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#26 2010-08-18 11:41:23

From: Bratislava, Slovakia.
Registered: 2010-02-04
Posts: 42

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

@alexandrite: sorry im starting feel that im annoying... i have default touchpad settings, i didnt change anything.. the config file for touchpad should be in xorg.conf right?

i've installed acpi-eepc-generic from AUR and did the change in config file but the key combination still doesnt work for me..



#27 2010-08-18 15:47:39

Registered: 2009-03-27
Posts: 326

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

tlamer wrote:

@alexandrite: sorry im starting feel that im annoying... i have default touchpad settings, i didnt change anything.. the config file for touchpad should be in xorg.conf right?

You can put your settings there if you like.  You can find more information about configuring your touchpad at … org_method

Try explicitly enabling Two-Finger Scrolling (and maybe disabling ege scrolling).  If that doesn't work, maybe there's some setting in Firefox that you have to enable in order to do mouse/touchpad scrolling.  (That might especially be the case if you can scroll with other programs besides eclipse).

i've installed acpi-eepc-generic from AUR and did the change in config file but the key combination still doesnt work for me..

Actually, it's all coming back to me now.  You've gotta tell udev to load the driver for the eeepc hotkeys and whatnot, then tell the kernel to use it:

1) Add "eeepc_laptop" to your MODULES line in rc.conf.

2) In grub's menu.lst, add "acpi_osi=Linux" to the end of the "kernel" line for your Arch Linux menu entry.

3) reboot.

Also, make sure the you set MODEL="1201N" somewhere near the last line of acpi-eeepc-generic.conf so it knows which set of hotkeys to listen for.


#28 2010-08-18 18:48:13

From: Bratislava, Slovakia.
Registered: 2010-02-04
Posts: 42

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

@alexandrite thank you for your patience smile the touchpad now works perfectly with scrolling!! i did the three steps you wrote but the wifi turning on/off still doesnt work.. ill try to google some more info about this... i dont want to bother you anymore...

thanks again smile



#29 2010-08-18 19:03:05

From: Bratislava, Slovakia.
Registered: 2010-02-04
Posts: 42

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

i have one more question... battery life... this is second time i charged it... and acpi says it will last 4 hours... is it same for others?



#30 2010-08-18 23:38:24

Registered: 2009-03-27
Posts: 326

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

Battery life is Just 3.5 - 4 hrs about for me, yeah.


#31 2010-08-22 16:55:58

From: Bratislava, Slovakia.
Registered: 2010-02-04
Posts: 42

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

hi... has anyone wifi running with new kernel?? 32bit architecture...



#32 2010-08-22 17:07:04

From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: 2010-02-14
Posts: 1,590

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

tlamer wrote:

@alexandrite thank you for your patience smile the touchpad now works perfectly with scrolling!! i did the three steps you wrote but the wifi turning on/off still doesnt work.. ill try to google some more info about this... i dont want to bother you anymore...

thanks again smile

According to the author's wiki at … c/wireless this may be an issue with the BIOS in newer eee pc's


#33 2010-08-22 20:26:24

Registered: 2009-03-27
Posts: 326

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

skunktrader wrote:
tlamer wrote:

@alexandrite thank you for your patience smile the touchpad now works perfectly with scrolling!! i did the three steps you wrote but the wifi turning on/off still doesnt work.. ill try to google some more info about this... i dont want to bother you anymore...

thanks again smile

According to the author's wiki at … c/wireless this may be an issue with the BIOS in newer eee pc's

Works okay for me.  Actually tlamer: do you have acpid running (in addition to having acpi-eeepc-generic)?  I do belive that is a requirement.


#34 2010-09-03 16:33:21

Registered: 2010-03-13
Posts: 23

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

Hey fellow 1201n owners...

I was wondering how high the volume on your units can go. I can turn all of the volumes up in alsamixer to their maximum values, and the headphone volume still leaves something to be desired. It is OK for listening to in a quiet room, but is too quiet for any other environment. Compared to other devices, such as my MP3 player and Eee PC 701, the volume is just weak.

This issue is independent of the OS and the headphones I use, so I would guess that there is just a weak amplifier inside my 1201n. Is this the case for other people, too? It would be great if I could "trick" alsa into setting the volume to 125% or so...


#35 2010-09-03 16:41:57

Registered: 2009-03-27
Posts: 326

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

I can get good volume from the headphone jack, but I've found the speakers do leave something to be desired.

I think Jack or Pulseaudio may have the extra amplification feature you're referring to.


#36 2010-09-06 13:12:58

From: Bratislava, Slovakia.
Registered: 2010-02-04
Posts: 42

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

Hi,  any idea how to asicoate media keys (arrows + Fn) with mpd?



#37 2010-09-06 22:42:10

Registered: 2010-03-13
Posts: 23

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

Tlamer, you could always resort to using xbindkeys. I use it to bind Super + Arrows to "mpc next" and "mpc prev".


#38 2010-09-07 07:58:53

From: Bratislava, Slovakia.
Registered: 2010-02-04
Posts: 42

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

@hbweb500 thanks... works great!



#39 2010-09-08 11:16:54

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2010-05-21
Posts: 124

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

fellow 1201N users...

Is it just me or do we have a more stable system since the latest nvidia update?

My lil' machine used to freeze when downloading stuff and watching a movie at the same time :-(

Since I've installed nvidia-256.53-1 no more freezes.


#40 2010-10-04 09:48:01

From: Bratislava, Slovakia.
Registered: 2010-02-04
Posts: 42

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

Hi everybody,
any tips how to use external monitor (vga)?



#41 2010-10-16 21:43:17

Registered: 2010-06-20
Posts: 20

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

You can use the nvidia-settings program.  Last time I checked xrandr didn't work properly with nvidia cards.


#42 2010-12-09 21:15:05

Registered: 2010-07-01
Posts: 18

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

I have a 1201n with arch installed, running compiz-standalone (with cairo-dock, conky, and mpd).  I've configured the touchpad in /etc/X11/xorg.conf (my xorg.conf)

When I boot into X with the AC adapter plugged in, trying to use two-finger scrolling makes the cursor jump all over the screen.  Doing 'synclient -m', I see that when i press two fingers, they are being understood as two separate touches on different parts of the trackpad, and it alternates between them very quickly, causing the cursor's behavior.
(I think it's what they're talking about in this ubuntu forum thread.)

But if I boot into X without the AC adapter plugged in, two-finger scroll works perfectly.  Synclient -m shows just one really wide touch (what "emulate two-finger scroll" needs in order to work).

Has anyone else experienced this?

Last edited by capleton (2010-12-09 21:15:28)


#43 2010-12-30 10:34:57

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2010-05-21
Posts: 124

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

Fellow arch and 1201N users,

two questions:

1) Do you use a customized kernel with


and if so do you see any difference regarding speed?

2) What kernel-parameters do you use for the best results? mine so far:

pci=nocrs acpi_osi=Linux elevator=deadline hpet=force

the "nocrs" part got omited recently.


#44 2010-12-30 20:26:42

Registered: 2010-07-01
Posts: 18

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

I don't use customized kernel... wondering if maybe I should hmm


#45 2010-12-31 16:24:16

Registered: 2010-12-31
Posts: 5

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

I'm using customized netbook kernel from aur (kernel-netbook).  It performs very well in everyday usage, in comparison with stock kernel it boots faster, it's more responsive and speeds up app launch. It's customized with parameter CONFIG_MATOM=y. Therefore stock version of this kernel use KMS wich is not supported with proprietary nvidia drivers and it contains no fb device modules (i'm suggesting to change these settings in kernel options). It also does not contain wifi drivers for realtek. In order to install nvidia drivers on that kernel install nvidia-all package. About kernel-parameters... i'm using fastboot and quiet. Can you explain what those: pci=nocrs acpi_osi=Linux elevator=deadline hpet=force does?


#46 2011-01-02 08:30:21

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2010-05-21
Posts: 124

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n



does prevent a BIOS bug. I'd have much less crashes, system shutdown whatever with this option.


Does enable the key-combos like Fn+F2 to turn on Wifi. In general, it tells the machine to use the linux acpi_osi.

About the last two options, frankly I have no idea. It was suggested in the fedora-wiki and I'd keep those two in place :-)

How do you deal with the temperature issu? In normal use the 1201N stays around 84-86 C, but when compiling stuff on it. It'll go up to 90 C and I'm forced to use that "fancontrol" thingie.


#47 2011-01-03 09:19:15

Registered: 2010-12-31
Posts: 5

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

I've written script in order to control fan speed, so when I have to compile something i just set fan to 100%. It isn't for sure the most clever solution but I'm to lazy to do something more smile


#48 2011-01-03 09:45:39

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2010-05-21
Posts: 124

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

Pass the script - dude...


#49 2011-01-03 18:36:12

Registered: 2010-12-31
Posts: 5

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

Awww I cannot do it now, because I've left my 1201n at home, while now I'm in Krakow, where I'm studying. But i'll post it at thursday, when I'll come home.


#50 2011-01-03 19:07:23

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2010-05-21
Posts: 124

Re: Asus Eee PC 1201n

easy - take your time...


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