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Right now 32bit compatibility doesn't work. I have not played with it in a while. Also, i have made a 64bit j2re package for right now. swim is also working on an cd just to put something out there for now. hopefully more people will start helping out with broken packages and stuff.
Syrinx: Yeah i'll post all the config files for the kernel packages. look for them in config and config-scsi
Has anyone else that installed this ran into kernel problems? I got it installed fine using the Gentoo livecd but when I attempt to boot I get a nasty kernel panic. One of those "Unable to handle kernel paging request at..." messages. Anyone else experiencing this?
Could you post more lines the kernel spits out before the panic??
Anyway: I've finally had some time to get busy on amd64 again
I have a usable glibc32 package and with that I can run cvsup.
The "problem" is that the glibc32 package a.t.m. is compiled with a i686 cross compiler and not with a multilib compiler yet, but I'm working on that now..
Could you post more lines the kernel spits out before the panic??
I didn't quite catch the rest of it but I managed to solve it by booting from the AMD64 Gentoo livecd, mounting the main partition, chrooting to it and rebuilding a custom kernel. So far this seems to work quite well.
thats strange because i haven't had any problems with it, also i upgraded udev, the nvidia driver, and other random packages. my server will be down temporarily while i upgrade to something a little faster … s=gigabyte
syamajala, are you looking for people to help with porting packages, fixing bugs, etc.? I'd be glad to help with anything if it's needed.
thats strange because i haven't had any problems with it, also i upgraded udev, the nvidia driver, and other random packages. my server will be down temporarily while i upgrade to something a little faster … s=gigabyte
Aah... so thats why I couldn't upload gcc/glibc/binutils/glibc32
Hehe, after reading the fine print i decided not to go with globat. So if there is anyone that is willing to host this stuff, it would really help.
forgot to mention my box will be up temporarily until i can figure something else out. (that means upload those packages creepy, because i can't wait to try them out!)
xentac has stepped up and is mirroring everything on my server. the links are for i586 and if there are more takers please leave me a message, email me, or tell me on irc. as for the pkgbuilds for the kernel i'll put them in
also yes, i did leave the ac patches in the kernel, they seem to work fine.
yeah he is still downloading the packages
syamajala: could you send me a msg with the username and password for uploading to your box? I've lost them.......
Anyway: gcc, glibc, binututilsand glibc32 packages here:
Note: no PKGBUILD for glibc32 yet, since its build with a cross compiler and not a multilib compiler..
I recently started porting some packages to the Arch x86_64 port and during installation and regular usage, I ran into a few small problems. So I'm working on a small guide that will help people that first install this get around the problems I ran into. So far, this is the list of packages that I've ported.
I will probably buy myself a new computer and am interested in the AMD64. Therefore, I would like to know how advanced is the Arch64 project. I haven't read the whole thread but, from, I gather that all the packages from current plus several ones from extra are available. My question is that since there is no ISO yet, how does the installation go?
I believe there is closed alpha testing at present and next week should see the release of an open beta test version of Arch64.
It seems no one noticed that my upload of GCC was incomplete except for Maluvia. Packages at are updated now. Glibc32 was also missing from there..
ok, i'm still having weird problems with the iso, creepy's packages have been merged into it and i'm still testing it. i've been trying to get qemu going on the side so i don't have to reburn the thing everytime i make a change, but it looks like sdl is going to have to be compiled for it. i think it should be finished soon.
I am proud to announce that I have installed a working base system with the cd. There are still a few things to work out here and there but the installation went well. Just need to fix the scsi kernel because it still panics on boot, the normal kernel seems to work fine. Also I need to edit the kernel installation menu and add a little message about the grub "issue". Other than that everything works great!
Been a little busy at school since the year is close to wrapping up. I'm still trying to get the scsi kernel to work. If I can't get it to work by the end of the week, i may just put the cd out there with the normal kernel.
sorry for the delay, i've been so busy lately. after i can get my system to boot i'll fix the various problems i've encountered when testing it.
a power outage brought my server down. so i am trying to get it up again. after i do i'll replace it with another system that has more space and will provide a little more fault tolerance
I'm still trying to get user-cb support. Maybe we should think about official support on the ArchLinux servers.
I'm still trying to get user-cb support.
In general, how can an user give support if not having a 64-bit machine, beside saying: "Great!... this is an excellent idea". Same with the 586 project.
There is a difference between devs and users. Many of the devs have the skill and experience to discuss about technical issues without using them. But most users know only what they have learn by using their own machine, participating in forums and Internet browsing. In due time some of them become devs. But in most cases their remain as "eudevs" (end user developers).
Professional -> Amateur (dev) -> End-user developer (eudev):
Dusty wrote:I'm still trying to get user-cb support.
In general, how can an user give support if not having a 64-bit machine, beside saying: "Great!... this is an excellent idea".
Same with the 586 project.
Just looking for a project page, download page, forum, and wiki like Archie's got.
However, Having read z4ziggy's posts on not releasing archie due to bandwidth limits, I'm not sure you want to host another ISO. It's not mainstream or anythnig though, so not a lot of downloads. I just thought it would be nice to incorporate this rather unofficial project into something a little more formal. Syamajala has been going this pretty much alone, with quite a bit of help from Creepy and a little bit from others along the way. I was hoping if we could have a bit more of a project page we could interest others... but as you say, nobody else has the hardware. :-D
if i can get the power cord and find a way to get this thing connected to my router, then the new server will be an ibm netfinity 7000. this is a quad pentium pro system each cpu is 200mhz. it has 512mb ram and 4 scsi hds, 2 4gb and 2 9.1gb. its been sitting in my basement for a while so i figured why not put it to use, since it has more space than my server right now it will last a while and because it has more hds i can setup a nice raid to provide some fault tolerance and i also have a ups in the basement that i could put to use after i replace the battery. if anyone would like to donate the power cord for this system that would make me REALLY happy. it seems to use some weird powercord where the 2 pins next to the ground are horizontal instead of vertical. also, my server is back up and running
btw, what about making an Archie64? just archie your partition, let ppl have it... ofcourse, hosting it is another issue...