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Have a q on pattern matching.
How do I change all strings in a file that look like this:
StringWords, RestOfString
NewStringWords, RestOfString
I have this textfile:
values=year, month, date, day, type, duration
2010, July, 9th, Friday, MTB, 160
Now, I want to convert this textfile, and similar textfiles into this:
insert into table=training(year, month, date, day, type, duration) values ('2010', 'July', '9th', 'Friday', 'MTB', '160');
Greatful for input.
EDIT: massive simplification of question.
Last edited by Reploid (2010-07-09 16:04:12)
Based on chapter 4 of "Real World Haskell", section "Code Reuse Through Composition":
-- Convert the string into a list of strings and then foldr over it
-- to convert it row for row. After the fold, convert the list of strings back
-- into a string.
convertTableTraining :: String -> String
convertTableTraining = unwords . foldr convertRows [] . lines
where convertRows x xs
| "table=" `isPrefixOf` x =
insertIntoTable x xs
| "values=" `isPrefixOf` x =
getValueNames x : xs
| otherwise =
getValues x : xs
-- This is just there to have no whitespace between "training" and
-- the left parenthesis. If this isn't crucial, you can just omit
-- this function and cons "insert into table=training" to the list
-- above.
insertIntoTable :: String -> [String] -> [String]
insertIntoTable _ xs = ("insert into table=training" ++ head xs) : tail xs
-- Add the parentheses and drop "values=".
getValueNames :: String -> String
getValueNames xs = "(" ++ valueNames xs ++ ")"
where valueNames = drop 7
-- Add "values ( )" and add "\n" at the end so that there is an
-- end-of-line.
getValues :: String -> String
getValues xs = "values (" ++ values xs ++ ");\n"
-- Filter the commas out since they get in the way after the quotes
-- have been added. This assumes that there is always a whitespace
-- after a comma. If you want to be safe, you could use the 'replace'
-- function in Data.String.Utils of the MissingH library. (Didn't try
-- it)
where values xs = let filteredWords = words $ filter (/= ',') xs
in unwords $ foldr addQuotes [] filteredWords
addQuotes x [] = ("'" ++ x ++ "'" ) : []
addQuotes x xs = ("'" ++ x ++ "',") : xs
So you basically read your file and use such a function on the input. This input gets converted into a list of strings and is being processed with a fold. After that the list of strings needs to be converted back into a single string which you can write to whatever output file you want.
Note that I'm not really experienced myself. I'm pretty sure there are better ways to accomplish this.
Pages: 1