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It's not updated yet;)
But let me explain, these are the commands 'archiso' uses to install cower.
I can't break in in this proccess, all is happening during buidlding the ISO, I hope I have explained myself enough.
So basically it's about the GitHub files, the one in your sig.
mkdir -p /build-tmp
git clone /build-tmp
cd /build-tmp
make install
make clean
cd /
rm -r /build-tmp
Hmzz, bash-completion Is also installed during building, hence I have no idea, I could try and put a line in 'customize_root_image' so the file gets there, but I have doubts that'll work.
At what moment is cower bash_completion file put into place?
Cause if I put in a line that moves cower to the bash_completion dir, the build fails, 'mv: cannot stat '/cower': No such file or directory'
Thanks I'm gonna try it right away
edit: That is definitely what solved the issue, now it is also neatly placed in /usr/share/bash_completion/completions.
Thanks for helping me out.
Last edited by qinohe (2013-10-13 20:29:22)
Is it possible for cower to show packages which need to be updated because they have been replaced? For example, icns2png recently disappeared from AUR and is replaced by libicns. This correctly conflicts with, replaces and provides icns2png but did not show up in the list provided by cower -u.
If not, is there any other simple way to get this sort of information? I don't want to use an AUR helper which tries to touch regular packages in any way, and I don't really want anything which does more than cower. I'd just like a full list of updates available.
EDIT: By the way, I should have started by thanking you for providing cower rather than (or at least prior to) moaning about it. Until I learnt this, I thought cower was perfect. Now I just think it is 95% perfect and am hoping for the other 5%!
Last edited by cfr (2013-11-21 03:22:08)
CLI Paste | How To Ask Questions
Arch Linux | x86_64 | GPT | EFI boot | refind | stub loader | systemd | LVM2 on LUKS
Lenovo x270 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz | Intel Wireless 8265/8275 | US keyboard w/ Euro | 512G NVMe INTEL SSDPEKKF512G7L
Is it possible for cower to show packages which need to be updated because they have been replaced? For example, icns2png recently disappeared from AUR and is replaced by libicns. This correctly conflicts with, replaces and provides icns2png but did not show up in the list provided by cower -u.
If not, is there any other simple way to get this sort of information? I don't want to use an AUR helper which tries to touch regular packages in any way, and I don't really want anything which does more than cower. I'd just like a full list of updates available.
Not currently feasible. The AUR's RPC interface offers no way to search for package providers. You'd need to fix the AUR before cower could do this.
Thanks for the explanation. Too bad, though .
CLI Paste | How To Ask Questions
Arch Linux | x86_64 | GPT | EFI boot | refind | stub loader | systemd | LVM2 on LUKS
Lenovo x270 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz | Intel Wireless 8265/8275 | US keyboard w/ Euro | 512G NVMe INTEL SSDPEKKF512G7L
falconindy, is there a way to use a password with a space in it in the burp config? I tried with quotes and it does not seem to work.
I don't know... let me try.
Edit: Nope that doesn't seem to work either. I could always just use a PW with no space, but I was really just curious about this.
Last edited by WonderWoofy (2014-01-20 04:10:22)
This seems to work for me just fine as:
User = falconindy
Password = foo bar
Regardless, I'd urge you not to store your password in a file and instead use cookies. This way, you enter your password only when prompted by burp (after a month, the cookie expires).
Wow, I somehow never thought to try it like that... You are absolutely right though that the cookie file is a better way to go. I didn't realize that burp would prompt your for the password, and thought I would have to put my password on the command line to make the cookie file.
Thanks falconindy!
'--sort=license' doesn't seem to work:
$ cower --format " %n - %l\n%d " -s virtualbox --sort=license
error: invalid argument to --sort
--sort=KEY, --rsort=KEY
Sort the results in ascending or descending order, respectively, by KEY where KEY is
firstsubmitted, lastmodified, license, maintainer, name, outofdate, version or votes.
Sorting by e.g. votes works.
'--sort=license' doesn't seem to work:
This is pretty useless. I'm inclined to remove it rather than fix it (it's just a typo). The license field in the PKGBUILD is multi-valued, but the AUR implodes it into a single string. As if sorting on a multi-valued field wasn't already vague enough, sorting on this mutilated version is even less coherent.
So, fixed.
I thought it may be jsut a typo ;P
I've just noticed something's wrong with the formatting in cower-git 10.8.ge712c0f-1:
$ cower --format " %n - %l\n%d " -s lightworks
lightworks - custom
A professional non-linear editing system for editing and mastering digital video in various formats. lwks - custom
Lightworks is a professional video editing suite [cower-git]$
cower 11-1
$ cower --format " %n - %l\n%d " -s lightworks
lightworks - custom
A professional non-linear editing system for editing and mastering digital video in various formats.
lwks - custom
Lightworks is a professional video editing suite
Intentional change:
Intentional change:
Thanks. I should have checked first.
Thanks for the contribution falconindy, using the AUR via cower really is a pleasure.
I briefly looked into tab completion when I installed it a while back, didn't get anywhere fast, and got into the habit of searching the AUR with my web browser and just typing/pasting package names into cower. After using cower happily for months I've just hit tab after passing the -d option and bam, tab completion for the AUR, I'd been trying with -s when I first installed it but it seems it only works with the -d option, or at least not soley the -s option. It's not an issue for me any longer as I'm happy to pass -d for AUR tab completion search but thought I'd mention it as it seemed a little strange that it doesn't seem to work when opting for a search, it also works with the -u flag. I'm using version 11-2 and may well have missed the very obvious but thought I'd mention as after months of happy usage cower has now sent me to the "Things that make you go 'ohh, nice'" thread.
@Proinsias. I think this is how it should be. The '-s' switch is used specifically for searching. With pacman, try using '-Ss' or '-Qs' and then use tab completion. It doesn't work because it doesn't automatically assume it should know the terms of your search.
Edit: That said... I was unaware of cower's tab completion. Thanks!
Last edited by WonderWoofy (2014-04-06 00:31:36)
WW explains it correctly. Tab completion works for -d and -i as long as the current search term is at least 2 letters long. It doesn't make sense to offer completion for searching, particularly when it allows regular expressions.
Cheers, now both working & making sense.
I have switched from yaourt to cower, and I'm loving it. I took a very quick glance at the code, and you seem to be using openssl. Yet, the PKGBUILD for cower is:
# Maintainer: Dave Reisner <>
pkgdesc="A simple AUR agent with a pretentious name"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('curl' 'yajl' 'pacman')
build() {
cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
sed '/^$/q' cower.c >LICENSE
package() {
cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
install -Dm644 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
# vim: ft=sh syn=sh
You don't have openssl as a dependency. I asked on IRC, and someone told me that in fact, cower depends on pacman, which depends on libarchive, which in turn depends on openssl, so the dependency is pretty much covered. Yet wouldn't it be better to be more explicit by adding openssl in the dependency list ? (ISure, that's nitpicking, but ...)
Thanks in advance for your reply
cower depends on curl which depends on openssl. The bits of calls to openssl in cower are a direct result of using curl, so not having an explicit dependency on openssl is not wrong either. Maybe libcurl should provide an api to set mutex allocation and lock callbacks?
Last edited by progandy (2014-04-11 17:29:35)
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |