

Did you try installing xorg-utils? After that try rebooting and check.

I echoed and it came back "true".  Xorg-utils is installed on my machine.  Rebooted and no dice...


#50 2010-01-19 10:03:29

From: Bangalore
Registered: 2009-09-12
Posts: 182

Re: Firefox-kde-opensuse

Hmm then I am not sure why you are still not having kde dialog box and notifications( assuming thats what u meant).
These are the packages I have firefox-kde-opensuse 3.5.7-2 & xulrunner-kde-opensuse



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