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Today i read the Firefox recompile guide to enable offical branding. I recognized some major differences to actual source files and PKGBUILD.
ie. you should replace
convert $srcdir/mozilla/browser/app/default.xpm $pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/firefox.png
but there is no such line in PKGBUILD.
install -m644 $srcdir/mozilla/dist/branding/default.xpm $pkgdir/usr/lib/firefox/chrome/icons/default/
install -m644 $srcdir/mozilla/dist/branding/default.xpm $pkgdir/usr/lib/firefox/icons/
these files are not present.
I noticed that the mozilla dir is now called mozilla-1.9.2 but inside there there is no dist directory
Now am I blind or is this just outdated?
is just out of date.
you can actually grab a working PKGBUILD from aur. firefox-branded
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
And what about aur/firebrand ? I used it a long time ago when I used the firefox from the extra repo (now I compile a pgo-beta) and its worked well.