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Hey all!
Got a folder with about 100 *.sql files and been trying to use the folowing python script to import them into the database:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import glob, os
patches = glob.glob('*.sql')
patches = sorted(patches)
for x in patches:
db = x.split("_")[2].replace('.sql', '')
os.system("mysql -u mangos -ppassword -v " + db + " < " + x)
But i get an error like this:
File "/opt/mangos/sql/updates/
db = x.split("_")[2].replace('.sql', '')
IndexError: list index out of range
Tried different numbers instead of the [2], any clues?
FYI not very hightech python-guru
Last edited by Afnaf (2010-07-14 11:58:31)
This isn't python, but here's what I do:
1) I have a bash script called which contains the following:
rm _spscript.sql
cat *.sql > _spscript.sql
2) Run that script and it creates a single .sql file with all the SPs in them. Then I just run that one file into MySQL.
(Shameless plug: If you're interested I also have a Python script that will read the Schema of a DB and create the basic CRUD stored routines in individual files for all tables in a MySQL DB.)
"It is very difficult to educate the educated."
YES, i have read the above but i would like to learn something else.
I would like some help with writing a script that inserts around 100 .sql files and run them with mysql command one after one. Any ideas or tips? Im really not to good at script or programming but would like to learn
Last edited by Afnaf (2010-07-14 12:00:30)
Why are you splitting on _?
It was a script I found in a HowTO so i dunno Should i change anything?
Last edited by Afnaf (2010-07-14 13:06:50)
Try this instead, for your db variable:
for x in patches:
db = os.path.splitext(x)[0]
os.path documentation
You need to install an RTFM interface.
Didn't work to good
Last edited by Afnaf (2010-07-14 15:19:35)