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I've seem to run across a few things when I install Arch now. I've installed Arch many times on the exact same computer with the exact same hardware but I'm experiencing some issues. I always use the FTP install.
First, I have no colors anymore when I edit anything in nano (after the installation). Why is that? All i have is a completely fresh install, but no colors. That never used to happen. I haven't changed anything.
Second, even though I select during the install which mirror i would like to keep as my 1st mirror, pacman -Syu will not work. I have to go into into the mirrorlist file and uncomment a mirror. Now that is not a problem at all, but why has that changed?
On top of those things, I have problems now getting GDM to load my xfce4 session, and even without GDM, I can only load xfce4 thru the root login, not my own, and when I install ttf-ms-fonts, i get a error that says the package has different permissions than the /tmp directory, which has never happened before. I think the GDM thing is also a permissions problem for some reason.
But why oh why has Arch changed on me?! Help!
did a fresh ftp install on monday and had the same problems. wrong permissions on tmp directory and no uncommented mirror after installation...
sorry for my bad english
Well its good to know I'm not the only one Join the club guys!
You guys should file a bug report at
Nano syntax highlighting is now stored in /usr/share/nano.
I added the following lines to /etc/nanorc:
include "/usr/share/nano/pkgbuild.nanorc"
## Syntax highlighting in xorg.conf
include "/usr/share/nano/xorg.nanorc"
## Generic conf/rc/sh file syntax highlighting
include "/usr/share/nano/conf.nanorc"
Here are the 3 Arch files I created:
cat /usr/share/nano/conf.nanorc
# Generic conf/rc/sh file syntax highlighting
syntax "conf/rc/sh" "conf$|rc$|sh$"
color white ".+"
color green "^#.*"
cat /usr/share/nano/pkgbuild.nanorc
## Arch PKGBUILD files
syntax "pkgbuild" "^.*PKGBUILD$"
color green start="^" end="$"
color cyan "^.*(pkgname|pkgver|pkgrel|pkgdesc|force|url|license|install|source|md5sums|groups|backup|depends|makedepends|conflicts|provides|replaces).*=.*$"
color brightcyan "\<(pkgname|pkgver|pkgrel|pkgdesc|force|url|license|install|source|md5sums|groups|backup|depends|makedepends|conflicts|provides|replaces)\>"
color cyan "\.install"
color brightwhite "=" "'" "\(" "\)" "\"" "#.*$" "\," "\{" "\}"
color brightcyan "(\$|\$\{|\$\()(pkgname|pkgver|pkgrel|pkgdesc|force|url|license|install|source|md5sums|groups|backup|depends|makedepends|conflicts|provides|replaces|startdir)(|\}|\))"
color brightred "build\(\)"
color brightred "\<(configure|make)\>"
color red "\<(DESTDIR|PREFIX|prefix|sysconfdir|datadir|libdir|includedir|mandir)\>"
cat /usr/share/nano/xorg.nanorc
## syntax highlighting in xorg.conf
syntax "xorg" "xorg\.conf$"
color brightwhite "(Section|EndSection|Sub[sS]ection|EndSub[sS]ection)"
# keywords
color yellow "[^A-Za-z0-9](Identifier|Screen|InputDevice|Option|RightOf|LeftOf|Driver|RgbPath|FontPath|ModulePath|Load|VendorName|ModelName|BoardName|BusID|Device|Monitor|DefaultDepth|View[pP]ort|Depth|Virtual|Modes|Mode|DefaultColorDepth|Modeline|\+vsync|\+hsync|HorizSync|VertRefresh)[^A-Za-z0-9]"
# numbers
color magenta "[0-9]"
# strings
color green ""(\\.|[^\"])*""
# comments
color white "#.*"
You guys should file a bug report at
For /tmp permissions, see
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