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Hi everyone!
About 36 hours ago I updated and I think ghc update was in there. Upon reboot xmonad tried though failed to start with that error.
Thanks to tips here I eventually twigged to download gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2. Extracted, changed directory to extracted folder, then: Did a ./configure then a 'make' [NOT a make install]
[detailed above for those with about my skill level]
Found the symlink (in it's build folder, obviously, folder called 'libs' I think) AND copied what it's pointed to as well,
Threw them both in /usr/lib and THANKS to everyone here I'm up again with xmonad darcs and all!
Quite funnily enjoyable all that!
Should mention I puzzled over-night on it and had dwm doing window management for a time.
dwm's great to have as it's a grand thing and it's just the one file and a pleasure to have at the ready now and then.
ahh, xmonad. bliss.
Guess I'm now thinking on what's next. Perhaps some interesting updates that will settle things back in.:)
Last edited by yvonney (2010-03-29 02:53:24)
Xmonad still isn't working for me; I'm not running testing, and my Xmonad (0.9.1) is still giving me the "" nonsense. I have all the latest packages. Is there something I'm not doing? If it can be fixed with a symlink, which libgmp(xx) file do I need to symlink to?
on the irc, somebody said to use xmodnad --recompile and if doesn't work, remove xmonad-contrib and reinstall.
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
Sorry you're having problems. I'm guessing there may be more of us recently.
download and unarc the 4.3.2 package from my last post.
rename the folder gmp
go to the folder like: cd /root/gmp
type: ./configure
then after that's done type: make [DON'T type make install or install]
then go into the same folder and one of the new folders that's been 'make'd will be 'libs' or similar.
In there there's you need only 2 files
the symlink file called: right click on that and you'll see it's properties tells you it's going to fire up the other one you need which is I believe it is. I'll check after I post this.
Then put them in /usr/lib
SO: you just need two already done files you'll find in the folder you 'make' gmp 4.3.2 in. see link in my last post here to DLoad.
reboot or whatever and it'll work!
I enjoyed the day I lost of xmonadness.... hehe um, really, I actually did, as I learned a bit!
used dwm for a day. And learned a bit more about symlinks funny how one is good enough at some deeper stuff and missing some basics.
like me!
NOTE: oh yes, before I figured out the download then make gmp.4.3.2 I installed a later version of gmp via regular pacman. Didn't have the so.3 or so.3.5.2 files though.... I'm mostly certain.
Not sure what relevance this all may have and was surprised that I 'think' gmp wasn't on my system prior.
Could be mistaken in my recollection or logic, though worth mentioning.
AND of course: sorry if I missed something and what's above is already in your skill-set. kinda late-night.
Last edited by yvonney (2010-03-29 07:59:16)
That is one fix... but in fact it should be an entirely unnecessary workaround. So I really would not recommend it.
right Allan agreed/understood. Seemed logical for me to do then be aware of.
Had no luck with other options.
My skills and perhaps using darcs version?
can't recall doing recompile etc. should try that.
though got the feeling there's more updates to follow and my love of xmonad will certainly have me aware when things happen. um, hopefully.
ALL in all I was happy to be running again. A bit surprised when I managed it.
However my system hobbles along is fine as I'm learning a lot as usual I feel.
So, didn't read a definitive for regular or darcs xomonad-ers
MOST interested of course.
Last edited by yvonney (2010-03-29 08:05:01)
If you are using a darcs versions (from the AUR), a recompile will fix this.
Sincerely appreciate the accurate and sensible/right way of doing things being posted.
Will do/try tomorrow and write back.
thanks to all again.
Last edited by yvonney (2010-03-29 08:07:53)
Yep recompiling xmonad shoud do and does the job just fine
xmonad --recompile && startx
//startx in my case - if u don't use a loginmanager etc.
After the gmp update, I reinstalled ghc, all of the other necessary haskell dependencies, xmonad-darcs, xmonad-contrib-darcs, and xmobar-darcs. An xmonad --recompile got xmonad working, but the xmobar display font is larger such that the information on the right half of the bar runs into that on left half. At first I thought that my screen resolution was lower, but it is the correct 1440x900, as the following xrandr output demonstrates:
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 1440 x 900, maximum 1440 x 900
default connected 1440x900+0+0 0mm x 0mm
1440x900 50.0*
1024x768 51.0
800x600 52.0 53.0
640x512 54.0
640x480 55.0 56.0
512x384 57.0
400x300 58.0
320x240 59.0
Reducing the font size corrects the problem somewhat, but I don't understand why the (relative) size of the fonts has changed.
Additionally, xmobar is no longer correctly displaying the greek unicode letters I use as workspace labels.
Here are the relevant portions of my .xmobarrc:
Config { font = "xft:Terminus-14:hinting=true"
, bgColor = "#321414"
, fgColor = "grey"
, position = Top
, commands = [ <...>
, sepChar = "%"
, alignSep = "}{"
, template = "%StdinReader% | %wlan0% | %battery% | %cpu%}{<fc=#ee9a00>%date%</fc> | %uname%"
"<...>" in the above code are just the various commands, removed for brevity.
Any help anyone can provide would be appreciated.
Desktop Systems: Arch Linux and Mac OSX
In addition, here is the result of "ghc-pkg list":
Desktop Systems: Arch Linux and Mac OSX
[mmr@compy ~]$ pacman -Si xmonad | grep Version
Version : 0.9.1-3
xmonad --recompile worked for me. Sorry I didn't see that until now - I've only had a few minutes to sit at my machine in the last week. Thanks all!
Okay, I figured out how to fix the problem I mentioned above with the Terminus font. I am posting this here in case anyone else has the same problem.
For some reason, xmobar is no longer correctly interpreting the "xft" type of font definition for Terminus on my machines. I can still define other fonts, such as Mph-2b-Damase that way. However, it seems like when I use "xft:Terminus-14:hinting=true" in .xmobarrc, xmobar is loading the console version of the font (not the X11 one). That would explain why the font being displayed is clearly Terminus, but at a different relative size and without greek characters.
Fortunately, changing the font definition in .xmobarrc to the following solves the problem:
font = "-xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--14-140-72-72-c-80-iso8859-1"
Of course you could use another size/face of Terminus to the same effect. Look in "/usr/share/fonts/local/fonts.dir" to find other useable definitions.
Last edited by crevecoeur (2010-03-30 13:54:31)
Desktop Systems: Arch Linux and Mac OSX
Of course you could use another size/face of Terminus to the same effect. Look in "/usr/share/fonts/local/fonts.dir" to find other useable definitions.
or install and run xfontsel
Evil channel op and general support dude.
. files on github, Screenshots, Random pics and the rest
I am still stuck in my console. I've read the whole thread (amongst others) but still it doesnt work. I can't use xmonad --recompile, if I do, I get this: Error: Can't open display:
I reinstalled ghc and rebuild xmonad-contrib-darcs, still nothing. What am I doing wrong? Please guys help me out, I am sick of my laptop
ok, got it now with a load of help from the #xmonad channel!
I had to delete the xmonad-x86_64-linux file in my ~/.xmonad/ directory. then start X/xmonad, xmonad then rebuilts the bin and everything works fine. ok that is what I've done:
1. uninstall ghc and every package regarding xmonad
2. reinstall ghc, and the other packages except from xmonad-contrib-darcs
3. rebuilt xmonad-contrib-darcs with abs
4. reinstall xmonad-contrib-darcs.tar.gz with pacman/clyde/yaourt -U xmonad-contrib-darcs.tar.gz
I hope that helps
Last edited by portwolf (2010-04-12 20:00:28)
This is what I discovered when this thread was first happening. Everyone that reads my posts know that I'm always discouraging the use of symlinks. Going against my usual advice, I decided to try a hack as an emergency measure. I rebuilt GHC with it succesfully linking to the new gmp, removed the old gmp, rebuild GHC again to make sure that I didn't create a broken build, recompiled xmonad, and figured everything was alright.
Man was I wrong. I found evidence immediately that xmonad believed that it was somehow linked to both the old and the new gmp libraries. It wasn't until I deleted the binary file in ~/.xmonad that I got a clean build.
I'm posting this to both remind everyone that symlinking often has very hard to detect consequences as illustrated by my own mistake and that xmonad's binary in ~/.xmonad may have a mind of its own.
Wow that's nasty. And rebuilding GHC twice is a pain, that takes forever.
I don't use xmonad, and don't have deep familiarity with the way GHC handles linking/libraries. But I've seen similar issues with other GHC-compiled stuff refusing to acknowledge any changes with what libraries were installed. In the cases I saw, they were other haskell libs.
At this point, I just rebuild the whole ghc toolchain everytime I want to change non-terminal parts of it.